Diffusion Tensor Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (DT-CMR) is a promising contrast-free and non-invasive technique to characterize the tissue integrity and microstructure of the myocardium. However, the complex acquisition protocol results in prolonged scan times and often results in images with low spatial resolution and relatively poor signal-to-noise ratio. Here a novel ROI focused multi-scale super-resolution approach is proposed to improve the apparent spatial resolution of in vivo DT-CMR. Based on simulation studies, our proposed method can achieve increases in apparent spatial resolution by a factor of 4 with preserved image quality and no obvious degradation in the derived DT-CMR parameters.
With ethical approval, short-axis DT-CMR data were collected on a Siemens Skyra 3T scanner. All our DT-CMR data were acquired at peak-systole (N=133) or in diastasis (N=115) in healthy volunteers, using a breath hold STEAM-EPI sequence with diffusion encoded over 1 complete cardiac cycle [3]. The acquired spatial resolution was 2.8×2.8mm2, 1.4×1.4mm2 reconstructed, with 8mm slice thickness, repetition time 2 cardiac cycles, echo time 23–25ms, with SENSE factor of 2. Typically, 8 to 10 averages of each slice and diffusion encoding direction were acquired. Diffusion was encoded using 6 diffusion directions and diffusion weightings ranging from 150 to 600s/mm2.
Our SISR method is based on a generative adversarial network (GAN) [5], which can provide perceptually realistic SR, e.g., SRGAN [6]. Despite successful applications of the original GAN method in many scenarios, it suffers from the unstable training, collapsed mode and difficulties in tuning hyper-parameters. Thus, Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) with gradient penalty [7,8], which uses the Wasserstein-1 distance instead of the non-continuous divergence, is incorporated in our SISR.
In practice, GAN based model is notoriously hard to train because the two feature distributions are in high-dimensional manifolds that are rarely overlapped and their Jensen–Shannon divergence will always be a constant, causing the vanished gradient [9]. Thus, we propose two strategies to tackle this problem. Firstly, we propose a region of interest (ROI) focused network, which automatically detects and subsequently super-resolves only the detected ROI, in our case the bounding box region around the left ventricle, before the deep residual SR neural network (SRResNet [6]) is deployed. Secondly, all the loss functions are built with a single scale in the original SRResNet. It is very difficult to stabilize the optimization of the GAN based network with higher magnifying factors (e.g., X4 magnification). Therefore, we propose a multi-scale architecture to decompose this difficult problem into a series of simpler subproblems. Figure 1 shows the proposed SISR (dubbed ROI-MS-WGAN). The DT-CMR images were randomly split into training+cross-validation (N=208) and independent testing datasets (N=40, 20 diastole+20 systole), respectively. Images were downsampled by a factor of 4 as input into the training and testing. We compared the performance of our proposed method with bilinear interpolation, SRResNet and SRGAN with X4 magnification.
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