Impaired blood-brain barrier function in pediatric sickle cell disease
Zixuan Lin1,2, Eboni Lance3, Yang Li1, Pan Su1, Peiying Liu1, Alicia Cannon3, James F. Casella4, and Hanzhang Lu1,2

1Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Department of Pediatric Hematology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States


Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with endothelium dysfunction, but the role of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in SCD has not been evaluated. We evaluated BBB function in pediatric SCD using a novel non-invasive method, water-extraction-with-phase-contrast-arterial-spin-tagging (WEPCAST) MRI. Children with SCD showed lower water extraction compared with healthy individuals. Higher permeability-surface-area-product (PS), i.e. leaky BBB, was associated with a number of known abnormalities in SCD, including lower hematocrit, lower hemoglobin, higher HbS fraction, impaired cognition, and a higher risk for silent cerebral infarction. Collectively, these findings support a potential role for BBB dysfunction in SCD pathogenesis.


Sickle cell disease (SCD) comprises a group of inherited red blood cell (RBC) disorders, in which deoxygenated hemoglobin S (HbS) molecules form polymers and deform RBCs1. SCD has been associated with higher stroke rate2,3 and increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders4. Previous studies have shown inflammation and endothelium dysfunction in SCD5,6, which suggests a potential role of blood-brain-barrier (BBB) permeability in the pathogenesis of brain injury in SCD; however, human studies of BBB function in SCD are scarce, due to a lack of non-invasive techniques, especially for SCD children, in whom hypertonic contrast-agent administration is not desirable. Recently, a water-extraction-with-phase-contrast-arterial-spin-tagging (WEPCAST) MRI technique was developed for the assessment of BBB permeability without contrast agents7. In this study, we applied this novel technique to evaluate BBB function in SCD children. The relationships between BBB permeability and hematological measures, presence of silent cerebral infarction (SCI), and neuropsychological scores were examined.



Eight participants with SCD were recruited (10.3±0.9years, 5F/3M). Five of them have SCD subtype Hemoglobin SS, two have Hemoglobin Sβ+ and one has Hemoglobin SC. Six of the subjects receive hydroxyurea treatment and none receive chronic transfusions.

MRI Experiments

WEPCAST MRI (figure 1) is a novel MRI technique which estimates water extraction fraction (E) by selectively measuring ASL signal in large veins, e.g. superior-sagittal-sinus (SSS)7. Together with global cerebral blood flow (CBF, f), BBB permeability can be estimated in terms of permeability-surface-area product (PS): $$$PS=-ln(1-E)\times f$$$.

All subjects were studied on a 3T Philips System. WEPCAST MRI was performed in mid-sagittal plane, with a labeling duration of 2000ms, post-labeling delay of 3000ms and encoding velocity of 15cm/s. ROIs were drawn in SSS and E was calculated based on the resulting signal. Global CBF was obtained by phase-contrast MRI, and then PS was quantified. Details of WEPCAST analysis are described in Lin et al7.

T2-FLAIR images were acquired and evaluated by a board-certified radiologist, from which an index of SCI was obtained.

Hematological and neuropsychological evaluations

Hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, and hemoglobin S fraction were determined. A battery of neuropsychological tests was performed, including Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V), Conners’ Continuous Performance Test (CPT-III), Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF-2) and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Vineland-II).

Statistical analysis

WECPAST results from six healthy young adults (23.2±2.9years, 3F/3M) were used as control data. Two sample t-test was performed to compare E and PS between SCD children and healthy adults.

Within the SCD patients, we further examined the relationship between BBB permeability measures (E and PS) and hematological parameters, presence of SCI, and neuropsychological scores. Age and sex were covariates and included in the model in a step-wise manner, if significant.


Figure 2a shows representative WEPCAST images for a SCD child. Compared with healthy adult, SCD child revealed significant higher signal in SSS. Group-level comparisons of quantitative WEPCAST indices (Figure 2b) revealed that SCD children had significantly lower water extraction fraction (SCD E: 83.7±4.4%, adults E: 95.5±2.6%, p<0.001) and slightly higher, but not statistically significant, PS (SCD: 201.0±26.8mL/100g/min, adults: 188.9±32.7mL/100g/min, p>0.05), compared to healthy adults.

Among SCD patients, higher PS was associated with significantly lower hematocrit level (p=0.018) and lower hemoglobin (p=0.018) (Figure 3). There was also a trend of positive association between PS and hemoglobin S level (p=0.068). These findings suggest that BBB disruption was more significant in more severe SCD subtypes.

Furthermore, higher PS was significantly associated with a greater risk of SCI (PS in non-SCI: 198.5±7.4mL/100g/min, PS in SCI: 275.3±7.1mL/100g/min, p=0.002, Figure 4). BBB disruption has been associated with vessel disorganization and ischemia8, consistent with our observation that SCD patients with a leaky BBB tend to have a high risk of infarction.

Finally, regression analysis showed that PS had a positive association with commission error t-score in CPT-III (p=0.003, Figure 5), suggesting that BBB leakage in SCD may lead to attention deficits.


To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine BBB permeability in pediatric SCD. Our findings support two recent reports that SCD patients showed a lower global water extraction fraction compared to healthy individuals9,10; however, our data suggest that this is primarily due to a higher CBF in these patients, and not attributable to a lower global PS. In contrast, our data suggest that PS in SCD patients is greater compared to healthy individuals. Furthermore, higher PS was associated a number of known abnormalities in SCD, including lower hematocrit, lower hemoglobin, higher HbS fraction, worse cognition, and a higher risk for silent infarction. Collectively, these findings support a potential role for BBB dysfunction in SCD pathogenesis.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1. Measuring BBB permeability to water with Water-extraction-with-phase-contrast-arterial-spin-tagging (WEPCAST) MRI technique. (a) Sequence diagram of WEPCAST MRI. (b) Water exchange model in WEPCAST MRI. Based on the signal in vein, water extraction fraction (E) can be quantified, and thus permeability-surface-area product (PS). (c) Representative WEPCAST control, label and difference images from one young healthy adult.

Figure 2. Comparison of WEPCAST results from SCD children with young healthy adults. (a) Representative WEPCAST images and corresponding anatomical images for SCD and adult. (b) Bar plots of E and PS comparison for SCD (N=8) and adult (N=6).

Figure 3. Scatter plots between PS and blood test results. Higher PS, i.e. leaky BBB, was associated with lower hematocrit, lower hemoglobin level and higher hemoglobin S fraction.

Figure 4. Bar plots of PS for SCD patients with and without SCI. Patients with SCI showed significant higher PS than patients without SCI.

Figure 5. Scatter plot between PS and commission error t-score in CPT-III. Higher PS, i.e. leaky BBB, was associated with more commission error.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)