Soo Hyun Shin1, Michael F. Wendland2, and Moriel H. Vandsburger1
1Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States, 2Berkeley Preclinical Imaging Core, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
Current diagnosis of renal disease and injury
relies on blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine measurements, which provide
generic information about kidney function but do not provide spatial
specificity during kidney failure. Urea has previously been used as a vehicle
for hyperpolarized MR imaging of renal function, and as a contrast agent of
CEST MRI. Here, we examine whether injection of urea can provide CEST contrast
for quantitation of renal integrity via probing the spatially varying urea
concentrating capacity of a kidney.
Renal diseases such as acute kidney injury (AKI)
and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are currently diagnosed based on the
measurement of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine. While these
measurements give estimations of renal function, they do not provide any spatial
information as to which specific part(s) of each or either kidney demonstrate
compromised urea clearance. Previous studies have used urea as an agent for dynamic
hyperpolarized carbon imaging of renal clearance1. In parallel, the
amine hydrogens within urea generate chemical exchange saturation contrast
(CEST) at 1ppm offset from water, and have previously been exploited as an
endogenous CEST agent for imaging of kidney urea concentrations2. In
this study, we sought to examine whether intraperitoneal infusion of low dose
urea can be used as a CEST-MRI contrast agent for measurement of regional urea
concentrating capacity in the mouse kidney.Methods
Six C57BL/6 mice were anesthetized with 1.5 – 3%
isoflurane gas and were imaged using a 7T MR scanner (PharmaScan, Bruker,
Ettlingen, Germany) and a 40 mm transceiver volume coil (Bruker). T2-weighted
images were acquired using a RARE sequence (TR/TE = 2500 / 52 ms, NA = 2, RARE
factor = 8, matrix = 256 ×
256), after which a gradient echo sequence (TR/TE = 6.4 / 3.1 ms, 2
segments, matrix = 192 × 192,
FOV = 35 mm × 35
mm, slice thickness = 2 mm, NA = 1) with saturation preparation (1 Gaussian
pulse, B1 = 0.25 μT,
pulse duration = 100 ms) at 21 offsets from -1 to 1 ppm was used to acquire a
spectrum necessary for water saturation shift reference (WASSR) correction via
calculation of B0 maps3. Afterwards, a complete CEST-encoded
z-spectrum was acquired (70 Gaussian pulses, B1 = 0.6 μT, pulse duration = 50 ms,
duty cycle = 50%, total sat time = 7 sec) to generate images ranging from -6 to
6 ppm with 0.2 ppm step size. After acquiring the first z-spectra, either 150 μL of 2M urea (n = 3) or saline
(n = 3) was administered intraperitoneally over 5 minutes. Post-injection z-spectra
images were also acquired using the same sequence and parameters as that were
used for pre-injection z-spectra (both WASSR and CEST). T2-weighted images were
used to segment the kidneys into three regions: cortex, outer medulla (OM), and
inner medulla (IM). The acquired z-spectra from each region were fit using the sum
of 4 Lorentzian functions representing water, urea, NOE effect, and
magnetization transfer (MT)4. Changes in urea CEST contrast between
scans were calculated as the change in MTRasym at 1ppm derived from
Lorentzian fitting of spectra.Results
Representative T2-weighted anatomical images that
distinguish the cortex and outer and inner medullae are shown in Figure 1. Corresponding
reference and urea CEST-weighted images (+1ppm) reveal additional saturation
after administration of urea (Figure 1). Representative Lorentzian-fit
z-spectra in a mouse that received IP injection of urea (Figure 2) reveal no
urea-CEST contrast in the cortex or outer medulla prior to urea injection, and
only moderate contrast in the inner medulla. Following urea injection,
deflections at 1ppm in all regions reveal increases of urea contrast that are
largest in the inner medulla (Figure 2). In contrast, saline injection did not
generate any change in urea contrast in z-spectra from all parts of the kidney (Figure
3). NOE and MT effects were constant before and after the administration of
either urea or saline. The change in MTRasym at 1ppm before and
after urea administration was used to probe urea concentrating dynamics in the
kidney (Figure 4). The magnitude of increased MTRasym at 1ppm followed
a regional pattern in mice that received urea injection, with the concentration
gradient increasing from the cortex to the inner medulla. Mice that received
saline did not demonstrate any increases in MTRasym.Discussion
concentration of filtrate in the renal tubule increases as it moves from the
cortex to inner medulla5. To examine whether urea CEST MRI can capture
this difference, high resolution anatomical images were used to segment kidneys
so that CEST contrast can be analyzed within distinct kidney regions. The dose
of urea infused was chosen from renal physiology studies that investigated the
urea concentrating ability of mouse kidneys6. As expected, higher
CEST contrast was observed in the inner medulla, even before infusing urea. This
observation agrees with previous hyperpolarized MRI and CEST studies that showed
higher accumulation of either urea or exogenous contrast agent in inner medulla,
respectively1,7. Conclusion
MRI can be performed to observe urea redistribution and concentration in the kidney. Acknowledgements
This study was supported
by NIH 1R01HL28592.References
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