Fuad Nurili1, Maggie Fung1, Yulia Lakhman1, Ricardo Otazo1, David Yusupov1, Elena Kaye1, Oguz Akin1, and Yousef Mazaheri1
1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States
In this study, we
evaluated the repeatability of multiplexed sensitivity-encoding (MUSE) DW-EPI
apparent diffusion coefficient measurements (ADC) in phantom and prostate
images. High quality test-retest prostate and phantom ADC maps obtained from
phantom and volunteer studies measured values using MUSE (2-4 interleaves) were
within 1.4-4.7% (phantom) and 3.2-14.7% (prostate) of one another. In
comparison, test-retest repeatability results for standard single-shot EPI (acceleration
factor=2) were 4.5-9.4% (phantom) and 15.2-19.2% (prostate). MUSE images
exhibit reduced geometric distortion.
The aims of this study were to investigate the clinical
feasibility and to report test-retest repeatability of ADC measurements using
multiplexed sensitivity-encoding (MUSE) DW-EPI in phantom and prostate images. Test-retest
ADC maps generated with MUSE (2-4 interleaves) were compared with maps
generated separately using standard single-shot EPI (ss-EPI, acceleration
factor=2) in a phantom with known ADC values and in the prostate.INTRODUCTION:
MUSE acquisition and reconstruction platform was developed for brain imaging to
enable DW-MR images to be acquired with reduced geometric distortion using an
interleaved acquisition. Nonlinear shot-to-shot phase variations are corrected without
the need for navigator echoes though (1). Recently, MUSE was
evaluated for brain radiotherapy applications (2). To the best of our
knowledge, no prior study evaluated the repeatability of MUSE in phantom and prostate
studies. In the study, we present preliminary repeatably results for ADC
measurements using MUSE.METHODS:
All MRI studies were
performed on a 3T unit (GE DV26 platform).
A body coil was used for excitation. For signal reception, a cardiac
eight-channel phased-array coil was used.
For all experiments, DW images were obtained using both conventional ss-EPI
(SENSE=2) and MUSE, twice. Table 1 summarizes the variants. All images were
acquired with FOV=28cm, 4mm
matrix, 11 slices, b=0 (4 NEX) and 800 s/mm2 (16 NEX), identical
axial coverage.
Experiments: For our phantom study, we used
a phantom developed in accordance with the Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers
Alliance (QIBA) guidelines. The phantom consists of 13 vials (20 mL) with 6
difference concentrations (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%) of polymer
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in aqueous solution submerged in an ice water bath
which serves to maintain temperature at 0°C. The same protocol was used to
image the prostate.
Data Analysis: In the QIBA phantom and prostate studies, regions of interest
(ROI) were drawn over regions of each cross-section of the vials as well as the
peripheral zone (PZ) and transition zone (TZ) of the prostate. Mean ADC value
in the ROI were calculated using all diffusion acquisitions. The repeatability was assessed as 100×|ADCdifference|/ADCmean. The within-subject coefficient of variation (wCV)
is given by wCV=100×wSD/mean where wSD is the within-subject standard deviation
(wSD) (3).
Test-retest results for the phantom and prostate are shown in
Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. For ss-EPI, the repeatability range was 4.5-9.4%.
In comparison, for MUSE, the range of values were 1.7-3% (sequence B), 1.6-4.7%
(sequence C), and 1.4-3% (sequence D). For prostate, the repeatability using ss-EPI
was 19.2% for PZ and 15.15% for TZ. In comparison, the values using the MUSE
sequences B-D were 14.7%, 7.2%, and 8% for PZ, and 7.8%, 3.3% and 4%
respectively for TZ (Fig. 3). The wCV values for the QIBA phantom were
comparable across sequences, but for prostate, the values were 34.9% and 20.5%
in the PZ and TZ respectively, using ss-EPI. In comparison, using sequences B-D the values
were 20.5-26.9% for PZ and 13.7-18% for TZ (Fig. 4).DISCUSSION:
MUSE sequence reduces geometric distortion due to susceptibility effects. Our
preliminary results suggest that the estimated ADC values are repeatable in
test-retest experiments where the imaging object (phantom, human) is not
intentionally displaced during repeat measurements. Due to the greater sensitivity of ss-EPI to
air in the rectum as compared to multi-shot techniques, it is expected that
MUSE would demonstrate greater repeatability to fluctuations within the body
(such as air or bowl motion) which can result in susceptibility. Our
preliminary test-retest results are consistent with this expectation. CONCLUSION:
on our preliminary results, we conclude that the MUSE platform enables repeatable
DW imaging of the prostate. Additional studies are needed to evaluate its
clinical utility in detection and staging of cancer. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Chen NK, Guidon A, Chang HC, Song
AW. A robust multi-shot scan strategy for high-resolution diffusion weighted MRI
enabled by multiplexed sensitivity-encoding (MUSE). NeuroImage 2013;72:41-47.
2. Chen X,
Zhang Y, Cao Y, et al. A feasible study on using multiplexed
sensitivity-encoding to reduce geometric distortion in diffusion-weighted echo
planar imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging 2018;54:153-159.
3. Newitt DC,
Zhang Z, Gibbs JE, et al. Test-retest repeatability and reproducibility of ADC
measures by breast DWI: Results from the ACRIN 6698 trial. Journal of magnetic
resonance imaging : JMRI 2018.