Awake and behaving mouse fMRI in Go/No-go task.
Wenjing Chen1, Zhe Han1, Xifan Chen1, Kaiwei Zhang1, Chengyu Li1, and Zhifeng Liang1

1Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China


The current study describes a novel awake and behaving mouse fMRI paradigm, which enables the functional imaging of mice brain during an olfaction based go/no-go (GNG) task. This novel paradigm incorporates a MR compatible behavioral apparatus (olfactometer, licking detection and water delivery) and awake head fixation mechanism, all specifically designed to be used with a cryogenic coil at high field. High-resolution functional images uncovered the large-scale networks that are differentially recruited in the hit vs. correct-rejection trials, with greatly limited motion artefacts. This method paved the way for future whole-brain, systematic mapping of cognitive processes in mice.


The fMRI studies in rodents are largely performed under anesthesia1, which greatly 
limits the scope of application and the behavioral relevance. 
Recent studies have started to use awake mice under the resting state fMRI2 and other conditions3. However fMRI in the awake behaving rodents has not been achieved. In the current study, a novel fMRI paradigm for awake and behaving mice was developed, allowing functional imaging of the mouse brain in an olfaction based go/no-go (GNG) task. We present a novel awake mouse fMRI setup, includes a MRI compatible behavioral apparatus, which enables active behavior during fMRI. Functional imaging results demonstrated dynamic sequences of BOLD activities in a distributed network involving many cortical and subcortical regions in the GNG task.


Animals preparations

8 male C57BL/6 mice were used for experiment. After the surgery for head holder implantation and middle ear filling, mice were trained for the GNG task. Mice were trained to lick after the Go odor (3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol, O1) and not to lick after No-go odor (propyl acetate, O2). Two odors were delivered in a pseudo-random order4. “Hit” represents lick in a Go trial, “Correct rejection” (CR) represents no-lick in a No-go trial. The overall experimental procedure is shown in Figure 1.

MRI compatible behavior training setup

This setup includes five major components: the animal bed, the odor-delivery system, the peristaltic pump for water reward, the licking detector, and the Arduino controller (Figure 2).

fMRI experiment

Mice were secured in the olfaction behavior apparatus without any anesthesia, and placed inside the MRI scanner (9.4T Bruker BioSpec scanner with 4 channel phased array cryogenic mouse head coil). Single-shot gradient echo EPI images were acquired while mice were actively engaged in GNG task, with following parameters: TR/TE = 1500/15ms, FOV = 14.1×10 mm2, matrix = 94×67 (resolution = 0.15×0.15mm2), slice thickness = 0.4mm, 22 slices, for 6 min (240 volumes). In each EPI session, every 15s odor O1 or odor O2 was randomly delivered for 1 second around as behavioral cues, and any resulting licking was recorded. Typically 8-10 EPI sessions were acquired for each mouse. The olfaction behavior apparatus was synchronized with EPI data acquisition using TTL triggers from the scanner.

Image processing and data analysis

Image preprocessing were performed with SPM: motion correction, registration, normalization and spatial smoothing. EPI scans with maximum frame-wise displacement of more than 0.075mm were discarded. To further reduce the effect of motion, group independent component analysis(ICA) based de-noising strategy was used (GIFT toolbox). After regression of 12 motion parameters (6 motion parameters from SPM realignment and their derivatives) and time courses of motion related ICA components, time series of each voxel were detrended and normalized to their standard deviations. After normalization, epochs of Hit and CR trials were extracted and the whole-brain dynamic spatiotemporal patterns were thus generated by massive averaging approach5. A linear mixed effect model was utilized to examine the statistical significance of each time point of ROI time series, with subjects being the random effect. To evaluate the differential spatiotemporal patterns of brain activity between the two trials, epochs within same trial type or between Hit and CR trials were randomly divided into two groups, and correlation was calculated for averages of the two groups for each mouse.

