Ultra-high field MRI combined with strong gradients gives access to ex-vivo anatomical and diffusion MRI datasets at the mesoscopic scale. This
Material and methods
Acquisition- The two hemispheres of a formalin-fixed post-mortem human brain sample were cut into seven blocks. The entire specimen was scanned before and after cutting on a 3T clinical system using T2-SPACE sequences with an isotropic resolution of 500µm (Fig1.b) and 400µm (Fig1.c) respectively, providing two blockface images facilitating the final registration. The 11.7T acquisition protocol included T2-weighted anatomical scans with the following parameters: isotropic resolution=100/150µm, TE=20/16ms, TR=500/6600ms, and diffusion-weighted (DW) 3D-segmented EPI sequences: 200µm isotropic, TE/TR=24.3/250ms, δ/Δ=5/12.3ms, b=1500/4500/8000s/mm2, 25/60/90directions, G=289/500/666mT/m, 30segments. This protocol was designed to scan each block (20cm long) into four sessions (107h each) for a total scan duration of 2996h per hemisphere.
Preprocessing- DW images were filtered using a non-local means filter algorithm[8], resulting in a final SNR of 125, 81 and 69 respectively for b=1500/4500/8000s/mm2.
Reconstruction of the left hemisphere- Affine transformations were used to register each block on the entire blockface image acquired at 3T, which facilitated the initialization for the diffeomorphic registration of individual FOV acquired at 11.7T. A dedicated pipeline was developed to match and integrate all the FOV acquired at 11.7T into two 100/150µm anatomical datasets (42/12GBytes) and one 200µm HYDI dataset (891GBytes) corresponding to the entire left hemisphere.
Connectivity- The HYDI dataset was used to compute Probability Density Functions (PDF) stemming from MAP-MRI model[9] as well as their inherited Orientation Distribution Functions. Conventional quantitative maps stemming from the tensor model (FA, MD, CED maps) were also reconstructed. To explore the structural connectivity, a global spin-glass fiber tracking algorithm[10] was used with the following parameters: 1 spin glass per voxel, connection likelihood 0.5, curvature threshold 30°, internal energy weight 30, allowing to reconstruct a dense connectogram.
Microstructure mapping- The HYDI dataset was used to infer NODDI[11] quantitative maps, fixing the local principal direction estimated from the jointly estimated DTI model and the diffusivities to d//=3.10-10m2/s (value giving the lowest Bayesian Information Criterion, Fig.5) and diso=2.10-9m2/s.
Figure2 shows the reconstructed left hemisphere, at 200, 150 and 100µm isotropic. These images are compared with the anatomical scan obtained at 3T with a spatial resolution of 500µm. The improved resolution reveals the lines of Baillarger in the cortical ribbon, in particular at 100µm (pink arrow), and details of deep nuclei.
Figure3 depicts the anatomical scans of the four FOVs of block B, CED maps and each FOV superimposed on the blockface image acquired at 3T. White arrowheads highlight subcortical bundles visible on the CED maps, and orange arrowheads show the vasculature that appears black on the image at 100μm and 200μm, and white at 150μm. Figure4 presents the ODF field of B4 superimposed on the FA map. ODFs’ shape supports the hypothesis of sharp turns and U-fibers in subcortical white matter (white arrowheads). Moreover, ODFs inside the cortical ribbon are consistent with the existence of fibers running radial and tangential to the pial surface. Figure4.d depicts the reconstructed tractogram overimposed on B4, from which it is possible to extract short association fibers (Fig4.e).
Figure5 shows NODDI quantitative maps of B4, with the intracellular volume fraction, the concentration factor, the orientation dispersion (OD) and the isotropic fraction. Low OD values under the cortex reveal the presence of U-fibers.
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