Filip Klimeš1,2, Andreas Voskrebenzev1,2, Marcel Gutberlet1,2, Grzegorz Bauman3,4, Oliver Bieri3,4, Robert Grimm5, Tawfik Moher Alsady1,2, Frank Wacker1,2, and Jens Vogel-Claussen1,2
1Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Biomedical Research in Endstage and Obstructive Lung Disease Hannover (BREATH), German Centre for Lung Research (DZL), Hannover, Germany, 3Department of Radiology, University of Basel Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, 4Department of Biomedical Engineerings, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 5Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
Pulmonary ventilation
assessed by Fourier Decomposition (FD) is limited by its 2D acquisition and
does not consider dynamics of ventilation. In this work, a method to assess
dynamic lung ventilation in 3D using self-gating and phase-resolved functional
lung imaging (PREFUL) is presented. The full respiratory cycle was
reconstructed and dynamic regional ventilation (RV) maps were generated. Mean
slice correlation and anterior-posterior gradient of ventilation values were
compared between the 3D and the 2D PREFUL approaches. 3D PREFUL imaging was
able to reconstruct dynamic imaging of the respiratory cycle, generate dynamic
RV maps and provide good agreement with the 2D approach.
Fourier Decomposition
(FD)1 has been demonstrated to deliver quantitative
measurement of pulmonary ventilation2,3. Recently, a 2D post-processing approach, phase-resolved
functional lung imaging (PREFUL) was introduced in order to increase temporal
resolution and gain quantitative regional information about perfusion and
ventilation dynamics4. One limitation of PREFUL is its 2D
acquisition, which is time demanding if the coverage of the whole lung volume
is required. 3D self-navigated approaches were previously developed to decrease
measurement times and to allow for quantification of lung ventilation5,6 however, ventilation dynamics was not
assessed. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the feasibility of 3D
PREFUL measurement, to quantify dynamics of ventilation and to compare 3D
Six healthy
volunteers (3 female, 3 male, age range: 31-50 years) underwent imaging on a
1.5T MR-scanner (MAGNETOM Avanto, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany).
Firstly, for 2D PREFUL, 200 images per slice were acquired for eight coronal
slices of the lungs using an ultra-fast balanced steady-state free-precession (uf-bSSFP)
with the following parameters: TE 0.64 ms, TR 1.41 ms, TA 180 ms, TW 138 ms, leading to temporal resolution
of 318 ms per image, flip angle 35°, FOV 50 x 50 cm
2, slice
thickness 15 mm, matrix size 128x128 interpolated to 256x256, pixel bandwith
2055 Hz/pixel, total acquisition time 64 seconds per slice.
For the 3D approach,
4000 spokes were acquired using a prototype stack-of-stars spoiled gradient
echo sequence with golden-angle increment (FOV 50 x 50 cm
2, matrix size 128x128 interpolated to
256x256, slice thicknes 15 mm, TE 1.3 ms, TR 3 ms, flip angle 5°) over a period
of 3.2 min. The DC signal was used to divide the spokes over 10
respiratory states
and the images were reconstructed off-line using iterative reconstruction in
Berkeley Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (BART)
The image
registration using group-oriented approach
towards an intermediate respiratory state was performed by using Advanced
Normalization Tools (ANTs)
11. Regional ventilation (RV)
maps were computed for each respiratory state N using a correction factor for
fractional ventilation (FV) accounting for quantification errors due to
12: $$$ RV(N) =
\frac{S_{Exp} - S_{N}}{S_{Exp}} *
\frac{S_{Mid}}{S_{N}}= FV(N)*\frac{S_{Mid}}{S_{N}} $$$, where S
represents MR signal of the intermediate state, S
N is the MR signal
of N-th state, and S
Exp represents MR signal of the end-expiratory
After quantification
of RV dynamics, a semi-automated segmentation was used to exclude large
vessels. The Pearson correlation of mean regional 2D / 3D ventilation was
assessed. Additionally, physiological plausibility in anterior-posterior (A-P)
direction of both methods was tested.
Figure 1 shows morphological
images (A / C) of the whole respiratory cycle and corresponding dynamic RV maps
(B / D) assessed with 3D / 2D PREFUL approach. Similar visual appearance is
seen in Figure 2 between 2D (A) and 3D (B) regional ventilation maps, with
higher ventilation values of the 3D approach and more pronounced registration
artifacts preferably near diaphragm and large vessels in the 3D method.
Good agreement of
mean RV of both approaches was observed (R = 0.66, p-value = 0.15, see Figure 3).
For the 2D approach, no evident pattern was seen in the evaluation of mean RV
values as a function of slice location (Figure 4). In 3D imaging, three out of
six healthy volunteers showed increased values of ventilation in the posterior
slices, whereas in the 2D approach rather homogenous RV values in the A-P
direction were observed.
The novel 3D PREFUL
technique was able to deliver quantitative information about lung ventilation
with good agreement with the 2D PREFUL approach in six healthy volunteers.
Increased RV values calculated using 3D PREFUL may be explained by lung motion,
which is likely better captured with the 3D technique, and by the selection of
spokes/images used for RV quantification. Variability of respiration during the
2D slice scans and partial-volume effects at the most anterior and posterior
slices are probably the reason for the lack of a pronounced A-P ventilation
gradient in 2D imaging. On the contrary, a smoother trend of ventilation
distribution and a physiological A-P ventilation gradient was seen in three
healthy volunteers with the 3D approach. However, image artifacts suggest that
improvements in 3D registration and reduction of echo time are required to
increase the image quality and to achieve a more accurate RV quantification of
the 3D PREFUL approach.
The 3D PREFUL approach
represents an alternative technique to asses lung ventilation dynamics and may
reduce the measurement time to three and a half minutes, which might be
beneficial in clinical routine.
This work was funded by the German Center for Lung Research (DZL) and supported by Siemens Healthcare GmbH.
Furthermore, the authors would like to thank Agilo
Kern, Arnd Obert and Lea Behrendt for postprocessing support and useful discussions.
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