For in vivo MRS spectral fitting, a baseline is often used to model background signals. The existing algorithms including LCModel rely on the linewidth to distinguish metabolite peaks from the background signals. In this work, we show that the fitted short-TE baseline strongly depends on metabolite linewidth due to large baseline-metabolite covariances. This dependence negatively affects metabolite quantification using short-TE MRS, resulting in large errors in metabolite concentrations. We also demonstrate that this baseline problem can be largely eliminated using 1D JPRESS which benefits from its substantially reduced background signals.
Background signals of in vivo MRS arise from macromolecules and/or lipids and residual water. The baseline due to background signals can be problematic for metabolite quantification because it overlaps with metabolite peaks. The background in LCModel [1] is fitted using a relatively smooth baseline in addition to the fit basis of macromolecules. In this work, we used LCModel to demonstrate that the fitted short-TE baseline strongly depends on metabolite linewidth. This dependence negatively affects metabolite quantification using short-TE MRS. We also demonstrated that this baseline problem can be largely eliminated using 1D JPRESS.Methods
1D JPRESS 1D JPRESS is an in-house developed method for quantifying 2D JPRESS data [2]. For J-coupled spins, the resonance signals attenuate rapidly in the time domain because of T2 relaxation and J-evolution. We used TE = 160 ms for the last echo of JPRESS, resulting in a spectral resolution of ~6 Hz in the J-dimension. In addition to its low spectral resolution, the J-dimension also has a very narrow spectral width because J-coupling constants of metabolite protons are generally less than 10 Hz. Given its low resolution and spectral width, the J-dimension in the frequency domain can be sufficiently characterized using a few points. The 1D JPRESS used only two cross-sections at J = 0 and J =7.5 Hz, which were concatenated into a single one-dimensional spectrum for spectral fitting. Spectral fitting of 1D JPRESS data were programmed using Java and fully automated without user interventions [3]. In Vivo Data Acquisition and Processing MRS data were acquired using both short TE (TE = 35 ms) PRESS and JPRESS from a cubic region (8 mL) in anterior cingulate cortex of eight healthy subjects (mean age = 39) at 3 Tesla. For JPRESS acquisition, starting TE = 35 ms, echo spacing = 4 ms, and echo number = 32. To examine the effect of metabolite linewidth on baseline modeling a second data set was generated by multiplying the raw FIDs in time domain by an exponential decay function with a line broadening factor of 1 Hz. Both short-TE data sets were quantified using LCModel with default settings. Quantification of 1D JPRESS data was described previously [3].1) Povencher SW, Estimation of metabolite concentrations from localized in vivo proton NMR spectra. Magn Reson Med 1993; 30:672-9.
2) Schulte RF, Boesiger P. ProFit: two-dimensional prior-knowledge fitting of J-resolved spectra. NMR Biomed. 2006; 19: 255–263.
3) Zhang Y, Shen J. Simultaneous quantification of glutamate and glutamine by J-modulated spectroscopy at 3 Tesla. Magn. Reson. Med. 2016; 76:725-32.
4) Zhang Y, Shen J. Smoothness of in vivo spectral baseline determined by mean-square error. Magn Reson Med. 2014; 72:913-22.