3D late gadolinium enhanced (LGE) CMR is a useful imaging modality for detecting scar tissue in patients with atrial fibrillation. In order to visualize the thin-walled left atrium and scar tissue, high spatial resolution and contiguous coverage are required. However, increased spatial resolution requires markedly prolonged scanning time. In this paper, we propose a ROI focused single-image super-resolution (SISR) method based on the generative adversarial networks architecture to increase the apparent spatial resolution of 3D LGE data without increasing scan time. The proposed SISR method can boost the spatial resolution of the LGE CMR images while maintaining the perceptual quality.
Our SISR method is based on a generative adversarial network (GAN) [4], which has shown promising results for natural images, e.g., SRGAN [5]. However, the vanilla GAN used in SR models suffers from the unstable training, collapsed mode and difficulties in hyper-parameters tuning. In our method, we incorporate Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) with gradient penalty [6], [7], which uses the Wasserstein-1 distance instead of the non-continuous divergence, to mitigate these problems.
In practice, the GAN based SR models are hard to train because distributions of the source and target domain images are in a high-dimensional space and their overlapping is rare, causing vanished gradient. In our SISR method, we tackle this problem by: (1) proposing a ROI focused SISR to enforce our network to super-resolve only the ROI (in our case the bounding box around the left atrium), before we apply the deep residual SR neural network (SRResNet [5]), and (2) proposing a multi-scale (MS) architecture to stabilize the optimization of the SR and to cope with higher magnifying factors (e.g., X4 magnification), instead of using all of the loss functions with a single scale. Figure 1 details our proposed SISR framework (named ROI-MS-WGAN).
With ethical approval, CMR data were collected from 20 patients presenting with longstanding persistent AF on a Siemens Magnetom Avanto 1.5T scanner. Transverse navigator-gated 3D LGE CMR [8], [9] was performed using an inversion prepared segmented gradient echo sequence ((1.4–1.5)×(1.4–1.5)×4mm3 reconstructed into (0.7–0.75)×(0.7–0.75)×2mm3) 15 minutes after gadolinium administration (Gadovist—gadobutrol, 0.1mmol/kg body weight) [10]. A dynamic inversion time (TI) was designed to null the signal from normal myocardium [11]. The 3D LGE data were acquired during free-breathing using CLAWS respiratory motion control to increase respiratory efficiency [2]. Navigator artefact was reduced by introducing a navigator-restore delay of 100 ms [8]. For the purposes of this study, the acquired data were considered to be the high resolution (HR) ground truth (GT) and were downsampled (by a factor of 4) to produce low resolution images (LR) for input to our ROI-MS-WGAN. Two-dimensional slices (N=743) from 20 3D LGE datasets were randomly divided into training/cross-validation (N=615) and independent testing (N=128) datasets. We compared the performance of our ROI-MS-WGAN method with high-resolution ground truth and with results obtained by bilinear interpolation, SRResNet and SRGAN with X4 magnification using peak SNR (dB) (PSNR), Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) index [13] and mean opinion score (MOS) [14].
First author’s PhD research is partially funded by China Scholarship Council (Grant No.201708060173). This study was also funded by the British Heart Foundation Project Grant (Project Number: PG/16/78/32402). Jennifer Keegan and Pietro Lio are co-last authors.
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