Despite the existence of several structural atlases of avian brains, few of them address the bird structural connectivity. In this study, a novel atlas of the structural connectivity is proposed for the Japanese quail, aiming at investigating two lines: the short and the long tonic immobility lines. Using high resolution T2-weighted MRI and ultra-high field diffusion MRI, the connectivity of both lines was investigated, showing the existence of structural differences between the connectivity patterns characterizing the two lines. Thus, the link between their specific behaviors facing fear and their underlying anatomical substrates reached a better understanding.
Japanese quail cohort – 21 male and sexually mature Japanese quails, including 11 LTI and 10 STI subjects, were scanned post mortem. After being perfused using a 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) solution, the heads were collected and conserved in PFA for two months. Heads hydration in a 0.1M phosphate buffered saline solution was required before scanning.
MRI protocols – The subjects were scanned with a preclinical Bruker 11.7T MRI scanner equipped with a strong gradient set (Gmax=780mT/m, slew-rate=9500T/m/s) and using a 40mm Bruker 1H transmit-receive volume coil. The imaging protocol included a T2-weighted spin echo (SE) sequence with the following parameters: isotropic 150μm resolution, TE=16ms, TR=9000ms, 8 averages, 1 repetition; and a dMRI 3D segmented echo planar imaging sequence, using a Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo scheme with the following parameters: isotropic 200μm resolution, TE=23.88ms, TR=250ms, b= 4500s/mm2, 75 directions, δ=5ms, Δ=12.3ms.
pipeline was developed to analyze the data and establish the
connectivity atlas. No preprocessing was required thanks to the use
of a multishot dMRI sequence that helped compensating for
susceptibility and eddy current artifacts, as well as the high SNR
level of diffusion
data (SNR=13).
Q-ball (aQBI)8
and diffusion tensor imaging
used to map the local orientation and
obtain the orientation diffusion function (ODF) maps
of the diffusion process in
addition to
quantitative DTI-based measures from
the diffusion
regularized deterministic tractography available in Connectomist9
was used
to infer the connectivity in each individual from
its ODF map using
the following parameters: step 50μm,
aperture angle 30°, 8 seeds per voxel, regularization factor of
the individual scale, the reconstructed fibers were
subdivided into fiber clusters or fascicles using the approach
a map
centroids representative
of the fiber clusters.
order to bring the individuals into
a common space,
brains were reoriented using their
anterior and
posterior commissures
of a
reorientation based on the midline
of their
template space was
defined from the subject TQ being the closest to the others,
from the
scaling criterion $$$TQ
= argmin_{j} \sum_{i=1, i\neq j}^N \sqrt{S{x_i}^2 + S{y_i}^2 + S{z_i}^2}$$$
affine transformations between brains. Sx,
Sy, Sz correspond
to the scaling parameters along
the x, y and z axes between
two quails i and j. A
clustering step was
used to match
across subjects, giving
of centroid
clusters in
the previously defined AC-PC template space. Ultimately, labeled inter-subject
clusters led to the target atlas
of the Japanese quail connectivity.
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Anatomical images of sample 7419 STI in its AC-PC frame with an isotropic 150μm resolution: (a) in the sagittal, coronal and axial views showing the anterior commissure (AC) and the posterior commissure (PC); (b) the manual segmentation of the brain structures contributing to the visual system of the Japanese quail in the coronal and axial views.
We can observe here the brain structures involved in the visual system of the Japanese quail: the entopallium (E), the hyperpallium (H), the optic chiasma (OC), the optic nerves (ON), the optic tract (OT), and the tectum opticum (TO).
Results of the post-processing step for the brain mask of sample 7180 LTI reoriented in its AC-PC frame: (a) the fractional anisotropy; (b) the apparent diffusion coefficient; (c) the tractogram stemming from a streamline regularized deterministic algorithm; (d) the fusion of the isotropic 150μm resolution anatomical image and a color-encoded diffusion directions map coming from the DTI model.
The full brain reorientation requires the coordinates of three points: the anterior commissure, the posterior commissure, and another point chosen on the interhemispherical line.
Results of the intra-subject fiber clustering for both lines on their own anatomical images at an isotropic 150μm resolution : (a) sample 7412 STI; (b) sample 7419 STI; (c) sample 7147 LTI; (d) sample 7157 LTI.
The outcome of the intra-subject fiber clustering step offers a visual comparison between subjects since it corresponds to the extraction of geometrically coherent fibers at the individual scale. Therefore, we may observe the existence of similar fascicles between individuals of a same lineage, encouraging the next clustering step.
Results of the LTI inter-subject fiber clustering showing nine different long fibers on a 3D mesh image of sample 7157, including: (a) the anterior commissure; (b) the cerebellar peduncles; (c) the optic tract; (d) the descending motor pathway.
The quail 7157 LTI was found to be the TQ subject of its line. Thus, all the other LTI subjects were reoriented in its AC-PC frame. The coherent fibers are represented by centroids in different colors to highlight the small anatomical fascicles they belong to and the fiber direction.
The structural connectivity atlas of the Japanese quail showing major tracts: the descending motor pathway (red/pink); the ascending somesthetic pathway (light green); ascending and tectofugal visual/auditory pathways (light blue); the somatosensory pathway (dark green); thalamic projections (yellow); amygdala-hippocampal pathways (arcopallium/pallial amygdala) (dark blue).
More specific tracts to the Japanese quail can be found if we optimize the labeling of the brain structures defined by the segmentation process. Thus, the building of a complete morphological atlas based on histological analyses of the Japanese quail was instrumental in the accurate brain structure labeling.