We investigated whether Deuterium Metabolic Imaging (DMI) with 2H-labeled glucose can be used to monitor treatment response in a pre-clinical murine lymphoma model (EL4). Localized 2H spectra were acquired from tumors, with a time resolution of ~1min, following a bolus injection of labeled glucose. These showed inhibition of lactate labeling following treatment of the tumors with etoposide. 2D chemical shift images (2D CSI) were acquired from the tumors, but imaging treatment response may need faster image acquisition. Studies with a respiratory chain inhibitor in vitro suggested that labeling of water in EL4 tumor cells may be due, at least in part, to TCA cycle activity.
MRSI in vivo: EL4 tumor-bearing mice were imaged under 2-3% isoflurane anesthesia in a 9.4 T MRI scanner (Agilent, Palo Alto, California, USA). Proton reference images were acquired with a volume coil and 2H spectra were acquired using a home-built 18 mm diameter surface coil. Sequential 2H spectra (256 transients, TR=260 ms) were acquired from a 10 mm slice through the tumor (Fig. 1A) following injection of 2 g/kg d-[6,6’-2H2]glucose. The 2H pulse power was adjusted, prior to glucose injection, to give a maximum natural abundance HOD signal. The injection was started following acquisition of the first spectrum. The mice (n=3) were then, after they had recovered from the anaesthesia, treated with an intraperitoneal injection of 67 mg etoposide per kg body weight. A second series of 2H spectra was acquired 48 h later. All procedures were carried out under the authority of project and personal licenses issued by the UK Home Office.
The 2D CSI sequence used Hamming window weighting for the number of averages per kspace point (Fig. 4). The FOV was 36x36x10 mm3 with a matrix size of 12x12. The TR was 260 ms and a total of 12388 excitations gave an acquisition time of 54 min. Peaks were fitted individually for each voxel using an AMARES implementation in MATLAB3. The 2H images, containing the fitted peak amplitudes, were zero-filled to 256x256 data points to match the resolution of the 1H Fast Spin Echo reference images (number of averages = 16, TR= 1s, and echo train length = 8, echo time = 20ms).
NMR spectroscopy in vitro: To establish what part of the increase in the HOD peak after the injection of [6,6’-2H2]glucose was due to loss of label in glycolysis and what part was due to TCA cycle activity we modulated TCA cycle activity using the respiratory chain inhibitor rotenone. d-[6,6’-2H2]glucose (2 mg/ml) was added to two EL4 cell cultures at a density of ~0.2 million cells per ml. Rotenone (10 nM) was added to one of the cultures and at several timepoints after glucose addition, 500 μl samples were taken, centrifuged to remove cells and 2H NMR spectra acquired (2000 Hz spectral width, 2048 data points, TR=2 s, 1024 averages).
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