Diffusion-weighted SSFP (dwSSFP) is a high-SNR-efficiency diffusion imaging method. Unlike conventional diffusion measurements, the dwSSFP signal reflects a range of diffusion times because the signal is recycled over multiple excitations. This complicates interpretation and leads to an ill-defined b-value. We present a framework to describe dwSSFP-derived ADC estimates in terms of an effective diffusion time. To achieve this, we require dwSSFP measurements at two flip-angles. Experimental results are presented in a whole, postmortem brain at 7T. This enables us to simultaneously addresses flip-angle inhomogeneity at 7T and provide ADC estimates that are more comparable to conventional diffusion MRI.
Diffusion-weighted steady-state free precession (dwSSFP) is a highly efficient diffusion-weighted imaging method. This efficiency results from a steady-state signal that recycles magnetisation over multiple excitations (i.e. there are multiple signal-forming coherence pathways). As a result of this signal-forming mechanism, the signal reflects a range of diffusion times, each with its own b-value. Moreover, each echo pathway has distinct T1 and T2 weighting, and the relative contribution of these pathways depends on flip-angle and TR, leading to a complicated signal dependence1 (Figure 1). dwSSFP has demonstrated higher SNR efficiency than spin echoes for imaging fixed, post-mortem tissue with very short T22. Further SNR benefits have been gained at 7T3, but require addressing flip-angle (B1) inhomogeneity. Previous work at 7T acquired dwSSFP images at two flip-angles, demonstrating improved homogeneity of principal diffusion direction (PDD) estimates4. However, that work encountered the additional challenge that the weighting of diffusion times is also flip-angle dependent5. Here, we turn this challenge into an opportunity: this dependence means that multiple flip-angle dwSSFP measurements can in theory be extrapolated to a single effective diffusion time, $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$, making dwSSFP measurements more comparable to conventional diffusion measurements. We present a framework to obtain ADC estimates as a function of $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$ from multiple flip-angle dwSSFP data. Experimental validation is performed in a whole, postmortem brain.
The “two transverse approximation” of dwSSFP signal considers only coherence pathways where the magnetisation is in the transverse plane for two TR periods1,6, as a summation of pathways corresponding to one spin- and many stimulated-echoes: $$M_{\text{ADC}}=\frac{M_{0}(1-E_{1})E_{1}E_{2}^{2}\sin\alpha}{2\left(1-E_{1}\cos\alpha\right)}\left(\frac{1-\cos\alpha}{E_{1}}\cdot A_{\text{ADC}}+\sin^{2}\alpha\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left[(E_{1}\cos\alpha)^{n-1}\cdot A_{\text{ADC}}^{n+1}\right]\right)\;\;\;[1]$$ where $$$E_{1}=e^{-TR/T_{1}}$$$, $$$E_{2}=e^{-TR/T2}$$$, $$$A_{ADC}=e^{-q^{2}\cdot ADC\cdot TR}$$$, $$$q$$$ is the area under the diffusion gradient, $$$\alpha$$$ is the flip-angle and $$$n$$$ is the number of TRs between the transverse periods for a given stimulated-echo6.
The diffusion time of the signal is well
defined for each pathway (spin-echo: $$$\Delta=TR$$$, stimulated-echo: $$$\Delta=(n+1)\cdot TR$$$). We define $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$ as the weighted-mean of these
diffusion times, with each echo weighted by its relative signal contribution, obtaining
(Figure 2): $$\Delta_{\text{eff}}=\frac{(1+2E_{1}-E_{1}^2\cos\alpha)}{(1+E_{1})(1-E_{1}\cos\alpha)}\cdot\text{TR}\;\;\;[2]$$ The dependence of calculated diffusivity on
diffusion time reflects non-gaussian diffusion, which can be captured with a Gamma
distribution of diffusion coefficients7. For a given distribution,
we calculate the dwSSFP signal and translate this into a single ADC. For a Gamma
pdf of mean $$$\mu$$$ and standard deviation $$$\sigma$$$, this gives (Figure 3): $$\text{ADC}=-\frac{1}{q^{2}\text{TR}}\cdot\ln{\left[\frac{-(S\cdot E_{1}\cos\alpha+1)+[(S\cdot E_{1}\cos\alpha+1)^{2}+4E_{1}\cdot S]^{\frac{1}{2}}}{2E_{1}}\right]}\;\;\;[3]$$ where: $$ S=\left(\frac{\mu}{\mu+q^{2}\cdot\text{TR}\cdot\sigma^2}\right)^{\frac{\mu^{2}}{\sigma^{2}}}+ (1+\cos\alpha)\cdot E_{1}\cdot\left(\frac{\mu}{q^{2}\cdot\text{TR}\cdot\sigma^2}\right)^{\frac{\mu^{2}}{\sigma^{2}}}\cdot\Phi\left(E_{1}\cos\alpha,\frac{\mu^{2}}{\sigma^{2}},2+\frac{\mu}{q^{2}\cdot\text{TR}\cdot\sigma^2}\right)\;\;\;[4]$$
and $$$\Phi$$$ is the Lerch transcendent. As Eqs. [2] and [3] both depend on flip-angle, we can use measurements at multiple flip-angles to calculate the ADC for a target $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$.
