Multi-Channel Image Reconstruction with Latent Coils and Adversarial Loss
Joseph Y. Cheng1, John M. Pauly2, and Shreyas S. Vasanawala1

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


Model-based accelerated imaging techniques enable high scan time reductions while maintaining high image quality. These techniques rely on the ability to accurately estimate the imaging model. This model can be extended to include information beyond physical limits, such as high-resolution phase information to promote conjugate symmetry or information of voxels without signal for a stronger image prior. Thus, we propose a deep learning approach to estimate the imaging model with latent coil maps. Furthermore, we jointly train this latent map estimator with a deep-learning-based reconstruction using adversarial loss, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in volumetric knee datasets.


Model-based accelerated imaging techniques1–5 enable high scan time reduction (over 8 fold) while maintaining high image quality. At the core of these methods is the ability to accurately estimate the imaging model. This model characterizes the process of transforming the desired image to the measurement domain in k-space. A key component of the transform is the multi-channel coil array hardware. For optimal performance, coil profile maps must be characterized for each scan; however, the characterization can be costly in scan time and computation. Thus, we introduce a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to estimate latent coil profile maps to model the imaging process. For further gains, this network is jointly trained with a reconstruction neural network with an adversarial loss.


Current approaches to estimate the multi-channel model assume that each channel profile map of a coil array is slowly varying in space1–4. With accurate estimation (a) of voxels without signal and (b) of high spatial frequency components induced by field perturbations, additional information can be modeled by the profile map for improving the reconstruction. Thus, we propose to use unsupervised learning to avoid biasing our training based on previous methods: the CNN6 is trained based on how the output will be applied instead of on an ideal estimate of profile maps. More specifically, if the conjugate transpose of the maps estimated is applied to the original multi-channel, the number of channels is reduced (to 1 in this work). By applying the maps again, the result is the original multi-channel data. Because no constraint is imposed on the channel-reduced space and reconstruction will be performed in this space, we refer to the images in this space as latent coils and the profile maps as latent coil maps.

As the main goal is to improve the image reconstruction, the CNN for estimating these latent coil maps (Latent Map Estimator) are jointly trained with a reconstruction CNN based on compressed sensing7–9 (Reconstruction Network). Overview of the method is depicted in Figure 1. Furthermore, to improve the perceptual image quality of the reconstruction, adversarial loss (Discriminator, $$$D_\omega$$$) is used10.

The training consists of three components to the loss function. Latent map estimator $$$G_\theta$$$ (Figure 2b) is trained with loss: $$\mathcal{L}_L^\theta=\sum_i\left\|G_\theta(u_i)G^H_\theta(u_i)c_i-c_i \right\|_1,$$ where $$$c_i$$$ is the $$$i$$$-th fully-sampled multi-channel training example, and $$$u_i$$$ is k-space subsampled according to the subsampling mask used for future scans. Both $$$u_i$$$ and $$$c_i$$$ are in the image domain. $$$G_\theta$$$ is jointly trained with the reconstruction network $$$R_\phi$$$ (Figure 2c) with an additional loss: $$\mathcal{L}_R^{\theta,\phi}=\sum_i \left\|G_\theta(u_i)R_\phi(u_i,G_\theta(u_i))-c_i \right\|_1-\lambda\log(D_\omega(G_\theta(u_i)R_\phi(u_i,G_\theta(u_i)))),$$ where $$$R_\phi(u_i,G_\theta(u_i))$$$ outputs a latent image which is then transformed into the multi-channel image domain with $$$G_\theta(u_i)$$$. Discriminator $$$D_\omega$$$ (Figure 2d) is trained with loss $$$\mathcal{L}_D^{\omega}$$$: $$\mathcal{L}_D^{\omega}=\sum_i-\log(D_\omega(c_i))-\log(1-D_\omega(R_\phi(u_i,G_\theta(u_i)))),$$ where $$$D_\omega$$$ classifies each image patch as the original fully-sampled $$$c_i$$$ or not.

Proton-density-weighted volumetric knee scans11,12 using an 8-channel knee coil were used. Cartesian k-space data were first transformed into the hybrid $$$(x,ky,kz)$$$-space and separated into $$$x$$$-slices. Dataset consisted of 14, 2, and 3 knee subjects (4480, 640, and 960 slices) for training, validation, and testing. For training and for final testing, variable-density poisson-disc sampling masks were used. The networks were jointly trained in TensorFlow13; comparisons were performed using BART14.


