Yang Zhang1, Ning Lang2, Enlong Zhang2, Jiahui Zhang2, Daniel Chow1, Peter Chang1, Hon J. Yu1, Huishu Yuan2, and Min-Ying Lydia Su1
1Department of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China
For patients found to have spinal metastasis, a
confirmed pathological diagnosis is needed to proceed with appropriate
treatment. This study compared ROI analysis, radiomics, and deep learning for
differentiation of primary cancer coming from 30 lung and 31 other tumors. Radiomics
using GLCM texture and histogram parameters from the segmented 3D tumor achieved
accuracy of 0.71, while the deep learning using recurrent CLSTM network with
the entire 12 sets of DCE images reached an accuracy of 0.81. The wash-out
slope in DCE kinetics measured from hot-spot was the best diagnostic parameter,
which could be easily performed in a clinical setting.
Patients presenting with pain in the spine are
often suspected to have lesions compressing the spinal cord, and MRI is usually
performed for diagnosis. The most common malignancy in the spine is metastatic
cancer, and approximately 30% of patients present with an unknown primary
[1-3]. In these patients, a final diagnosis is needed to proceed with
treatment. In Western world with established health care systems, PET/CT is the
most commonly used imaging for diagnosis of primary cancer and whole-body
staging when the metastatic cancer in the spine is suspected. However, the
patient may have to wait for insurance approval and delay the diagnosis. In the
developing countries, PET/CT and the 18F-FDG tracer are limited and very
expensive, and thus this exam may not be available to many patients. If other
cheaper imaging examinations can be used to locate the primary tumor, it will
provide a cost-effective management approach to help patients. Among all patients presenting with
spinal pain with an unknown primary cancer site, lung metastasis is the most
prevalent [3]. If this primary can be accurately predicted, subsequent workup
can be focused to pulmonary imaging, e.g. using CT, which is easily accessible
and much cheaper. In a previous study we performed the hot spot ROI-based
analysis and deep learning using convolutional neural network to differentiate
metastases from lung cancer and other primary cancers [4]. The purpose of this
study is to apply quantitative radiomics analysis to differentiate the two
groups and compare the diagnostic performance with that of ROI and deep
learning analysis.Methods
In a retrospective review of spinal clinical MRI
database in our hospital that included a DCE sequence, a total of 61 patients
were identified, including 30 patients confirmed with lung cancer (16 males, 14
females, mean age 56) and 31 other cancers (16 males, 15 females, mean age 57).
scans were performed on a 3T Siemens or 3T GE scanner with a consistent
protocol. DCE-MRI was performed using the three-dimensional (3D) volume
interpolated breath-hold examination (3D VIBE) sequence on Siemens, or the LAVA
(Liver Acceleration Volume Acquisition) on GE. Approximately 30 slices with
3-mm thickness were prescribed to cover the abnormal vertebrae. The temporal
resolution varied from 10 to 14 seconds. MRI and DCE kinetics of one lung
cancer is shown in Figure 1, and that
of one thyroid cancer is shown in Figure
2. DCE pre- and post-contrast images are shown in Figure 3. The abnormal area on sagittal T2W images was first
manually outlined by a radiologist and then transformed to the axial view
DCE-MRI for tumor segmentation, using a normalized cut algorithm with region
growing [5]. Radiomics analysis was performed to extract DCE kinetic parameters
and texture features on three computed DCE parametric maps, including the
steepest wash-in SE map, maximum SE map, and wash-out slope map, illustrated in
Figure 4. On each map, 20 gray-level
co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)
texture features by Haralick et al. [6], and 13 histogram parameters, including
the 10%, 20%… 80% to 90% percentile values, mean, standard deviation, kurtosis
and skewness, were obtained. A total of 99 quantitative features were obtained
for each patient. A random forest algorithm was used to select 3-5 features to
form the diagnostic classifier [7]. After a final diagnostic classifier was
obtained, the accuracy was evaluated in the entire dataset of 61 cases.Results
In the color maps shown in Figure 4, almost all voxels in the entire thyroid cancer show the
wash-out pattern, but the voxels in the lung cancer are more heterogeneous with
most of them showing the plateau pattern. By increasing the number of features
from 3 to 4 to 5, the accuracy only improved slightly. The diagnostic accuracy
and the selected histogram and texture features are listed in Table 1. The accuracy obtained using
the texture features only (0.59-0.62) was lower compared to using histogram
only (0.67-0.68), or histogram+texture (0.68-0.71). For hot-spot ROI-based analysis
using steepest wash-in signal enhancement (SE) ratio, maximum SE ratio and the
wash-out slope, the classification accuracy obtained using logistic regression
was 0.74, and that by using Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID)
with the wash-out slope of -6.6% followed by maximum SE of 98% was 0.79. Deep
learning using three generated DCE parametric maps as inputs in a conventional convolutional
neural network (CNN) was 0.61-0.74, mean 0.71 +/- 0.043. The accuracy achieved
using all 12 sets of DCE images as inputs in a recurrent neural network, convolutional
long short term memory (CLSTM), was 0.75-0.84, mean 0.81 +/- 0.034.Discussion
In this study, we analyzed quantitative radiomics features on three DCE parametric maps generated corresponding to the hot spot analysis: the wash-in SE map, maximum SE map, and wash-out slope map. We used random forest algorithm for feature selection, not for the final classification, similar to the approach used in Gallego-Ortiz et al. [8]. The accuracy in the combined histogram+texture analysis was 0.68 by using 3 features and 0.71 by using 5 features, which was inferior to that of hot-spot analysis. The results also show that the texture (i.e. heterogeneity within the tumor) did not add much value for improving differential diagnosis. When the three DCE parametric maps were used as inputs in deep learning with CNN, the accuracy was comparable to that of radiomics; but when all 12 sets of images acquired in the DCE sequence were used as inputs in deep learning with CLSTM, the accuracy was much higher. The results also suggest that a simple hot-spot analysis in DCE-MRI can differentiate lung mets from other cancers in the spine with a high accuracy, which can be easily performed in a clinical setting, the same approach used in DCE-MRI for diagnosis of breast lesions.Acknowledgements
This study is supported in part by NIH R01
CA127927, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81701648,
81471634), and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (7164309).References
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