Q-space trajectory imaging (QTI) facilitates tensor-valued diffusion encoding with variable shapes and provides more specific parameters than those available from conventional stick-shaped encoding. However, it generally requires longer echo times than conventional encoding, impacting the spatial resolution, scan time or signal-to-noise ratio. In this work, we propose a super-resolution acquisition and reconstruction approach for QTI that allows high-resolution parameter maps to be estimated from multiple low-resolution images. Using simulations and real data, we show that this does not only improve QTI’s precision, it also significantly improves its accuracy, as it avoids deleterious signal bias caused by the noise floor.
Model-based super-resolution reconstruction is the process of producing a high-resolution parameter map directly from a sequence of low-resolution images3. Acquiring data sets with thick slices results in reduced acquisition time and increased SNR; the loss of resolution along the slice direction can be recovered by combining multiple data sets with different slice orientations (see Fig.1).
dMRI data were acquired on a 3T MAGNETOM Prisma with a 20-channel head coil array (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a prototype spin-echo sequence that enables linear (LTE), planar (PTE) and spherical tensor encoding (STE)1,2. The gradient waveforms were asymmetric and optimized for minimal TE4, and compensated for concomitant fields5.
Super-resolution-QTI: 5 data sets with spatial resolution 2×2×6mm3 were acquired, each with a unique slice rotation = [-72°,-36°,0°,36°,72°], targeting 2×2×2mm3 super-resolution reconstruction (see Fig.1). Each data set contained a unique set of 31 samples combining b = [0.1,1,2]ms/μm2; and LTE, PTE and STE shapes, resulting in 155 unique samples across all rotations6. TR/TE was 3900ms/91ms, resulting in a total acquisition time of approximately 10 minutes.
Direct acquisition: Within the same acquisition time, a direct 2×2×2mm3 data set was acquired with TR/TE=11600ms/91ms, accommodating 55 unique QTI samples.
In white matter, SNR of the raw b=0.1ms/μm2 images was approximately 30 for the super-resolution and 10 for the direct acquisition7.
Modeling and super-resolution reconstruction
QTI is typically performed voxel-wise and can be cast as a least squares problem:
$$\hat{\mathbf{x}}=\text{arg}\min\limits_{\mathbf{x}}\,\lVert \exp(\mathbf{B}\mathbf{x})−\mathbf{y}\rVert_2^2\quad\text{subject to}\quad\mathbf{C}\mathbf{x} \ge \mathbf{0}\quad\quad\small{\text{(1)}}$$
where $$$\small{\exp(\mathbf{B}\cdot)}$$$ is the forward modelling operation relating the log of the non-diffusion-weighted signal, the DTD mean and the DTD covariance, represented in parameter vector $$$\small{\mathbf{x}}$$$, to the vector of measured dMRI intensities, $$$\small{\mathbf{y}}$$$. We also include a constraint matrix $$$\small{\mathbf{C}}$$$ enforcing non-negative diffusivities and kurtoses as well as monotonic signal decay with increasing b-value8.
Eq. 1 can be extended to support volume-wise super-resolution estimation of the QTI parameters:
$$\hat{\mathbf{x}}^\prime=\text{arg}\min\limits_{\mathbf{x^\prime}}\,\lVert\mathbf{A} \exp(\mathbf{B}^\prime\mathbf{x}^\prime)−\mathbf{y}^\prime\rVert_2^2\quad\text{subject to}\quad\mathbf{C}^\prime\mathbf{x}^\prime \ge \mathbf{0}$$
where $$$\small{\exp(\mathbf{B}^\prime\cdot)}$$$ is the volume-wise forward modelling operation and $$$\small{\mathbf{A}}$$$ is the super-resolution sampling matrix, relating the signal intensities expected in all high-resolution voxels to the acquired dMRI signal intensities in all low-resolution voxels9, $$$\small{\mathbf{y}^\prime}$$$; and $$$\small{\mathbf{C}^\prime}$$$ is the volume-wise constraint matrix.
Both acquisition and estimation approaches were evaluated using both simulations and a real data experiment. From ground-truth whole-brain QTI parameters, both a direct and a super-resolution data set were synthesized using the forward (super-resolution) QTI model and the real-data characteristics. For each data set, 20 noisy realizations (Rician distributed) were generated, enabling quantitative analysis of precision and accuracy of direct- vs. super-resolution-QTI. Real data were assessed qualitatively.
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