Myelinogenesis follows a protracted sequence, with distinct pathways being myelinated at various times throughout development. To test this with MRI, we used magnetization transfer and diffusion metrics with tractography to investigate along-tract profiles of myelin and microstructure metrics in children and adolescents. Profiles demonstrated sensitivity to along-tract metrics, with midline regions having increased myelin and restricted diffusion indices indicative of maturation.
Sixteen participants, ages 8-18 years, were scanned on a 3T Siemens Connectom scanner with 300 mT/m gradients and a 32-channel receive array.
Acquisition and Processing: MT data were collected as three multi-echo 3D FLASH scans (TE=2.46-19.68, ES=2.46, resolution=1.5mm3) with either T1-, PD-, or MT-weighting by varying the TR and flip angle, α, or 23ms/28°, 23ms/5°, 42ms/7°, respectively. For MT-w, an off-resonance Gaussian RF pulse was applied prior to excitation. Data were corrected for bias receive field artifacts and Gibbs ringing. MT data corrected for T1 effects (MT-sat)2 were generated using qMRLab software3. Multi-shell diffusion-weighted imaging data were collected (TE/TR = 48/2600 ms; voxel size = 2x2x2mm; b-values= 0 (14 vols), 500;1200(30 dirs), and 2400;4000;6000(60 dirs)s/mm2). Data were acquired in an anterior-posterior (AP) phase-encoding (PE) direction, with one additional PA volume. Preprocessing included denoising, correction for signal drift, motion, distortion, gradient non-linearities and Gibbs ringing. In-house fitting routines were used to generate parameter maps of fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), apparent fiber density (AFD), number of fiber orientations (NuFO) and restricted diffusion signal fraction (FR). Images were registered to diffusion space using ANTS4.
Statistical analysis: Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to all available parameter maps to reduce data complexity and increase statistical power of subsequent comparisons. This resulted in PC1, capturing diffusion metrics sensitive to hindrance/restriction (FA, RD, FR, AFD); PC2, describing diffusion metrics sensitive to dispersion and complexity (NuFO, AD); and PC3, predominantly comprising MT-sat which is sensitive to myelin (Figure 1). The corticospinal tract (CST), inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (iFOF), and bilateral projections of the genu and splenium were selected as regions sensitive to age-related development in children and adolescents5,6. Fiber bundles were identified using FiberNavigator software7 and along-tract profiles of the three PC maps were extracted as 20 segments for each pathway8. To test for age effects, we fitted a simple linear regression model across all participants at each segment to estimate the change in each principal component per year.
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Simple linear regression was applied across all participants to estimate age-dependent gradient profiles for each metric. The genu was selected to illustrate this effect.