We have tested our revised Sel-MQC-CSI sequence for dependence of Lac/H2O on the B0 and B1 field inhomogeneity. The immunity of the Lac/H2O from our sequence on the above factors was demonstrated. We have improved lipid suppression from previously reported 100-fold to 22,000-fold while not losing the lactate signal. The revised sequence was applied to a glioma patient and a normal volunteer with a lactate phantom seated near the typical lymphoma occurring region of the body. In both human studies, satisfactory performance of the sequence was demonstrated.
The study was performed in the 3T Tim Trio Siemens MRI systems. The 4-8 channel head coils were used for the phantom and the brain tumor patient study, and a home-built 7 cm two-channel surface coil was used for testing the sequence on phantoms located near the typical lymphoma occurring region of the body of a normal volunteer. Our previous sequence 2 has been modified in the following aspects: 1) Hadamard encoding inversion slice selection pulse was removed and a single slice selection was adopted for easy visualization of the CSI results in the scanner and to remove any possible motion artifact that may result when Hadamard transformation is performed. 2) The outer volume saturation slabs were added in case it is needed. 2) We used our own synthesized and tested Gaussian pulses to be sure of the flip bandwidth of the used RF pulses. The length of the 180o Gaussian pulse was reduced from 7800 μs to 5300 μs so that the 180o inversion width matches the 90o flip width of the 7800 μs Gaussian pulse. 3) The QSel gradients were adjusted to find maximal lipid suppression while retaining lactate signal. 4) The Qt1crusher gradients 3 were added and adjusted to achieve maximal lipid suppression while retaining lactate signal. 5) Water spin echo CSI sequence was built to have the same eddy current as in the Sel-MQC-CSI so that phase alignment and addition of the signals from multi-channel RF coils is possible. The pulse sequence is presented in Fig 1. We evaluated the coefficient of variation (CV) of the Lac/H2O at varying reference voltage and varying location of the lactate phantom inside a magnet. We evaluated the dependence of lactate and lipid signals on QSel and Qt1crusher gradient amplitude and duration in the revised sequence. We applied the sequence to the brain tumor patients and to a normal volunteer with lactate phantoms placed on top of the body regions where typical lymphoma lesions are observed.
The immunity of the Lac/H2O on the RF reference voltage and on the location of the phantom inside the magnet demonstrated the robustness of Lac/H2O calculated from our sequence on B0 and B1 inhomogeneity. We have achieved a very high lipid suppression of 22,000 fold in this revised sequence. The previous lipid suppression by Sel-MQC in the clinical scanner has been ~100 fold.2 The increased lipid suppression has huge impact in applying the sequence when the tumor is surrounded by tissues with high amount of lipids.
1. Lee SC, Arias-Medoza F, Poptani H, et al. Prediction and Early Detection of Response by NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging. PET Clin. 2012;7(1):119-126.
2. Mellon EA, Lee SC, Pickup S, et al., Detection of lactate with a hadamard slice selected, selective multiple quantum coherence, chemical shift imaging sequence (HDMD-SelMQC-CSI) on a clinical MRI scanner: Application to tumors and muscle ischemia. Magn Reson Med. 2009;62(6):1404-1413.
3. He Q, Shungu DC, van Zijl PC, et al. Single-scan in vivo lactate editing with complete lipid and water suppression by selective multiple-quantum-coherence transfer (Sel-MQC) with application to tumors. J Magn Reson B. 1995;106(3):203-211.