The hippocampal atrophy is known to
be the most validated biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease. Accordingly, in this study, we develop a method to enable the
structural connectivity mapping through tractography of the hippocampal
subfields using super-resolution diffusion data.
MR acquisition
High-resolution T1W images were acquired with the MPRAGE sequence at 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 mm3 resolution with TR= 2400 ms, TE= 2.22 ms, TI=1000 ms, flip-angle=8°, 256 mm field-of-view, 208 slices, and GRAPPA acceleration iPAT= 2. In addition, we acquired a high-resolution Turbo-Spin-Echo T2W images with high in-plane resolution of 0.4 x 0.4 mm in the oblique plane perpendicular to the main axis of the hippocampus, a slice thickness of 2 mm, TR= 8310 ms, TE= 50 ms, flip-angle=122°, 175 mm field-of-view, 32 slices, and GRAPPA acceleration iPAT= 2.
HYDI 5,6 was performed on a healthy volunteer. The diffusion images were acquired on a Siemens Prisma scanner using a single-shot spin-echo EPI with a multiband factor of 3, TE=74.2 ms, and TR=4164 ms, 220 mm field of view, 114 slices, isotropic resolution of 1.25mm, and 10:51 (min:sec) acquisition time. A four-shell diffusion imaging with monopolar diffusion scheme was used with b-values 500, 800, 1600, 2600 s/mm2, 134 diffusion directions, and 8 non-diffusion weighted volumes. Two sets of data were acquired with reversed phase-encode blips.
All the DW images were denoised from Rician noise using overcomplete local Principal Component Analysis as proposed in 8. FSL-topup and FSL-eddy 9, part of the FSL package version 5.0.11 (FMRIB, Oxford, UK), were used to correct motion, susceptibility and eddy current distortions. To achieve super resolution, a collaborative patch-based method 7 was then used to upsample the 1.25-cubic-mm resolution HYDI data to a submillimeter 0.625-mm-cubic resolution.
The high-resolution T1W and T2W acquisitions were used for segmenting the hippocampal subfields with the Automatic Segmentation of Hippocampal Subfields (ASHS) method 4 (Figure 1). HYDI data was used to compute DTI metrics and compartment modeling (results not shown). The hippocampal subfields were transformed from the T2W imaging space to the diffusion space using ANTs 10. In addition, DSI studio 11 was used to process the HYDI multishell data for tractography with a generalized q-sampling imaging (GQI) approach 12.
Results and Discussion
The zoomed-in box in Figure 2a demonstrates DTI eigenvectors in each hippocampal subfield. The means and standard deviations of DTI fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) for each hippocampal subfield are shown in Figure 2b. While sulcus, a cell-free region, had lowest FA and highest MD, CA1, CA2, and subiculum had relatively high FA and low MD. White-matter connection as in tractography streamlines from the hippocampus to cortical gray matter are shown in Figure 3. It appears that the hippocampus has a direct connection to the temporal lobe, cingulum gyrus, and fornix. Tractography was performed between the hippocampal subfields to generating subfield connectivity (Figure 4). The strongest connections (as in streamline count) appear to be between the Brodmann areas 35 and 36 and between the CA1 and Subiculum. Similar information can be appreciated using the count connectogram generated using 13 (Figure 5).1. Dubois, B. et al., Research criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: revising the NINCDS–ADRDA criteria. Lancet Neurol, 734–746 (2007).
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