Several microstructural models have been proposed to increase the specificity of diffusion MRI. However, improper model assumptions can compromise the accuracy of model estimates. Here, we compared model-independent metrics extracted from double diffusion encoding (DDE) with the metrics arising from the current (two-compartment) diffusion “standard model” (SM) in in-vivo rat brains. Our results revealed that SM produces overestimated microscopic anisotropy for both white and grey matter. These findings question the validity of SM and calls for future developments of more accurate models.
DDE μFA measures: At long mixing time, the microscopic anisotropy $$$\left \langle V_\lambda{(\mathbf{D}_i))} \right \rangle$$$ can be estimated from “powder”-averaged DDE signals acquired for parallel and perpendicular pairs of diffusion encoding gradients ($$$S_\parallel$$$ and $$$S_\perp$$$):$$\log{S_\parallel/S_\perp}=\frac{3}{5}\left \langle V_\lambda{(\mathbf{D}_i))} \right \rangle b^2+O(b^3)\,\,\,(1)$$where $$$b$$$ is the total b-value in the two diffusion encodings. $$$\left \langle V_\lambda{(\mathbf{D}_i))} \right \rangle$$$ can be then used to compute8-10 from: $$\mu FA=\sqrt{\frac{3}{2}\frac{\left \langle V_\lambda{(\mathbf{D}_i))} \right \rangle}{\left \langle V_\lambda{(\mathbf{D}_i))} \right \rangle+MD^2}}\,\,\,\,\,(2)$$where $$$MD$$$ is the mean diffusivity.
Two-compartment “standard” model: The two-component SM consists of two Gaussian diffusion components2,4: $$S_{SM}(b,\hat{n})=\int d\hat{r}ODF(\hat{r})K(b,\hat{n}\cdot\hat{r})\;\;\;\;\left(3\right)$$ and$$K\left(b,\xi\right)=fe^{-bD_i^\parallel\xi^2}+(1-f)e^{-bD_i^\parallel -b\left(D_e^\parallel D_e^\perp\right)\xi^2}\,\,\,\,\,(4)$$where $$$ODF$$$ is the fiber orientation distribution function (here represented up to the sixth order in spherical decomposition), $$$K$$$ is a kernel containing the following rotationally invariant parameters: 1) the intra-axonal volume fraction $$$f$$$; 2) the axial intra-cellular diffusivity $$$D_i^\parallel$$$; 3) the axial extra-cellular diffusivity $$$D_e^\parallel$$$; and 4) the axial intra-cellular diffusivity $$$D_i^\perp$$$ (intra-cellular radial diffusivity is set to 0, according to the narrow diameter assumption). After estimating all parameters from Eqs. 3-4, can be derived from SM (μ$$$FA^{SM}$$$) using Eq.2.
All animal experiments were pre-approved by the ethics committee operating under EU law (European Directive 2010/63). Data was acquired on N=2 female Long Evans Rats (11 weeks) on a 9.4 T Bruker Biospec MRI scanner equipped with an 86 mm quadrature coil for transmission and 4-element array cryocoil for reception.
SDE: Data were acquired along 60 gradient directions for nine evenly sampled b-values from 0 to 9 ms/μm2 (Δ/δ=15/5ms).
DDE: Data were acquired for five b-values (1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 ms/μm2, Δ=τ/δ=15/5ms). For each DDE b-value, directions are sampled according to the 5-design (12 parallel + orthogonal DDE acquisitions)10. Additionally, the number of DDE parallel acquisitions was increased by acquiring 45 parallel pairs of diffusion-gradient directions. Other acquisition parameters were as following: TR/TE=1500/65ms, 4 coronal slices, resolution=0.1×0.1×0.8mm, #averages=2.
Data processing: Both SDE and DDE data underwent the same preprocessing steps: 1)Marchenko-Pastur-PCA denoising (10x10 window)15, 2)sub-pixel image registration for data alignment16; 3)Gibbs-artefact suppresion17. SM parameters were fitted from Eqs 3-4 using a non-linear procedure which was repeated for different starting points. The lowest sum of residuals was used to select the final set of parameters, which were then and converted to μFA (Eq.2). μFA estimates from DDE are extracted from Eqs.1-2 (considering the higher order term correction11).
Before pre-processing the SNR of the b=0 images was estimated to be ~40 for both DDE and SDE data. For a representative slice, Fig. 1 presents SM parameter estimates for both rats. µ$$$FA^{SM}$$$ is compared to its DDE counterparts in Fig. 2. To assess the estimates in higher SNR regimes (decreasing noise cofounds), Fig. 3 shows averaged μFA for white and grey-matter ROIs of individual slices. Averaged µ$$$FA^{SM}$$$ estimates were significantly higher than their DDE counterparts (for white and grey-matter p-values =1.8e-2 and 2.5e-6, pairwise t-test).
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