From a subsampled image set, latent coil maps were generated with high spatial frequencies (Figure 3). These latent coil maps were similar to the maps computed from ESPIRiT with and without automatic cropping. These latent coil maps were used to assist in the reconstruction of the subsampled dataset by transforming the multi-channel image into a latent space that is specific for de-noising (Figure 4). Reconstruction results for different approaches are shown in Figure 5. On a NVIDIA 1080 Ti card, the latent coil map CNN took 40ms and reconstruction CNN took 60ms, whereas ESPIRiT took 600ms and 9.6s without and with cropping. On the same GPU, parallel imaging & compressed sensing (PICS) with 30 iterations took 2.6s. The reconstruction network trained without adversarial loss appears smoother agreeing with previous literature10,15 whereas the network trained with adversarial loss has more high-resolution texture.

Discussion & Conclusion

A single latent coil is used in this work, but the network can be easily extended to support more coils. The latent space enabled by the unsupervised training provides an unexplored domain for reconstruction solutions. Further, the proposed highly-flexible method allows for arbitrary regularizations to guide the unsupervised training and for training with arbitrary reconstruction networks. In conclusion, a CNN framework is proposed and trained with unsupervised learning to estimate latent coil maps. Latent coil maps are rapidly estimated and used for reconstructing multi-channel images.


NIH R01-EB009690, NIH R01-EB019241, NIH R01-EB026136, and GE Healthcare.


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Figure 1. Method overview for multi-channel image reconstruction using latent coils. Two different networks are illustrated in the reconstruction pipeline: latent map estimator ($$$G_\theta$$$: model $$$G$$$ parameterized by $$$\theta$$$) and unrolled reconstruction network ($$$R_\phi$$$). During inference, subsampled k-space data (in the image-domain as $$$u$$$) is used to estimate latent maps $$$\textbf{S}_g=G_\theta(u)$$$. The latent maps and the original data are inputted into the reconstruction network to produce latent image $$$y=R_\phi(u,\textbf{S}_g)$$$. This latent image is then projected back into the multi-channel image domain for the final reconstruction as $$$\textbf{S}_gy$$$.

Figure 2. Neural network architecture. a: ResBlock building block consisting of batch normalization (batch norm), rectified linear unit activation (ReLU), convolutional layers using 3x3 kernels with 128 feature channels, and a skip connection. b: Latent Map Estimator ($$$G_\theta$$$) that takes in multi-channel image domain data $$$u$$$ to produce latent maps $$$\textbf{S}_g$$$. c: Single iteration of unrolled reconstruction network ($$$R_\phi$$$) with an update block and de-noising block to transform the $$$m$$$-th latent image $$$y$$$ to the $$$m+1$$$-th. d: Discriminator ($$$D_\omega$$$) classifies whether the input is the ground truth or is data generated from the latent map estimator and reconstruction networks ($$$\textbf{S}_gy$$$).

Figure 3. Latent coil maps estimated from test examples. The two 8-channel knee datasets were retrospectively subsampled (R=8.5), and the subsampled data (first row) are used to estimate maps. Estimated latent maps are displayed in the second row. Maps estimated using ESPIRiT are displayed in the third and fourth rows. For ESPIRiT, the maps can be cropped based on an eigenvalue analysis (fourth row). The latent maps estimated has the same intensity variations as the original input data and the ESPIRiT maps. These latent maps have additional high-spatial-resolution structure that provides a strong image prior for the reconstruction.

Figure 4. Latent coil images estimated at each stage of the unrolled reconstruction network with a total of 4 iterations. The multi-channel input data (displayed as square root of sum of squares) is subsampled (left). This data is passed through the unrolled reconstruction network, and the latent coil images are displayed in the middle. The final multi-channel output is shown on the right. Multi-channel images are transformed into latent coil images for reconstruction purposes only with unexpected characteristics. We relax any requirements of the latent images, and only require that the final image be a high-quality reconstruction.

Figure 5. Example results.Ground truth (last column, top) was subsampled (mask in last column, bottom) to generate input data (first column). The subsampled data was used to estimate latent maps and to reconstruct images using the reconstruction network (ReconNet). ESPIRiT without (fourth) and with cropping (fifth) were also used with a parallel imaging & compressed sensing reconstruction (PICS). Cropping of maps increases performance (b), but aggressive cropping results in blurring (white arrow). The ReconNet (second column) performed the best in NRMSE and SSIM, but smoothing is apparent. Adversarial loss training (third column) increases resolution but may introduce structured artifacts (dotted arrow).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)