Tsinghua Zheng1, Xiaoyu Yang1, Haoqing Zhu1, and Yong Wu1
1Quality Electrodynamics, LLC, Mayfield Village, OH, United States
present a novel “Less-for-More” concept for array coil by joining different
coils as one RF channel with transmission lines. This concept not only simplifies
the coil design but also achieves optimum isolation among all channels by
overlapping. A 4-ch 8-loop knee coil at 1.5T was constructed to demonstrate
this concept. The test result shows similar signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the
center to a commercial 1.5T 15-channel Tx/Rx knee coil’s. Furthermore, additional
acceleration at g factor 2 in SI
direction is also achieved with a 4-ch only coil besides axial accelerations.
the introduction of the phased array (1) the total number of RF coil
channels has been increased steadily. The increased channel number achieves not
only better image quality but also improved performance in parallel imaging
techniques, such as SENSE, SMASH and GRAPPA(2)(3)(4). However,
the increased channel number also brings additional cost and one technical
difficulty besides other challenges. The difficulty is to achieve good
isolations among all channels for a >16-ch coil. Furthermore, value MR
system only has limited number of receiver channels, such as 8-16 channels.
This limited number prevents value MR system from being used in very highly
parallel imaging applications. The proposed “Less-for-More” concept provides a novel
approach to isolate all RF channels, have comparable SNR and still keep high
acceleration with significantly reduced number of channels.
If two coils are connected
by a lossless transmission line as shown in Fig. 1, then we may derive I2/I1 = (Z0/Z2)/
((Z0/Z2)cos(α)+j sin(α)) using ABCD matrix, where I1
is the current through the coil 1 , I2
is for the coil 2, Z0
is the intrinsic impedance of the transmission line, α is the phase delay
of the transmission line and Z2
is the coil 2 impedance seen by the transmission line. If I1=I2 is intended,
then Z2 can be adjusted to
satisfy equation mentioned previously for phase delay α. What I1=I2
means is that two coils work as one channel. The final coil frequency
adjustment can be done at the coil 1 side. We can use one matching circuit and
one LNA to receive both coils as one channel. This approach can be extended to
more than two coils. Using this method the coils of the same channel can be put
at strategical locations to achieve two goals. The first goal is that each coil
can be adjacent to at least one of coils of other channels. This achieves all
channels isolation for improved SNR just using overlaps. The second goal is to
ensure phase encoding in all x, y, and z
directions “seeing” different channels for optimum acceleration because each
coil still maintains its unique signal profile. For example, Fig. 2 shows an
example of a 4x8 array coil using only 8 channels. The coils with same color
are joined together to create 8 RF channels. Each color is adjacent to all
other colors so that the isolation can be optimized by the overlaps. This “Less-for-More”
concept can also be applied to transmit coil array for pTx application.
A 4-channel 8-loop knee coil at 1.5T was constructed to prove this
“Less-for-More” concept. Fig. 3 shows the loops layout and how the loops are connected
by the transmission lines. Both loops of each channel were carefully tuned so
that they act like one channel. Both loops of each channel can observe the
double-peak S21 sensitivity profile due to the low input impedance preamplifier.
The coil was built on an identical mechanical housing as a commercially
available 1.5T 15-ch Tx/Rx Knee coil (5). Both the proposed coil and
the commercial 15-ch coil were evaluated using a Siemens 1.5T AERA MRI system and
Spin Echo sequence. The phantom used for evaluation is a two-liter cylindrical bottle
with the solution of 5gNaCl+3.25g CuSO4 ∙5H2O/liter H2O.
Fig. 4 shows the phantom SNR of axial plane for both coils. The
“Less-for-More’ coil has 3.3% more SNR than the comparison coil at the center
and 25% less SNR at the surface of the phantom. The SNR difference at the
center and the surface is because each loop of the same channel needs to carry
the whole channel’s noise. The center signals are contributed by most channels
while the surface signals are primarily contributed by nearby coils of certain
channels. Fig. 5 shows the g-factor maps of both coils in both axial and
sagittal planes with acceleration factor 2. As expected the “Less-for-More”
coil shows low g-factor values in both planes. We need to point out that its
g-factor values are slightly worse than the comparison coil’s because the
comparison 15-ch coil has 3 rows in SI
direction and 5 coils each row.
4-channel 8-loops knee coil at 1.5T was constructed to demonstrate the
“Less-for-More” concept for RF coil design. Preliminary results show that the
concept can provide comparable SNR and parallel imaging capability with
significantly reduced number of channels. This may bring highly parallel
imaging applications to value MR system.Acknowledgements
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(4) M.A. Griswold et al, Generalized auto calibrating partially
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(5) M. Finnerty et al, A 3D Parallel Imaging Capable Transmit
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