A fixed postmortem brain was scanned at 7T using a protocol described previously8. Briefly, the dwSSFP acquisition used flip-angles 24o and 94o, 120 directions per flip-angle, q=300/cm, resolution=0.85mm3, along with T1, T2 and B1 mapping. Diffusion-tensor (DT) estimates were calculated using the full dwSSFP signal model1,9, defining unique eigenvalues ($$$L_{1,2,3}$$$) at each flip-angle, but shared eigenvectors ($$$\overrightarrow{V}_{1,2,3}$$$). $$$L_{1,2,3}$$$ estimates at each flip-angle were fit to Eq. [3] to determine $$$\mu$$$ and $$$\sigma$$$: $$\min_{\mu,\sigma}||ADC_{\alpha_{low},\alpha_{high}}(\mu,\sigma)-L_{\alpha_{low},\alpha_{high}}||_2^2+||\mu-L_{\alpha_{high}}||_2^2\;\;\;[5]$$ where regularisation ensured that $$$\mu$$$ remains on the order of $$$L_{1,2,3}$$$.
The $$$\mu$$$ and $$$\sigma$$$ maps were subsequently input into Eq. [3], where we substituted $$$\cos\alpha$$$ with an expression in terms of $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$ (rearranging Eq. [2]) to obtain $$$L_{1,2,3}$$$ estimates for $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$=200ms over the entire brain. $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$=200ms was selected due to the low diffusivity of postmortem tissue. Furthermore, it corresponds to $$$\approx$$$26o in our sample, an SNR-efficient flip-angle in dwSSFP.
Figure 4 reveals how $$$L_{1,2,3}$$$ varies with B1 in the
postmortem brain. The reconstructed $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$=200ms maps (corresponding to $$$\approx$$$26o flip-angle) give good
agreement to the 24o dataset at high B1 whilst maintaining
a flatter distribution, highlighting the removal of B1-induced
ADC variability in our reconstruction. At 94o, we observe higher $$$L_{1,2,3}$$$ estimates in B1 matched areas, in agreement with simulation (Figure
However, little B1-influence is observed at 94o, suggesting a reduced ADC-sensitivity at high flip-angles (Figure
The dwSSFP signal is SNR-efficient at low flip-angles1 (Figure 1). Figure 5 reveals that by extrapolating our dual flip-angle datasets to $$$\Delta_{eff}$$$=200ms, we are able to simultaneously preserve the SNR of the low flip-angle dataset whilst removing the influence of B1, generating results in terms of a single effective diffusion time over the entire brain.
1Buxton, Richard B. "The diffusion sensitivity of fast steady‐state free precession imaging." Magnetic resonance in medicine 29.2 (1993): 235-243.
2Miller, Karla L., et al. "Diffusion tractography of post-mortem human brains: optimization and comparison of spin echo and steady-state free precession techniques." Neuroimage 59.3 (2012): 2284-2297.
3Foxley, Sean, et al. "Improving diffusion-weighted imaging of post-mortem human brains: SSFP at 7 T." Neuroimage 102 (2014): 579-589.
4Foxley, Sean, et al. “Correcting for B1 inhomogeneities in post-mortem DWSSFP human brain data at 7T using multiple flip-angles.” 22nd Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., 2014: #4438.
5Jbabdi, Saad, et al. “Modelling multiple flip-angle diffusion weighted SSFP data.” 23rd Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., 2015: #2928.
6McNab, Jennifer A., and Karla L. Miller. "Sensitivity of diffusion weighted steady state free precession to anisotropic diffusion." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 60.2 (2008): 405-413.
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