Given the number of software analysis packages available to the MRS community, surprisingly little attention has been paid to comparing the performance of each, particularly with regard to multi-site and multi-vendor datasets. Standardization of MRS methods will necessarily require that processing and quantification tools also produce comparable outcomes. This abstract describes a comparison of five widely used software packages analyzing multi-site edited MRS data to quantify in vivo GABA+/Cr levels. The overall agreement between the packages was moderate, with packages showing systematic site-to-site biases. Further analysis on a larger cohort of data will aid in determining the cause of these discrepancies.
Forty GABA-edited MEGA-PRESS (2) datasets acquired on two GE and two Philips 3T scanners (Big GABA site IDs: G4, G5, P3, P6) in the medial parietal lobe were used in the analysis. Common acquisition parameters were: TE/TR = 68/2000 ms; 320 averages; ON/OFF = 1.9/7.46 ppm; 3 × 3 × 3 cm3 voxel. Further site-specific acquisition details can be found in (1).
The five selected software packages were: Gannet (3), jMRUI (AMARES) (4,5), KALPANA (6), LCModel (7) and TARQUIN (8). The pipelines followed in each package are summarized in Fig. 1. Since jMRUI and LCModel lack comprehensive integrated preprocessing routines to handle all types of data formats and/or format versions, FID-A (9) was used for data loading, coil combination, spectral registration (10), averaging and subtraction of ON/OFF subspectra and file conversion to a compatible text file for signal fitting in jMRUI and LCModel. The data were analyzed in each package independently by a separate co-author.
GABA was quantified as a metabolite ratio; i.e., the GABA+ signal in the difference spectrum relative to the total Cr signal in the OFF spectrum. In Gannet, jMRUI and KALPANA, only the 3.0 ppm GABA+ and Cr signals were fitted. In LCModel and TARQUIN, basis sets were used, where in LCModel all the GABA (and the 3.0 ppm co-edited MM) signals were fitted but in TARQUIN only the 3.0 ppm GABA+ signal was fitted (with two Gaussians). In both packages, all Cr resonances were fitted in the OFF spectrum. The amplitudes of the 3.0 ppm GABA and MM signals were fixed to a 1:1 ratio in LCModel. Measurements are denoted GABA+/Cr.
Within-site and cohort-wide coefficients of variation (CVs) were calculated for the measurements from each software package. Pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients (r) and an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC; two-way mixed-effects model of consistency for single measures) were also calculated to respectively test the linear association and overall consistency of the measurements across the packages. p-values were corrected for multiple comparisons using the Holm-Bonferroni method (pholm).
Fig. 2 displays by-software–by-site boxplots of the GABA+/Cr measurements. The cohort-wide CVs were: Gannet, 10.5%; jMRUI, 26.0%; KALPANA, 29.6%; LCModel, 20.2%; TARQUIN, 27.1%. The comparable by-site CVs for Gannet, LCModel and TARQUIN (Fig. 2) suggest that these packages performed similarly within-site.
The pairwise correlations are displayed as a correlation matrix in Fig. 3. Overall, there was moderate agreement between the packages, with the highest correlation being between jMRUI and LCModel (r = 0.86, pholm < 0.001) and the lowest being between Gannet and jMRUI (r = 0.42, pholm = 0.01). The ICC was 0.48. The scatterplots in Fig. 4 show the linear relationships of GABA+/Cr measurements between each of the packages.
1. Mikkelsen M, Barker PB, Bhattacharyya PK, et al. Big GABA: Edited MR spectroscopy at 24 research sites. Neuroimage 2017;159:32–45. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.07.021.
2. Mescher M, Merkle H, Kirsch J, Garwood M, Gruetter R. Simultaneous in vivo spectral editing and water suppression. NMR Biomed. 1998;11:266–272. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1492(199810)11:6<266::AID-NBM530>3.0.CO;2-J.
3. Edden RAE, Puts NAJ, Harris AD, Barker PB, Evans CJ. Gannet: A batch-processing tool for the quantitative analysis of gamma-aminobutyric acid-edited MR spectroscopy spectra. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2014;40:1445–1452. doi: 10.1002/jmri.24478.
4. Stefan D, Cesare F Di, Andrasescu A, et al. Quantitation of magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals: the jMRUI software package. Meas. Sci. Technol. 2009;20:104035. doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/20/10/104035.
5. Vanhamme L, van den Boogaart A, Van Huffel S. Improved Method for Accurate and Efficient Quantification of MRS Data with Use of Prior Knowledge. J. Magn. Reson. 1997;129:35–43. doi: 10.1006/jmre.1997.1244.
6. Mandal PK, Saharan S, Tripathi M, Murari G. Brain Glutathione Levels – A Novel Biomarker for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease. Biol. Psychiatry 2015;78:702–710. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.04.005.
7. Provencher SW. Estimation of metabolite concentrations from localized in vivo proton NMR spectra. Magn. Reson. Med. 1993;30:672–679. doi: 10.1002/mrm.1910300604.
8. Wilson M, Reynolds G, Kauppinen RA, Arvanitis TN, Peet AC. A constrained least-squares approach to the automated quantitation of in vivo 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. Magn. Reson. Med. 2011;65:1–12. doi: 10.1002/mrm.22579.
9. Simpson R, Devenyi GA, Jezzard P, Hennessy TJ, Near J. Advanced processing and simulation of MRS data using the FID appliance (FID-A)-An open source, MATLAB-based toolkit. Magn. Reson. Med. 2017;77:23–33. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26091.
10. Near J, Edden R, Evans CJ, Paquin R, Harris A, Jezzard P. Frequency and phase drift correction of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data by spectral registration in the time domain. Magn. Reson. Med. 2015;73:44–50. doi: 10.1002/mrm.25094.