HERMES is a new Hadamard-based editing sequence that allows for the simultaneous acquisition of overlapping metabolite signals – most notably GABA and glutathione (GSH) at TE 80. As such, HERMES is an alternative to conventional GABA measurement using TE 68 MEGA-PRESS, providing GSH information “for free.” In this work, we showed in a series of matched-voxel spectra that %SD values from LCModel were on average only slightly larger for HERMES than for MEGA-PRESS, suggesting that only a small price is paid in terms of GABA sensitivity.
MEGA-PRESS and HERMES spectra were acquired sequentially at TE 68 ms and 80 ms, respectively, on a Canon Vantage TitanTM 3T scanner from matched voxel locations in a variety of GM-rich brain regions: posterior cingulate cortex (PCC); mid-cingulate cortex (MCC); anterior cingulate cortex (ACC); and thalamus (TH). For some spectra, new “universal” pulses were used for localization and editing,6,7 whereas for others (notably those from the thalamus), higher bandwidth vendor-supplied pulses were used to minimize chemical shift displacement. In all cases, however, editing pulse centers were spaced at TE/2. Other scan parameters for these sequences: 1024 data points; 500 μs dwell time; TR = 1800 or 2000 ms, number of excitations (NAQ) = 224-256 (cortex voxels) or 256-320 (thalamus). MEGA-PRESS editing frequencies were “water-symmetric” at 1.9 and 7.5 ppm. HERMES editing was achieved using a single dual-inversion-band pulse whose overall frequency was shifted for the four acquisition types A, B, C, and D (Fig. 1). Hadamard combinations yielded GABA-edited (A+B-C-D) and GSH-edited (A-B+C-D) spectra. For these editing frequencies, both sequences yield GABA+ (GABA plus co-edited macromolecular (MM) signal).
Individual shots were phase- and frequency-aligned using the residual water peak as a reference. (For HERMES, pairwise alignment of A shots with B and C shots with D was used to minimize the effect of editing applied at 4.56 ppm.) The special ‘mega-press-2’ (MP2) scheme in V6.3-1B of LCModel was used to fit the GABA-edited difference spectra, initially with the default analysis window (1.9-4.2 ppm) and then also with a narrower range (1.9-4.0 ppm). For the GSH-edited HERMES spectra, the same limited analysis window (1.9-4.0 ppm) was used with a stiffened baseline (DKNTMN = 0.3), no MM components, and a basis set that contained GSH, NAA, NAAG, and two choline components. (The latter only contributed small resonances at ~3.65 ppm in the difference spectrum.)
Because no correction was made for CSF content in the voxel, analysis focused on GABA+/tCr and GSH/tCr values, with total creatine (tCr) measured from edit-off spectra (D acquisitions for HERMES). Relaxation correction8,9 was applied using T1/T2 = 1310/88 ms for GABA, 1400/152 ms for tCr, and 397/120 ms for GSH.
LCModel %SD values from MP2 fitting with default settings were noticeably larger for HERMES than for MEGA-PRESS. However, the HERMES spectra also contained more imperfectly canceled water signal from the editing at 4.56 ppm. Reducing the analysis range to 1.9-4.0 ppm brought the “believability” of the HERMES results much closer to MEGA-PRESS levels. Averaged values give a feel for the difference:
Default analysis range average GABA %SD values: 8.1 (MEGA-PRESS) vs. 11.5 (HERMES)
Reduced range values: 8.3 (MEGA-PRESS) vs. 8.6 (HERMES)
In other words, there is not a large price to be paid in terms of GABA sensitivity from using HERMES to acquire GSH data as well. However, LCModel parameters should be chosen with care, because remote, seemingly innocuous artifacts in the analysis window can boost reported %SD values.
Relaxation-corrected GABA+/tCr values for HERMES and MEGA-PRESS aligned well for the cingulate cortex voxels. Thalamus voxels were smaller and more difficult to shim (as reflected in the FWHM values reported by LCModel), so results were more scattered. Perhaps some GABA+ intensity was lost due to reduced S/N at TE 80. Nevertheless, GABA+/tCr (from MEGA-PRESS) and GSH/tCr values were significantly higher in the thalamus than in the cingulate cortex.
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8. Oeltzschner G, Chan KL, Saleh MG, Mikkelsen M, Puts NA, Edden RAE. Hadamard editing of glutathione and macromolecule‐suppressed GABA. NMR Biomed. 2018;31:e3844.
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