Rapidly obtaining high-resolution structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) and generating quantitative biomarkers, such as the T2 relaxation time, using a single sequence is useful for musculoskeletal imaging. However, high-resolution is at odds with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in MRI, which makes it challenging to simultaneously optimize for image quality and quantitative accuracy. In this study, we demonstrate how deep-learning-based super-resolution can create high-resolution images with accurate T2 values using a prospectively-sampled 5-minute quantitative double-echo steady-state sequence. We validate this method using high-SNR reference sequences for T2 accuracy and high-resolution reference sequences and a reader study for image quality assessment.
A 3D convolutional neural network termed MRSR was used to enhance image quality by learning image transformations between low and high-resolution datasets, using methods described previously4. MRSR was first pre-trained using 159 3D DESS datasets obtained through the Osteoarthritis Initiative5. Subsequently MRSR was trained/validated on 34/10 high-resolution qDESS datasets respectively. All cases were from patients referred for a clinical knee MRI to ensure inclusion of healthy and pathologic tissues during training. qDESS consisted of 160 slices with a slice thickness of 0.7mm acquired with 2x2 parallel imaging. Acquisition of 2x thicker slices (1.4mm) was simulated using sequential anti-aliasing low-pass filtering followed by Fourier interpolating (FI) to the ground-truth slice locations.
The hold-out testing data consisted of 13 low-resolution scans (qDESS-LR: 416x416 matrix, 1.4mm slices, 2x1 parallel imaging) acquired with the same scan parameters as the simulated training data. A high-resolution sequence unseen during training with identical scan parameters as the training (qDESS-HR) was used as a reference for image quality enhancements. A low-resolution high-SNR qDESS sequence (qDESS-T2Ref: 256x256 matrix, 2.8mm slices, no parallel imaging) was used as a reference for accurate T2 values (overall study design in Fig.1).
Femoral cartilage was manually segmented and sub-divided into deep/superficial layers for the medial/lateral and anterior/central/posterior subregions. T2 for each sub-region was calculated by analytically inverting the qDESS signal model for all scans (qDESS-LR, qDESS-HR, and qDESS-T2Ref)6. Approximate SNR for the entire cartilage surface was measured using an aliasing-free background region-of-interest. Pearson and concordance correlation coefficients, coefficients of variation (CV%), and Bland-Altmann plots were used to compare qDESS-HR and qDESS-LR T2 values with reference to qDESS-T2Ref.
Image quality enhancement of MRSR images was compared using computer-vision metrics of normalized root-mean-square-error (nRMSE), peak SNR (pSNR), and structural similarity (SSIM) for FI images and MRSR images, compared to the qDESS-HR reference. Mann-Whitney U-Tests (α=0.05) compared quantitative and qualitative image quality, T2, and SNR metrics pooled per subject.
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