Deep learning algorithms have shown promise for precise organ segmentation. In this work, we investigate the prospects of deep learning for automated lung segmentation to assess impaired ventilation and perfusion measures using functional lung MRI.
MR Data
This study included preliminary data from 9 children with CF and 5 healthy children and was approved by our ethics committee. Functional imaging with MP-MRI, consisted of time-resolved 2D coronal acquisitions using ultra-fast steady state free precession during 50 seconds of free breathing.1,3 To cover the whole lung, MP-MRI was acquired at 8-to-10 slice planes. Total scan time was about 8 minutes. After specific deformable image registration10 a Matrix-Pencil algorithm computes perfusion- and ventilation-weighted maps of the lung. The pulmonary tissue is segmented on the base images. RFV and RQ are defined as ventilation and perfusion signal lower than 25% of the lung median values. Illustrative MP ventilation and perfusion maps and the resulting defect masks are representatively shown in Figure 1.
Lung segmentations
The lung in every slice (n=103) was segmented by two human observers (H1 and H2) and by a recurrent neural network (DL) (11). The neural network8 was previously trained in a CF cohort.9 The subjects presented in this very abstract were not included in the training and represents a validation cohort for the algorithm.
Data Analysis
We calculated the whole lung RFV and RQ in every subject using the segmentations of the three different observers (DL, H1 and H2). Percentage of differences for RFV, RQ between observers was calculated as (xObserver2-xObserver1)*100)/xObserver1. Agreement between observers was assessed graphically by the Bland-Altman method and analytically by calculating intra-class correlation (ICC) coefficients. With Bland-Altman method, we calculated the upper and lower limits of agreement between observers (mean difference ± 1.96 SD of differences between observers). ICC estimates and their 95% confident intervals were calculated using Stata™ (StataCorp. 2015, Release 14. College Station, TX: StataCorp LP) based on a mean-rating (k = 3), absolute-agreement, 2-way mixed-effects model.
1. Bauman G, Pusterla O, Bieri O. Ultra-fast Steady-State Free Precession Pulse Sequence for Fourier Decomposition Pulmonary MRI. Magnetic resonance in medicine. 2016;75(4):1647-53.
2. Voskrebenzev A, Gutberlet M, Klimes F, et al. Feasibility of quantitative regional ventilation and perfusion mapping with phase-resolved functional lung (PREFUL) MRI in healthy volunteers and COPD, CTEPH, and CF patients. Magnetic resonance in medicine. 2018;79(4):2306-14.
3. Bauman G, Bieri O. Matrix pencil decomposition of time-resolved proton MRI for robust and improved assessment of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion. Magnetic resonance in medicine. 2017;77(1):336-42.
4. Nyilas S, Bauman G, Sommer G, et al. Novel magnetic resonance technique for functional imaging of cystic fibrosis lung disease. The European respiratory journal. 2017;50(6).
5. Nyilas S, Bauman G, Pusterla O, et al. Structural and Functional Lung Impairment in PCD: Assessment with MRI and Multiple Breath Washout in Comparison to Spirometry. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2018.
6. Nyilas S, Bauman G, Pusterla O, et al. Ventilation and perfusion assessed by functional MRI in children with CF: reproducibility in comparison to lung function. Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society. 2018.
7. Guo F, Capaldi DPI, McCormack DG, et al. A framework for Fourier-decomposition free-breathing pulmonary (1) H MRI ventilation measurements. Magnetic resonance in medicine. 2018.
8. Andermatt S, Pezold S, Cattin P. Multi-dimensional Gated Recurrent Units for the Segmentation of Biomedical 3D-Data - Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications. MICCAI 2016, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
9. Pusterla O, Andermatt S, Bauman G, et al. Deep Learning Lung Segmentation in Paediatric Patients. ISMRM 2018.
10. Sandkühler R, Jud C, Pezold S, Cattin PC, editors. Adaptive Graph Diffusion Regularisation for Discontinuity Preserving Image Registration, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Figure 3. Bland-Altman Plots for relative Difference. Redline indicating Bias, Dotted lines indicating Limit of agreement.
We calculated the upper and lower limits of agreement between observers (mean difference ± 1.96 SD of differences between observers).