Ultrafast Reconstruction of UnderSampled (URUS) 3D Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging using Deep Complex Network
Hossam El-Rewaidy1, Warren J Manning1,2, and Reza Nezafat1

1Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States


A new framework based on deep complex network is introduced for fast reconstruction of undersampled 3D CMR data. In this work, the complex nature of the acquired data was maintained throughout the network to achieve optimal performance. High resolution 3D LGE dataset of 217 subjects was acquired at prospective acceleration rates ranging from 3 to 5 and used to train and validate (7:3) the proposed methods. Further retrospective undersampling was performed to test the capacity of the proposed methods to perform at higher acceleration rates. LGE scar quantification showed high correlation with the ground-truth.


Over the past decade, there have been numerous advances in 3D cardiac imaging. However, 3D imaging has long scan and reconstruction time, hampering its clinical adoption. Accelerated imaging such as compressed sensing (CS) has been extensively used to reduce the scan time [1]. Despite excellent image quality and high achievable acceleration factors, the reconstruction time remains very long [2,3]. In this study, we sought to develop an Ultrafast Reconstruction of UnderSampled k-space data (URUS) based on deep complex neural network for 3D Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE).


The proposed URUS reconstruction algorithm utilizes complex deep network to create artifact-free MRI images from the acquired undersampled complex k-space data (Fig. 1). The acquired 3D multi-coil k-space data was zero-filled, transformed to image space using FFT, combined using B1-weighted combination and 1 iteration of total variation minimization was performed to reduce the noise level in the input images [4]. This 3D dataset was sliced in the z-direction to multiple 2D-slices of size (N×N×2) and successively fed into 2D complex convolutional network of U-net architecture. Each 2D input image was destructed into basic components using two complex convolutional layers, each of 64 (3x3x2) filters. The complex convolution operations were performed using real-valued arithmetic convolution, where the complex convolution of an image, w: CNxN, and filter, h: CKxK can be represented as:
Real(w * h) = wr * hr - wi * hi
Imag(w * h) = wr * hi + wi * hr

Where * and * stand for complex and real-valued convolution operation, respectively. wr and hr are the real parts of the image and filter, and similarly wi and hi are imaginary parts of image and filter, respectively. Each convolution layer is followed by radial batch normalization layer that standardize the complex data, so that its magnitude has standard distribution of both mean and standard deviation equal 1, and unchanged phase. In addition, Complex ReLU was applied for both real and imaginary parts of the data. A contracting path with three stages of downsampling were performed to increase the receptive field of the network so that artifacts removal on larger scale is enabled. Two convolutional layers followed each downsampling stage to extract higher order features on larger scale. Similarly, an expansive path was utilized to upsample the produced feature maps to reach the original image size using bilinear interpolation. The output maps were reconstructed using two convolution layers to form the output image. In training, mean-squared error function was minimized, so the network learn a mapping function between the aliased complex input and Low-dimensional-structure self-learning and thresholding compressed-sensing (LOST) reconstructed magnitude images [5]. To evaluate the performance of the proposed reconstruction technique, 3D LGE images were acquired in 217 patients using a randomly prospective undersampled k-space with acceleration factors: 3 (n=130), 4 (n=24), and 5(n=63) [3]. 3D LGE images were acquired with spatial resolution of 1.0-1.5 mm3, with 100-120 slices. The dataset was randomly divided into training (70%) and testing (30%) subsets. To quantify the scare volume, the left ventricular myocardium was manually extracted from each 2D slices in all patients with scar in the testing dataset for URUS and LOST reconstructed images. Full-width half-maximum and 6 standard deviations-based methods were used to automatically quantify the scar volume within the extracted myocardium. To investigate higher undersampling rates, each acquired k-space data was further undersampled with 2 higher factors, so that acceleration factors ranging from 5 to 7 were achieved (i.e. all data acquired with rate 3 was under sampled to rate 5, and similarly rates 4 and 5 were undersampled to rates 6 and 7, respectively). This model was implemented using PyTorch and tested on PC equipped with 12GB NVIDIA Xp GPU.


Figure 2 shows reformatted 3D LGE images (acceleration factor of 5) with isotropic spatial resolution of 1.4 mm3 reconstructed using the proposed reconstruction algorithm in a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Figure 3 shows example images for URUS- and LOST-reconstructed images for patients with scars. Figure 4 shows example images for reconstructed images from retrospectively undersampled data at acceleration factors 5 and 7. The reconstruction time was ~1 min for URUS vs. 1 hour for LOST. The structure similarity index and peak signal-to-noise ratios significantly increased for URUS output (0.876±0.034 and 11.63±1.48) compared to the input (0.794±0.060 and 6.42±1.3, respectively; P<0.001 for both). Figure 5 shows high correlation of the percentage scar area (per slice) and volume (per patient) between URUS and LOST.


URUS enables fast reconstruction of high-resolution accelerated 3D LGE data with reconstruction times in the order of minutes.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1. a) The proposed pipeline for 3D LGE reconstruction. First, the acquired k-space data are zero-filled, FFTed, combined into a single image using B1-weighted combination, and finally a total variation regularization is performed to prepare the input for the network. The resulted LGE 3D data were sliced in the z-direction and fed to a 2D complex deep neural network. b) The complex deep network consists of stacked complex convolution layers, radial batch normalization, and complex rectified linear units with 3 stages of down-sampling and up-sampling of the feature maps to collect multiscale features. All kernels in this network are of size 3×3×2.

Figure 2: LGE images with isotropic spatial resolution of 1.4 mm3 reconstructed using deep learning from a prospectively undersampled 3D LGE dataset acquired using a randomly under sampled 3D dataset with a reduction factor of 5 in a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Figure 3. Example images comparing LOST and URUS-reconstructed images. Red arrows point to myocardial scars. All images were reconstructed from prospectively under sampled images at R3.

Figure 4. Example images for URUS-reconstructed images for reconstruction of retrospectively under sampled images at acceleration rate 5 (acquired at rate 3) and 7 (acquired at rate 5). Red arrows point to myocardial scars.

Figure 5. Correlation analysis of the scar per-slice area (1st row) and per-patient volume (2nd row) percentage w.r.t. LV myocardial area and volume, respectively, for URUS and LOST reconstructed LGE data. The scar pixels were quantified using two automatic methods from the extracted myocardium: Full-width half-maximum (FWHM) (left column), and 6-standard deviation (6SD) thresholding (right column).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)