Respiratory-induced acidosis is an emerging alternative to induce increased coronary blood flow necessary to facilitate the quantification of the stress myocardial blood flow and hence myocardial perfusion reserve. The aim of this study was to quantify the pharmacokinetic effect of the CO2 gas challenge on myocardial perfusion in rats using a high-resolution first pass perfusion CMR.
Data acquisition: All MR experiments were recorded with a 9.4 T small animal MRI scanner (Bruker BioSpec, Ettlingen, Germany). A dual-contrast, saturation-recovery gradient-echo sequence with a Cartesian read-out7 accelerated using sheared-grid undersampling with subsequent principal component analysis along time (k-t PCA)8, with a net undersampling factor of R=5.8 was used. Two adjacent short-axis slices were acquired, segmented over three consecutive heart beats. Imaging parameters were as follows: field-of-view (FOV) = 60×40 mm2, in-plane resolution 0.28×0.28 mm2, echo time/repetition time (TE/TR) = 0.98/2.73 ms, partial echo: 80%, acquisition matrix = 36×112, reconstruction matrix = 210×140, slice thickness = 2 mm, number of dynamics = 140.
Animal handling: All animal experiments were performed with adherence to the Swiss Federal Act on Animal Protection and were approved by the Cantonal Veterinary Office Zurich. A total of 11 female Wistar rats (body weight 270-300 g) were studied. Anaesthesia was induced/maintained using 4%/1.75–2.00% Isoflurane in a mixture of 20% O2 + 80% air. A contrast agent bolus (Gadovist Bayer AG, Switzerland), was administered using a syringe pump (Harvard PHD 2000, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, Massachusetts, US). The injection speed was 4 ml/min and the injection dose was 0.2 mM/kg.
Gas challenge: Hyperemia was induced by increasing the partial CO2 pressure from 40 ± 3 mmHg to 57 ±6 mmHg using a 4 min respiration interval with a mixture of 10% CO2 + 20% O2 + 70% N2 (PanGas, Dagmersellen, Switzerland). A transcutaneous gas monitor (TCM4 Tina, Radiometric Copenhagen, Denmark) mounted on an animal flank was used to monitor partial CO2 pressure.
Data analysis: All data reconstruction and analyses were performed in MATLAB (The Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) using in-house developed software. The acquired undersampled data were reconstructed using k-t PCA9. Analysis with Fermi deconvolution was based as described previously10. Perfusion and myocardial perfusion reserve (defined as the ratio between perfusion at hyperemia and at rest) was quantified in four myocardial segments11.
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