We present a prototype exemplifying conceptual web-based workflow with services and applications which allow MR sequence developers to collaboratively create and work on MR sequences. By automating various error-prone tasks that usually overwhelm new and existing users and focusing on an interplay of web-services and applications, we introduce a novel developer experience. That might help the MR community to establish a sequence development workflow that can greatly benefit from collaborative efforts and make MR sequence developments more transparent and reproducible.
The working environment consists of three core web-based services: "pm", "sequence" and "recon".
"pm" is a project management service that allows users to create, work and share "sequence" and "recon" projects. By reusing the gitlab api [8] and our backend services, we streamline a convenient workflow for managing changes in MR sequence development. We automate mostly tedious tasks for sequence developers like starting backend services that are needed for running the "sequence" application.
"sequence" enables users to work on specific MR sequences that are part of a project that the user works on. The development environment holds different plugins [7] that allow users to have different but also inter-connected views and editors of the sequence modules and their properties. This enables users to work more efficiently. At the state of today, we allow users to work on sequences (e.g. extending an EPI-Readout) without breaking modules that other sequence developers are working on. "sequence" itself allows users to re-use different sequences (e.g. EPI, pCASL, Turbo Spin Echo), helpful extensions or reusable modules (e.g. EPI-Readout, Slice Selection). Through the use of the project manager, the service allows for the inclusion of all sequence related developments from other team members.
Along the line of novel MR-image reconstruction techniques that may not be available at all MR scanners, we are confident that providing the option to easily use advanced, novel MR reconstruction methods is desired as well. For this reason, we work on the additional web-based service "recon" allowing the usage of advanced image reconstruction APIs and frameworks such as Gadgetron [9] and BART [10]. To integrate the development of reconstruction in the web-based workflow, we investigate the usage of eclipse che [11] for the reconstruction workstation, see Figure 3.
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