M. Arcan Erturk1,2 and Gregory J. Metzger1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Restorative Therapies Group, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Majority of the installed 7.0T systems have 8-independent
transmit channels, therefore additional hardware changes are necessary to fully
utilize higher channel count transceiver arrays (i.e. 16-channel loop-dipole body
imaging array, 16LD). Here, we investigated three different 8-independent
channel phase shimming strategies to drive 16LD and compared against fully
independent 16-channel phase-only shimming. 8-independent channel shimming
while transmitting power from all 16 array-elements with pre-determined phase
difference between loop and dipole elements on the same block causes only about 10% drop
in B1+ efficiency compared to 16-independent channel transmit.
High channel count (≥16) transceiver arrays with good geometrical decoupling
performance (S21 < -10dB) can be achieved by combining loop and dipole
elements for 7.0T body imaging [1,2]. However, a majority of 7.0T MRI systems are
equipped with 8-independent transmit channels. The goal of this work is to compare
the transmit performance inside the body at 7.0T with phase-only shimming when
using 8 versus 16 independent transmit channels when using a 16-channel loop
dipole transceiver array [1].Methods
A state-of-the art 16-channel combined loop-dipole
transceiver array (16LD) [1] was modeled using Sim4Life (ZurichMedTech, Zürich,
Switzerland) and simulated at three different body imaging locations (pelvis,
torso, chest) in three Virtual Population human body models (Duke; Ella; and morphed
Fats model with BMI=29, Fats29 [3]), Figure 1. Four imaging region-of-interests
(ROIs) per human model are investigated (bilateral hips, kidneys and heart in
all models, prostate in male models, uterus in the female model) yielding 12
unique ROIs in total (12 unique simulation configurations). ROIs are grouped
into two: Group A: heart, prostate and uterus; Group B: bilateral
hips and kidney ROIs. Four phase-only shimming strategies are employed:
- Gold-standard: 16-independent phases for each unique
configuration; 12x16=192 degrees-of-freedom (DOF).
- Option
1: 8-independent
phases for each loop-dipole block in each unique configuration, and a constant
and identical phase difference between loops and dipoles on the same block;
12x8+1=97 DOF.
- Option
2: 8-independent
phases for each loop-dipole block in each unique configuration, and 8
independent phase difference values between loops and dipoles on the same block
that are kept constant between different configurations; 6x8+8=56 DOF per ROI
group. Performed for Group A and B separately.
- Dipole-only: 8-dipoles are driven with independent
phases, loops are not transmitting; 12x8=96 DOF.
shimming in 12 unique configurations are performed using fully independent
16-channel excitation, Option 1, Option 2 and dipole-only 8-channel excitation.
Shimming cost function is in the form of: min(λ.CoV-B1_eff),
where CoV is the coefficient of variation of B1+ (field non-uniformity term),
B1_eff is the average B1+ inside the ROI and λ is
a trade-off constant between efficiency and uniformity terms. SAR is not
included in the cost function because unlike B1+ it cannot be directly measured
using an MRI scanner. For every shim solution, CoV, B1+ efficiency and B1+ SAR
efficiency are calculated and normalized against gold-standard shimming.
The phase differences between loops and
dipoles on the same block are listed in Table 1. Optimal phase for Option 1 is
90° which
is in accordance with Reference [1], where B1+ efficiency of combined
loop-dipole excitation is higher when the phase difference between loop-dipole
on the same block is around 60-120°. B1+
efficiency and B1+ SAR efficiency for Option 1, 2 and dipole-only shimming
strategies normalized against the gold-standard shimming at same CoV (field
uniformity) levels are plotted in Figure 2 and 3 for Group A and B,
respectively. On average, 10.9% and 5.4% reductions in B1+ efficiency are
observed for Option 1 and 2, respectively, compared against the gold-standard
shimming. It is
worth noting that some of the Option 1 and 2 shim B1+ SAR efficiency values are
higher than fully independent 16-channel shim because SAR term was not included
in the cost function. Normalized B1+ and SAR efficiency of dipole-only
8-channel transmit is 72.0% and 81.5%, respectively, lowest among investigated
shimming strategies. Sample B1+ efficiency maps along axial slices
inside the pelvis of the Fats29 model for four different shimming strategies
are shown in Figure 4.Discussion/Conclusion
In this work, we investigated 8-independent channel phase
shimming strategies to utilize a state-of-the art 16-channel loop-dipole array
[16LD, 1], because majority of the 7.0T systems utilize 8-channel transmit. Our
simulation results show that 8-channel shimming while transmitting power from
all 16 array-elements with pre-determined phase difference between loop and
dipole elements on the same block underperform 16 fully-independent shim
control by about 5% and 10% for Option 2 and 1 shimming strategies,
respectively. Previous work [1] demonstrated that 16LD has >20% higher B1+
transmit efficiency compared to 10-channel fractionated dipole antenna [5] and
16-channel microstrip-line [6] arrays; and results presented here reinforces
that even when using a limited 8-independent channel shimming approach, 16LD
will outperform other body imaging arrays [5-6] in terms of B1+ transmit
efficiency. Furthermore, more sophisticated parallel transmission management
strategies [7] have the potential to compensate for the 10% penalty due to 8-
vs 16-independent channel transmission.Acknowledgements
Supported by: NCI R01 CA155268, NIBIB P41 EB015894.References
1. Ertürk MA et al. MRM 2017;77:884-94.
2. Ertürk MA et al. ISMRM 2017;p1222.
3. Gosselin
et al . Phys Med Biol 2014;59/18:5287-5303.
4. Metzger,
GJ et al. MRM 2008;59(2):396-409.
5. Raaijmakers
AJ et al. MRM 2016;75:1366-74.
6. Snyder
CJ et al. MRM 2012;67:954-964.
7. Wu,
X et al. MRM 2013;70(3):630-638.