Quantification of 2D and 3D myocardial strain at cine frame-rates has been previously demonstrated with echo-planar and spiral sequence versions of Displacement Encoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE). However, these non-conventional acquisition methods, with their sensitivities to off-resonance, has hindered their integration into mainstream cardiac MRI application. Here we present a more conventional, but highly accelerated, balanced SSFP (bSSFP) version of Cardiac Cine 3D-DENSE for application to human subjects. In vivo human scans at 3T demonstrated good agreement of myocardial radial (Err), circumferential (Ecc) and longitudinal Ell) strain values between bSSFP 3D-DENSE to those reported in previous literature.
Fig-1 illustrates the bSSFP Cardiac Cine 3D-DENSE sequence that runs continuously as steady-state with ECG-trigger to acquire data on every heartbeat. The DENSE encode uses a standard 1-1 SPAMM/CSPAMM module selectable for in-plane, or through-plane encoding. This SPAMM/CSPAMM method is well established for the suppression of the undesired T1 echo in the DENSE signal. The cine bSSFP readout is customized with ramped start-up flip angle for fast approach to steady-state and modified gradients to incorporate the DENSE de-encode moments while maintaining gradient moment nulling in all axes. The end of cardiac R-R cycle can incorporate either α/2 magnetization restore method, or just run spoil gradients before the next triggered DENSE encode. For each 3D partition, the 3D-DENSE serially acquires four complimentary image sets including encoded readout (x-axis), encoded phase-encode (y-axis), encoded through-plane (z-axis), and non-encoded phase-reference directions. For each encoded axis, the bSSFP readout module integrates the necessary de-encode moments into its relevant gradients.
Imaging parameters for bSSFP 3D-DENSE: FOV = 256x240 mm, Partitions = 16, Partition thickness = 4 mm, Matrix = 128x120, Pixel size = 2x2x4 mm, Bandwidth = 1116 Hz/Pixel, GRAPPA acceleration = x4, Flip angle = 30°, Cine frames = 20, Averages = 1, DENSE in-plane/through-plane encode = 0.1/0.08 cyc/mm. 3D-DENSE scans placed the 16 partitions at mid-Left Ventricle (LV) with the partition “slices” as cardiac short-axis (SA) direction. All image and strain analysis were performed offline using customized Matlab programs (Mathworks, Natick, MA). Myocardial mid-LV SA, six sector and global average strain values for radial (Err), circumferential (Ecc), and longitudinal (Ell) directions were calculated and presented.
Importantly, similar to navigator gating, our sequence employed a manual push-button gating method. The subject being scanned would press and hold the gating button during exhaled breath-hold (allowing acquisition) then release the button before and during breathing (non-acquisition steady-state). The button process is repeated on the subject’s next breath-hold and repeated as necessary for the duration of the scan. Five healthy human subjects, 22-29yo, 2 female, with informed consent, were scanned in a 3T Verio scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with a 32-chan anterior/posterior RF coil array (Invivo, Gainesville, Florida).
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