A different level of overlap between intramyocellular and extramyocellular lipids signal (EMCL and IMCL) depends on muscle fiber orientation and interstitial/fascial muscle fat tissue. We proposed diffusion tensor imaging and Dixon reconstructed fiber orientation map and maximum intensity projection fat maps to guide MR spectroscopy acquisition by carefully positioning the voxel so as to minimize these two effects. This method can be used to improve the consistency and accuracy of using MRS to quantify the intra skeletal muscle lipids and minimize variability in longitudinal studies such as evaluating disease progression or monitoring treatment progress
Quantification of skeletal muscle lipids - intramyocellular (IMCL) and extramyocellular (EMCL)) – via magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is often used as markers for disease progression in metabolic syndrome and muscle dystrophy(1). Spectroscopic evaluation of EMCL fat deposits is complicated by the additional susceptibility induced chemical shift (δ) that depends on the muscle fiber orientation with the main magnetic field(2), and can have significant impact on the accuracy of skeletal muscle lipid content. Some groups have proposed the use of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to calculate the pennation angle of the muscle fiber to determine δ and use this as prior information during MRS signal analysis(3). A systematic approach to minimize error associated with skeletal muscle lipid evaluation would be desirable.
Purpose: In this work, we propose and test the feasibility of using DTI and Dixon derived maximum intensity projection (MIP) fat images to guide the prescription of MRS voxel, and evaluate the impact of fiber orientation within same muscle group (Soleus) for quantifying relative concentrations of IMCL and EMCL.
Patient population: MRI and MRS images of the calf muscle in 10 subjects (7 male, 72.1 ± 3.8 years) with biopsy confirmed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), were imaged with informed consent at 3.0T on a commercial MR imager (Ingenia, Philips Healthcare) using a 16 channel Transmit/Receive coil.
MR acquisition: Muscle lipid content of three voxels (~ 1 cm3), one positioned in tibialis anterior (TA) and two on the soleus (Sol) muscle groups was evaluated using Point RESolved Spectroscopy (PRESS) with the following parameters: TR/TE = 3s/30ms; 2048 samples; bandwidth of 2kHz; number of signals averaged = 32-48; spectra acquired at two echo times, 30 and 60 ms, were used to calculate the T2 relaxation time. Unsuppressed water spectra was used as internal reference to quantify relative lipids concentration. Further, Dixon images, and DTI (16 direction with b = 0 and 500, TR/TE = 89ms/49ms, FOV( AP/FH/RL=160/120/160mm, acquired voxel size = 2.3x2.3x2.3mm3) covering the calf muscle were acquired to guide spectroscopic voxel positioning.
Voxel Positioning: Orthogonal thin slice maximum intensity projections (MIPs) reconstructed from fat images acquired using Dixon were used to guide the placement of MRS voxels to avoid contamination of interstitial or fascial fat. The DTI color coded maps depicting fiber orientation were used to position spectroscopic voxels in the tibial TA region (blue, indicating principal diffusivity in the FH direction), and two voxels positioned in the Sol region with principal diffusivities in the RL (red) and AP (green) directions.
Data Analysis: The primary eigenvalue (λ1) and eigenvector (ε1) of muscle fibers within each MRS voxel, were used to calculate the pennation angle (Φ = acos(ε1 · [0,0,1]), and the induced chemical shift δ. The MRS data were exported into JMRUI(v5) to quantify the chemical shift (δ) of EMCL with respect to IMCL in TA and Sol. The amplitude of water estimated from unsuppressed water spectrum, IMCL, and EMCL were corrected by their respective T2 relaxation times (4). Bland-Altman (BA) analysis was performed to test the agreement of relative concentration of IMCL and EMCL estimated within same muscle group but with different degree of fiber orientation.
1. Virkamaki A, Korsheninnikova E, Seppälä-Lindroos A, et al. Intramyocellular lipid is associated with resistance to in vivo insulin actions on glucose uptake, antilipolysis, and early insulin signaling pathways in human skeletal muscle. Diabetes 2001;50(10):2337-2343.
2. Chu SCK, Xu Y, Balschi JA, Springer CS. Bulk Magnetic-Susceptibility Shifts in Nmr-Studies of Compartmentalized Samples - Use of Paramagnetic Reagents. Magnet Reson Med 1990;13(2):239-262. 3. Valaparla SK, Gao F, Daniele G, Abdul-Ghani M, Clarke GD. Fiber orientation measurements by diffusion tensor imaging improve hydrogen-1 magnetic resonance spectroscopy of intramyocellular lipids in human leg muscles. J Med Imaging (Bellingham) 2015;2(2):026002.
4. Wang L, Salibi N, Wu Y, Schweitzer ME, Regatte RR. Relaxation times of skeletal muscle metabolites at 7T. J Magn Reson Imaging 2009;29(6):1457-1464.
5. Boesch C, Slotboom J, Hoppeler H, Kreis R. In vivo determination of intra-myocellular lipids in human muscle by means of localized 1H-MR-spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med 1997;37(4):484-493.