In this study, the feasibility of macromolecule-suppressed MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) of GABA in the human brain at 3T was investigated. PRESS-localized MRSI was performed for both macromolecule (MM)) suppressed GABA and non-suppressed (GABA+) editing. GABA concentrations and MM fractions were assessed and compared. Data quality metrics (B0 homogeneity, and GABA and water fit errors) were also calculated. A significant linear correlation of GABA+ with GABA concentrations was found. MM-suppressed GABA and GABA+ concentrations agreed with previously reported single-voxel values. Data quality metrics were also similar to those of prior single-voxel acquisitions.
In vivo experiments were performed in 4 subjects (2 female; age 26.5 ± 1.3 years) on a Philips Achieva 3T scanner with a 32-channel head coil. The edited-MRSI sequence was a MEGA-PRESS pulse sequence with phase encoding gradients in 2 directions. Data were acquired at TE/TR = 80 ms/1.5s. For all edited-MRSI acquisitions, four averages were acquired for each phase-encoding step (2 ONs, 2 OFFs). Water-unsuppressed references were acquired at a TE of 29 ms for coil combination. One 2.3 cm transverse slice was acquired above the lateral ventricles with a field-of-view of 18 x 21.6 cm2 (LR x AP), PRESS volume-of-interest dimensions of 9 x 9 cm2, a nominal in-plane resolution and voxel volume of 1.8 x 1.8 cm2, and 7.5 cm3 respectively. Dual water and lipid suppression was achieved using the ‘HGDB’ sequence (10) and eight OVS pulses were also applied.
GABA+ acquisitions were acquired with the edit-ON pulse applied at 1.9 ppm and the edit-OFF pulse applied at 0.7 ppm. In the MM-suppressed GABA acquisition, the edit-OFF pulse was moved from 0.7 ppm to 1.5 ppm, so that the ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ GABA editing pulses were symmetric about the 1.7 ppm MM resonance. Sinc-Gauss editing pulses were applied with a duration of 20 ms and bandwidth of 62 Hz.
GABA and GABA+ concentrations were estimated using the ‘Gannet’ program (11) relative to the unsuppressed water signal. To evaluate data quality, water linewidths, field offsets, GABA peak fit-errors, and water fit-errors were calculated for each voxel across the PRESS volume-of-interest. Fit-errors were calculated as the standard error in the amplitude coefficient. Only voxels with a GABA peak fit-error of less than 5% was included in further analyses.
In vivo, the GABA+ peak is consistently larger than the MM-suppressed GABA peak (Figure 1). In addition, the distribution of the GABA+ concentrations is larger than that of the MM-suppressed concentrations (p << 0.001) (Figure 2a). The GABA+ concentration was 1.66 ± 0.51 i.u. and the MM-suppressed GABA concentration was 0.92 ± 0.21 which agree with GABA+ and MM-suppressed GABA concentrations from single-voxel acquisitions of ~1.7 i.u. and ~1.0 i.u. (12, 13). It can also be seen in Figure 2b that across subjects, the average MM fraction was 0.43 which is close to single-voxel reports of ~0.5 MM fraction (6, 12, 13).
Table 1 shows data quality metrics for all subjects showing good field homogeneity and low fit errors for water and GABA. A correlation between GABA and GABA+ was found (Figure 3). This agrees with a previous single-voxel study which presented evidence on a possible correlation between the two values in the sensorimotor cortex, which is partially included in the PRESS-localized volume (6). In addition, most MM-suppressed GABA/GABA+ voxel pairs (94%) lie above the equality line indicating that GABA+ concentrations are consistently larger than MM-suppressed GABA concentrations (Figure 3).
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