Validating MR axon diameter mapping using confocal microscopy
Jelle Veraart1,2,3, Daniel Nunes1, Els Fieremans3, Dmitry S. Novikov3, and Noam Shemesh1

1Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 2iMinds - Vision Lab, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 3Center for Biomedical Imaging, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States


Axon diameter mapping using diffusion MRI in the rat corpus callosum was validated using confocal microscopy with a staining for neurofilaments. When confounding factors such as extra-axonal water and dispersion are addressed, the effective MR axon radii are in good quantitative agreement with histology. However, using MRI, we are limited to the estimation of a single metric representing the entire distribution, which has shown to be dominantly sensitive to the largest axons in the voxel volume of interest.


Axon diameter mapping using diffusion MRI (dMRI) has been a highly debated topic of research1,2. Discrepancies between histology and dMRI-derived axon diameters uncovered various confounding factors, e.g. dispersion3, time-dependent extra-axonal diffusion4-7, reduced signal attenuation due to long diffusion gradient durations8,9, and/or tissue shrinkage2. Hardware developments and following insights in biophysical modeling promote the revival of MR axon diameter mapping. In particular, dMRI can become (a) specific to intra-axonal signal in a high $$$b$$$ regime because the extra-axonal signal decays exponentially fast10; and (b) predominantly sensitive to the largest axons4 of the underlying distribution because of a volume correction4,11 and the $$$r^4$$$-scaling of the radial signal attenuation of restricted diffusion inside a cylinder of radius5 $$$r$$$ when approaching the Neuman’s limit9. A previous study12 measured human axon radii by evaluating the signal scaling in an axon-specific $$$b$$$-regime. The in vivo MR results were in good agreement with histological values reported in literature13,14 after accounting for the tail-weighting. Here, we validate the technique by comparing the MR-derived axon diameters directly to confocal microscopy.


In the absence of any extra-axonal signal, the powder-averaged diffusion-weighted signal decays as $$\bar{S}(b)\,=\,e^{-bD_a^\perp}\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}\frac{f}{\sqrt{D_a^\parallel}}\,b^{-1/2}\,+\gamma,$$

with $$$\gamma$$$ a still water signal fraction15, $$$f$$$ the intra-axonal signal fraction, and $$$D_a^\perp$$$ and $$$D_a^\parallel$$$ the intra-axonal radial and axial diffusivities, respectively. In each voxel, $$$D_a^\perp$$$ projects the axon radius distribution $$$P(r)$$$ onto a scalar “effective” radius4,12 through the volume correction11 and a model of restricted diffusion inside a cylinder5: $$r_\textrm{eff}\equiv\sqrt[4]{\langle\,r^6\,\rangle\,/\,\langle\,r^2\,\rangle}.$$

The intra-axonal parallel diffusivity16 serves here as a proxy for the intrinsic diffusivity $$$D_0$$$.


Samples: Animal experiments, preapproved by the institutional and national authorities, were carried out according to European Directive 2010/63. Three Long Evans rats (Female, 12-weeks-old) were transcardially perfused using 4% paraformaldehyde. The extracted brains were kept 24$$$h$$$ in 4% paraformaldehyde and washed out using PBS during two days (changed daily).

MRI: The samples were scanned on an 16.4T MR scanner (Bruker BioSpin) with $$$\Delta/\delta\,=\,20/7.1\,\mathrm{ms}$$$ interfaced with an AVANCE IIIHD console and a micro2.5 imaging probe with maximal gradient amplitude $$$G\,=\,1500\,\mathrm{mT/m}$$$. Diffusion-weighting was applied using a RARE sequence in the midsagittal plane along 60 gradient directions for a densely sampled spectrum of $$$b$$$-values up to $$$100\,\mathrm{ms/\mu\,m^2}$$$. Furthermore, $$$\mathrm{TR/TE}\,=2400/30.4\,\mathrm{ms}$$$ and the spatial resolution was $$$100\,\times\,100\times\,850\,\mathrm{\mu\,m}^3$$$. The spherically-averaged signals were estimated per $$$b$$$-value using a Rician maximum likelihood estimator of the spherical harmonic coefficients. We subtracted the independently estimated (cf. Ref. 17) $$$\gamma$$$ to isolate the intra-axonal signal.

Microscopy: A Zeiss LSM 710 laser scanning confocal microscope was used for immunohistochemistry image acquisition. A tile scan using a 10 objective (EC Plan Neofluar, numerical aperture$$$\,=\,0.3,$$$ Zeiss, Germany) was used to cover the Corpus Callosum (CC) (Fig. 1(b)). Afterwards, 4 ROIs were imaged using a 63 immersion objective (Plan Apochromat, numerical aperture$$$\,=\,1.4$$$, Zeiss, Germany) in confocal mode, with spatial resolution of $$$65\times\,65\times\,150\mathrm{nm^3}$$$ and field-of-view of $$$135\times\,135\mu\,m^2$$$ (Fig. 1(c)). Axons were identified using a neurofilament staining. The long axes of fitted ellipsoids served as proxies for the respective axon diameters.


