Angeline Nemeth1, Sophie Gaillard1, Olivier Beuf1, and Hélène Ratiney1
1Univ Lyon, INSA‐Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1206, F69621, Lyon, France, Lyon, France
This pilot study performed on a preclinical
system at 4.7T shows the feasibility of using the echo planar
spectroscopic imaging sequence (EPSI with a spin echo) to
quantify the fatty acid composition. This sequence permitted to
image separately each resonating component of fat spectrum. The
signal of the EPSI sequence was compared with more standard spectroscopic sequence used for the fatty acid quantification
(PRESS). The quantification results from the EPSI sequence on
calibrated phantom were consistent with gas
chromatography theoretical values. The in vivo acquisition
showed a significant difference of the fatty acid composition
between the subcutaneous and the visceral adipose tissue, consistent with published monovoxel results.
In the past decade, some MRS1–3 and MRI4,5 methods have emerged to
quantify fatty acid composition i.e. proportion of polyunsaturated (PUFA),
monounsaturated (MUFA) and saturated (SFA) fatty acid. In a clinical context at
3T, some studies5–7 demonstrated the feasibility
of using a 3D spoiled-gradient multiple echo sequence (MGE) to estimate the
fatty acid composition. This technique is based on an echo spacing (ΔTE) chosen
in order to have alternatively the water (at 4.7 ppm) and the principal
peak of fat (at 1.3 ppm) in phase or out-of-phase. In the preclinical context at 4.7T, the use of MGE
requires relatively short ΔTE which are not always directly achievable
with oscillating gradients but involves several interleaved echo trains. Moreover, with regular MGE, it is usually not
possible to reconstruct a spectrum sufficiently resolved in the frequency
domain. Monovoxel spectroscopic sequences such as PRESS and STEAM are mainly used
for lipid quantification (content and composition) in small animal. However, for
adipose tissue examination, the positioning of a spectroscopic voxel can be difficult
to acquire without significant partial volume effects.
In this preclinical context, we suggest to use a
spectroscopic imaging sequence as EPSI (echo planar spectroscopic imaging) to
detect and quantify the fatty acid composition. This sequence represents a good
compromise between spatial and spectral resolutions. Here we presented the
pilot study on three oils and on one mouse.Method
Signals acquired
on oil with the EPSI-SE sequence and those acquired with a PRESS (double spin
echo) sequence were compared. The EPSI-SE acquisition parameters were: 1.5 s TR
, 1 accumulation, ΔTE =
0.422 msec, 512 points, 64 x 64 matrix , 30 x 30 mm2 field of view of, 5 mm
slice thickness,TE = 10 msec and a total acquisition time of 48s. The PRESS parameters
were: 3s TR , 16 accumulations, temporal resolution of 0.249 ms, size of the
voxel of 5 x 5 x 5 mm3, (TE1 = 7.5 TE2 = 7.5) TE= 15 msec, and 48s acquisition
time. This protocol was applied to a phantom made of three tubes (linseed oil,
nuts and rapeseed) on which the fatty acid compositions were characterized by
gas chromatography. The same protocol was applied in vivo on a mouse with 2 accumulations for the EPSI-SE on slice
located in the lower abdomen, with a thickness of 2.5 mm. A home-made
post-processing was implemented to correct for bipolar gradient effect and B0
inhomogeneity on EPSI-SE images. Then, for each voxel, the corresponding
spectrum was frequency aligned to have the principal peak of fat at 1.3 ppm and
the water at 4.7 ppm. Each resonating component of fat (described in table 1)
could be imaged separately as shown in the figure 1. The ndb and nmidb maps (figure
2) were computed as:
where Ax represents the air under the curve for the
resonating component at x ppm. Indices of PUFA, MUFA and SFA were computed as:
Figure 3 shows
very similar signals between the PRESS (double spin echo) and EPSI-SE (single
spin echo) sequences. On the spectrum of EPSI, the peak at 5.3 ppm was slightly
shifted compared to the PRESS. Table 2 summarizes the results of ndb and
nmidb for in vitro and in vivo measurements using EPSI-SE
sequence and gas chromatography. The subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) was
composed, in average, of: PUFAidx = 29.7%, MUFAidx = 59.7%,
SFAidx = 10.6%. The visceral adipose tissue (VAT) was composed, in
average,of: PUFAidx = 26.7%, MUFAidx = 56.3%, SFAidx
= 17%. For the in vivo measurement on
the mouse, the ndb and the nmidb of SAT were significantly higher than the ndb
and nmidb of VAT (ndb: + 0.28, t-test p < 0.001; nmidb: + 0.09, t-test p < 0.001).Discussion/Conclusion
In conclusion, we
demonstrated that the use of the EPSI-SE sequence enabled to obtain a similar spectrum
as with the PRESS sequence. The EPSI-SE sequence has two advantages: 1) being
spatially resolved; 2) having a unique refocusing pulse which enables to reach
smaller TE and reduces the bias due to additional T2 signal decay. The
quantification of ndb and nmidb was obtained by integrating the area under the
curve which can lead to quantification errors in case of distorted baseline and
could be made more robust with fitting procedure. The in vitro results provided consistent values of nmidb and
underestimated value of ndb compared to gas chromatography. The in vivo results were consistent with published
monovoxel results1 where PUFAidx =
23.4%, MUFAidx = 62.8%, SFAidx = 11.8%.Acknowledgements
This study was conducted as part of the LABEX PRIMES (ANR‐11‐LABX‐0063) of the “Université de Lyon”, within the “Investissements d'Avenir”program (ANR‐11‐IDEX‐0007) operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR). In vitro and in vivo acquisitions were performed on the PILoTplatform, member of the France Life Imaging network (grant ANR‐11‐INBS‐0006).References
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