Darya Morozov1, James D. Quirk1, and Scott C. Beeman1
1Radiology, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States
There is a significant body of evidence suggesting that adipose hypoxia triggers
systematic insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Non-invasive and
longitudinal characterization of adipose tissue oxygenation during adipose
tissue expansion would provide critical insight into the pathogenesis of type 2
diabetes. The major purpose of this study is to develop a non-invasive and
quantitative measures of adipose oxygenation by MR. Our approach is based on
exploiting the paramagnetic nature of O2 which can directly affect
the lipid 1H longitudinal relaxation. We show that simple inversion
recovery MR method can be potentially used for non-invasive quantification of
adipose tissue hypoxia.
Obesity is thought to be a causal pathway to insulin
resistance and thus type 2 diabetes; however, not all people with obesity become
insulin resistant1. Indeed, the causal mechanisms behind the
pathogenesis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are unknown. Interrogation
of the dichotomy of those with obesity who develop insulin resistance and those
who do not might inform on the unknown pathogenesis of insulin resistance and
type 2 diabetes. Recent studies suggest that adipose hypoxia is a primary pathway to systematic insulin
resistance and type 2 diabetes2-3– a mechanism which might account for the divergence
between “healthy” and insulin-resistant people with obesity. The adipose-hypoxia-driven insulin resistance hypothesis has typically
been interrogated postmortem by histologic observation and assay of hypoxia
biomarkers (e.g., HIF-1α and pimonidazole). Additionally, invasive platinum Clark-type electrodes and fiber
optic probes can be surgically implanted into tissue to provide a direct
measure of tissue oxygenation, though these measurements are contaminated by
the non-homeostatic response to the local trauma induced by the implantation of
the device.
A non-invasive/non-destructive method for measuring adipose
tissue pO2 would be a significant advance in the
exploration of the hypoxia-driven insulin resistance hypothesis. To this end, the
paramagnetic nature of molecular oxygen (O2) can, in principle, be exploited to
directly quantify the O2 content of adipose tissue via simply
measuring the longitudinal relaxation rate constant, R1, of
lipid-associated resonances in adipose tissue.
The motivation of the current work is to employ a porcine
lard phantom platform as an adipose tissue surrogate for the development of a
direct, non-invasive and quantitative measure of adipose tissue
oxygenation and its primary confound,
temperature, using MR. Such a technique which would provide critical insight
into the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.Methods
Porcine lard phantom preparation: Phantoms were prepared in 8-mm NMR tubes by melting pure porcine
lard at 45°C that was bubbled with N2/O2 gas
mixtures to achieve different oxygen tension (pO2) levels. The samples were cooled to
desired temperatures (34, 37 or 40°C) prior to MR scans and pO2 was monitored via LICOX® device. Proof-of-principle
in-vivo MR: IR-PRESS (see below) data were collected in the white adipose of an anesthetized healthy C57Bl/6 mouse under
temperature control (37-40°C) at discrete adipose pO2 levels (as determined
by OxyLite probe). Adipose was modulated by varying breathing gas O2
content (balance N2) from 12.5% O2 to 100% O2. MR experiments: To obtain data for each pO2 and T, an in-house-developed Inversion Recovery Point RESolved
Spectroscopy (IR-PRESS) sequence was employed at 4.7T: TR/TE=4500/13 ms, 64
exponential-spaced inversion times from 10 to 2000 ms, NS=1, DS=1. Inversion
recovery data were analyzed and modeled as a three parameter mono-exponential
recovery to a constant, using in-house-developed Bayesian probability theory-based
software4. Model: In this work we will experimentally change pO2 and temperature (T)
of porcine lard phantoms in order to quantify the relationship between pO2 and R1 (r1,pO2) and T and (r1,T), respectively. Once resolved, these coefficients can be used to
convert the R1 of two lipid-associated
resonances into non-invasive measures of pO2 and T according to Eq. 1:
$$ R_{1,obs}=R_{1,ref,n}+r_{1,pO_{2},n}\cdot pO_{2}-r_{1,T,n}\cdot T $$ where R1,obs is
the measured longitudinal relaxation rate constant of a given resonance, R1,ref is a constant at pO2=0
mmHg and T=37°C. Results
lard is an ideal in-vitro surrogate of adipose tissue; both porcine lard and white
adipose of mice have similar chemical composition of triglycerides resulting in
nearly identical NMR spectra (Figure 1). The expected linear relationships
between R1,obs and pO2 and T are quantified (see Table 1). Further, the linear relationship
between pO2 and R1 is characterized in-vivo (Figure 3) and the r1,pO2 and R1,ref are calculated to be 1.9x10-3 mmHg-1sec-1
and 2.11 sec-1, respectively, and are very close to those values
obtained from the methylene peak of lard samples (peak 2, Table 1), indicating
that lard is an ideal in-vitro
candidate of adipose tissue. Discussion and Conclusion
non-invasive and quantitative measure of adipose pO2 and its principle confound, temperature, is
described. As anticipated (Eq. 1), we observed a positive linear relationship between the R1,obs and pO2 (R2>0.85,
Figure 2A) and a negative linear relationship between R1,obs and temperature (R2>0.99,
Figure 2B). A proof-of-principle in-vivo experiment on subcutaneous
white adipose of a mouse shows very similar spectral features between white
adipose and lard and a very similar r1,pO2 for the methylene peak, suggest
that the principles learned from the lard phantom experiments will translate in-vivo. The phantom studies described herein will
inform ongoing pre-clinical studies of metabolic disease pathways.Acknowledgements
We would like to thank our colleagues Drs. Joseph Ackerman and Joel Garbow for their invaluable scientific and professional guidanceReferences
1. Pajunen P, et al. Metabolically healthy and
unhealthy obesity phenotypes in the general population: the FIN-D2D Survey. BMC Public Health. 2011;11:754.
2. Trayhurn P. Hypoxia and adipose tissue function and
dysfunction in obesity. Physiol Rev. 2013;93(1):1-21.
3. Ye J. Emerging role of adipose tissue hypoxia in obesity and insulin resistance. Int J Obes. 2009;33(1): 54–66.
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