Accuracy assessment: The accuracy of the axon diameter mapping is computed as a function of $$$r$$$ and for the axon radius distributions extracted from histology (Fig.$$$\,5$$$) using a simulation framework using the matrix formalism for diffusion signal attenuation within fully restricted cylinders with our sequence timings18 (Fig.$$$\,2$$$). Errors $$$<25\%$$$ for large $$$r$$$ that are associated to the missing higher-order terms in Van Gelderen’s model set an upper bound on the achievable accuracy.

Experimental validation of axon diameter mapping: A visual assessment of the CC-averaged signal decays in all three samples highlight the apparent deviations from the power law scaling, thereby demonstrating sensitivity of dMRI signals to the radial intra-axonal signal in this experimental regime (Fig.$$$\,3$$$). The CC-averaged effective MR radii are highly consistent across all samples ($$$\hat{r}_\textrm{eff}$$$ in Fig.$$$\,4$$$), with the maps being in good agreement with previously reported trends of larger axons in the body of the CC in comparison to the genu and splenium (Fig.$$$\,4$$$). Mesoscopic fluctuations dominate the inter-subject variability. The quantitative comparison of the MR- and microscopy-derived effective radii in four locations of the CC shows differences up to $$$20\%$$$, in agreement with the accuracy assessment of the simulations (Fig.$$$\,5$$$).


We provide an optimistic yet limiting perspective on MR axon diameter mapping. The MR-derived effective radii are in good quantitative agreement with histology. However, the estimation is inherently bound to a single scalar encoding moments of the axon distribution, which is – by virtue of the signal encoding – dominated by the largest axons. Clinical applications might be limited to pathologies for which larger axons are affected.


JV is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO; grant number 12S1615N). This study was supported by grant R01 NS088040 from the NINDS (NIH), by the Center of Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R, www.cai2r.net), a NIBIB Biomedical Technology Resource Center: P41 EB017183, and by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Starting Grant, agreement No. 679058). The authors are also grateful to Prof. Mark D Does and Dr. Kevin Harkins from Vanderbilt University for the remmiRARE pulse sequence that was supported through grant number NIH EB019980.


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Figure 1: For one brain sample, the MR scanning (a, color encoded FA map) was followed by low (b) and high (c) resolution confocal microscopy with staining for neurofilamants to identify the axons. The low-resolution image was used to position various ROIs, whereas the axon caliber distributions were extracted from the high-resolution image of the corresponding ROIs. The long axes of fitted ellipsoids served as proxies for the respective axon diameters (d).

Figure 2: Simulations show the error in the estimation of $$$r_\textrm{eff}$$$ for the axon caliber distributions that were observed in the different histological sections (solid dots; see Fig. 5). The error is given by the distance to the unit line. The average radii, $$$\bar{r}$$$, of the axon caliber distribution is shown for comparison (open dots). It is clear that the effective MR mapping, i.e. $$$r_\textrm{eff}\equiv\sqrt[4]{\langle\,r^6\,\rangle\,/\,\langle\,r^2\,\rangle}$$$ is essential In the interpretation of the axon diameters derived from MR. Additionally, the accuracy of the framework for a system with single cylinder with radius $$$\hat{r}_\textrm{eff}$$$ is shown (black line).

Figure 3: The ROI- and spherically averaged signal decay is shows for the different subjects as a function of $$$1/\sqrt{b}$$$ (left) and on a double logarithmic scale (right). The data deviates from the power law scaling with exponent $$$1/2$$$ that is predicted by the stick model (i.e. nonlinear signal decay in log-log plot), thereby demonstrating sensitivity of the signal to the radial intra-axonal signal. The fits of Eq. 1 are shown in dashed lines. Due to low intrinsic diffusivities within the fixed samples, the b-values need to be very high, $$$\sim\,b > 50\,\mathrm{ms^2/\mu m}$$$, in order to suppress the extra-axonal signal.

Figure 4: The maps of the effective radii, derived from the diffusion MR data, for the 3 samples’ CC. Inter-subject variability is dominated by mesoscopic fluctuations that become more prominent for small voxels sizes. When computing the effective radius of the ROI averaged signal, i.e. $$$\bar{r}_\textrm{MR}$$$, the inter-subject variability nearly nullifies.

Figure 5: The axon radius distributions for the different ROIs, as shown in Fig 1b, are shown (blue bars). The associated tail-weighted effective radii are shown in the black lines, whereas the corresponding MR estimates are shown by the red curves. The errors very between 0.5 and $$$20\%$$$, which is in line with the accuracy predications by simulations (black dashed lines; cf. Fig. 2).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)