Results and Discussion

For awake imaging, the head holder based fixation mechanism was highly effective in reducing head motion. And the middle-ear Kwik-cast filling significantly reduced the susceptibility artifact in the brain regions close to the ear canal. In the hit trials, widespread cortical activation was observed (Figure 3), and some subcortical regions such as caudoputamen and medial dorsal thalamus were also clearly activated. Such wide-spread involvement was consistent with the fact that many cognitive processes are required in the hit trials, such as olfaction, decision making, motor output, and reward processing. In contrast, the spatiotemporal maps of CR trials showed a different pattern, with more limited activation spread. The whole-brain spatiotemporal patterns from the same trial type exhibited a high correlation coefficient (Hit vs. Hit, CR vs. CR), whereas those between the different trial types exhibited chance-level correlation coefficient (Hit vs. CR). Therefore the brain-wide activation pattern is drastically different between that of the hit and CR trials (Figure 5).


Our novel fMRI paradigm in the awake and behaving mice is a great tool for mapping brain-wide activity modulation for behaviors. The current study expands the applicability of mouse fMRI, by demonstrating the feasibility of functional imaging of awake mice during a behavioral task.


This work was supported by the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (81771821 and 31471049), CAS Hundreds of Talents Program, the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (31525010, to C.T.L.), the Instrument Developing Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. YZ201540), the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of the Chinese Academy Sciences (QYZDB-SSW-SMC009), the Key Project of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (No.15JC1400102, 16JC1400101), the China–Netherlands CAS-NWO Programme: The Future of Brain and Cognition (153D31KYSB20160106).


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2. Madularu, D., Mathieu, A.P., Kumaragamage, C., et al. A non-invasive restraining system for awake mouse imaging. J Neurosci Methods. 2017; 287: 53-57.

3. Harris, A.P., Lennen, R.J., Marshall, I., et al. Imaging learned fear circuitry in awake mice using fMRI. Eur J Neurosci. 2015; 42: 2125-2134.

4.Han, Z., Zhang, X., Zhu, J., et al. High-Throughput Automatic Training System for Odor-Based Learned Behaviors in Head-Fixed Mice. Front Neural Circuits. 2018;12,15.

5. Gonzalez-Castillo, J., Saad, Z.S., Handwerker, D.A., et al. Whole-brain, time-locked activation with simple tasks revealed using massive averaging and model-free analysis.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012; 109:5487-5492


Figure 1: Experimental procedures for awake imaging of the GNG task in mice. Six major steps are shown on the left panel. Mice were allowed to recover for one week after surgery. Task learning included three steps, as shown on the right panel. Habituation included two steps as shown on the right panel. During the habituation phase, besides ‘task learning’, a sham coil was first introduced to the training. Then, the background noise of MRI facility was further applied.

Figure 2: MRI compatible behavior training and mouse head holding module. (A) A Bruker 9.4T MRI and a cryogenic coil. (B) Behavioral training module : A program collects the time points of all the events, including the TTL trigger out signals from the MRI machine, valve open and close, water pump open and close, and licking behavior.(C) Schematic representation of a mouse in the training facility during MRI. (D) A customized 3D-printed module is attached to the skull posterior to the Lambda point.①, Bregma. ②, Lambda.

Figure 3: (A-F) Time series of the modulation in BOLD signal for the example ROIs of the “Hit” trials. Brown bars indicate the “go” odor delivery window. *, p value<10E(-10). (G) Spatiotemporal maps of BOLD signal for the “Hit” trials. Maps in Z scores. Each row represents the averaged whole-brain map in the rostral-caudal direction at a corresponding TR. Each column represents one slice across all TRs.

Figure 4: Similar to the Figure 3 for the “correct rejection” trials with “No-go” odor delivered. (A-F) Time series of the modulation in BOLD signal for the example ROIs of the “CR” trials. Dark blue bars indicate the “No-go” odor delivery window. *, p value<10E(-10). (G) Spatiotemporal maps of BOLD signal for the “CR” trials.

Figure 5: Pearson correlation coefficients of spatiotemporal patterns in within same trial type or between Hit and CR trials. *, p value<0.001.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)