Ferumoxytol, a superparamagnetic iron oxide
nanoparticle, is commonly used as an intravenous treatment for anemia, but has
been recently employed as a blood-pool contrast agent for MRI. Here we
evaluated Ferumoxytol as a tool to improve the neuronal specificity of fMRI using
it for both improved vascular segmentation and for CBV-weighted functional
contrast. We employed multi-echo gradient recalled echo (ME-GRE) acquisitions
with functional imaging pre and post injection, performed vascular extraction/segmentation,
and report apparent quantitative CBV changes surrounding vessels as a function
of echo-time. This work demonstrates the possibility of high-resolution CBV
mapping, gray- and white-matter angiography, and cortical depth-dependent
analyses with this contrast agent.
Ferumoxytol is a safe intravenous iron supplement used both for
treatment of anemia and as a contrast agent in clinical MRI studies that it provides
a long (~12-hour) half-life, strong T1 and T2* shortening, and absence of
leakage into surrounding tissues [1]. Moreover, it provides
higher resolution and precision for quantitative CBV mapping than classic CBV
mapping based on bolus tracking [2-3]. Because agents like Ferumoxytol can sensitize the
fMRI experiment to CBV, which has been shown to improve functional CNR and be
more specific to neuronal activity than BOLD [4-7], fMRI with Ferumoxytol provides many advantages over
conventional fMRI [8-9]. Ferumoxytol has the potential to greatly improve
neuronal specificity of fMRI by also providing a means to detect small vessels
and measure capillary density to help interpret the fMRI signals. Therefore to
evaluate its potential to detect smaller vessels or measure capillary density
as a means to improve the neuronal specificity of fMRI, we used Ferumoxytol
with fMRI and a multi-echo gradient-recalled echo (MEGRE) at 3T, and
demonstrate how it can enhance both vascular and functional imaging performed
within a single experimental session.Methods
Three anemic but otherwise
healthy volunteers (44$$$\;$$$±$$$\;$$$7$$$\;$$$y.o., 3F) were imaged on a Siemens TimTrio 3T scanner after providing written informed consent, in pre- and post-injection
sessions (510$$$\;$$$mg Ferumoxytol
(Feraheme)), generally one day apart. Post-injection sessions were approximatively
2.5$$$\;$$$±$$$\;$$$1.5$$$\;$$$hours after Ferumoxytol treatment. For each participant, each session included an anatomical T1-weighted MP2RAGE acquisition (TR/TI1/TI2/TE$$$\;$$$5000/700/2500/2.5$$$\;$$$ms, voxel$$$\;$$$size=1$$$\;$$$mm³), followed by a 15-minutes whole-head
3D MEGRE acquisition (FOV=192×192×96$$$\;$$$mm, 7$$$\;$$$echoes, TR/TEs$$$\;$$$2000/4.88/9.76/14.64/19.52/24.40/29.28/34.16$$$\;$$$ms, voxel$$$\;$$$size=0.6×0.6×0.6$$$\;$$$mm, flip angle=17°) then a 8-minute resting-state and two 4-minutes visual block-designed task fMRI acquisitions (FOV=200×200×120$$$\;$$$mm, TR/TE$$$\;$$$2000/18$$$\;$$$ms, voxel$$$\;$$$size=2×2×2$$$\;$$$mm3).
All pre- and post-injection
images were non-linearly aligned to the T1 images (upsampled to 0.6$$$\;$$$mm) using
ANTs [9]. The T1 and MEGRE pre and post images were
aligned in their common mid-transformation space using a non-linear pairwise
registration from ANTs. CSF, white and gray matter (WM, GM) tissue compartments
were segmented using ANTs on the pre-injection T1 , and a surface-based
cortical depth analysis was performed using Freesurfer [10]. The MEGRE echoes were individually
denoised using non-local mean denoising (NLM), N4 bias corrected and
skull-stripped using ANTs. From these, apparent
quantitative CBV maps (qCBV*) were computed by subtracting post- and
pre-injection images by the mean post- and pre- value inside the vasculature [11]. Vascular
segmentation on all echoes was performed from an updated Braincharter segmentation
tool [12], (vessel$$$\;$$$size=0.6-2.5$$$\;$$$mm), which generated a “vesselness” score. Functional data were processed in AFNI and ANTs with
motion correction, N4 bias corrected, NLM and temporally-bandpassed (0.005-0.01$$$\;$$$Hz). Visual fMRI task responses were averaged across trials within activated
region to compare BOLD- and CBV-weighted response timing and amplitude, and functional
networks were extracted using ICA from Nilearn.
Figure 1 demonstrates how Ferumoxytol can vastly improve the detection
and segmentation of intracranial vasculature, including challenging vessels
within the cerebral white matter. Figure 2 illustrates how extracted vasculature
and the derived qCBV* map both vary as a function of TE, demonstrating that
extravascular “blooming” effects cause the putative vessels to increase in size
with longer TE values. Figure 3 demonstrates how the apparent vascular density
and qCBV* distribution vary across different tissue types (GM, WM, CSF) and cortical depths
with TE, showing that large vessels and subsequently cortical GM appears
to expand relative to CSF and WM. Finally, Figure 4 presents the comparison of BOLD- and CBV-weighted
fMRI in task-driven and resting-state conditions, showing the that the
CBV-weighted response is more than 3× larger than the BOLD-weighted response in
the task data, and a close similarity between global resting-state networks
between the two functional contrastsDiscussion/Conclusion
Our results highlight the advantages of Ferumoxytol for vascular
segmentation and quantitative CBV mapping, but also support its usability as a
fMRI contrast agent. With Ferumoxytol, finer vessels can be extracted, thus
allowing a much denser representation of the vasculature throughout all tissue
types, e.g. even those within the white matter. Increasing TE complicated
extraction of large pial vessels but inversely increased the small vessel density. Proportionately, the
qCBV* signal from large pials artificially spreads across cortical depths, from
CSF towards the WM, and thus indirectly increased the CBV values, suggesting
that both vascular segmentation and cortical-depth-specific analyses will
require short TEs to prevent pial contamination. It is also possible that the
CBV signal from small vessels in deep layers only become detectable at later
echoes. Overall, our findings demonstrate the potential of Ferumoxytol for
small vessel segmentation and high-resolution CBV-based MRI, and help guide the
optimization of acquisition parameters such as TE. Alternative techniques such
as UTE or spin-echo-based MRI may help to reduce the inflation of the CBV
estimates [12].Acknowledgements
This work was
supported in part by the NIH NIBIB (grants P41-EB015896 and R01-EB019437),
NINDS (grant R21-NS106706), by the BRAIN
Initiative (NIH NIMH grant R01-MH111419), and by the MGH/HST Athinoula A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging; and was made possible by the resources provided
by NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants S10-RR023043 and S10-RR019371. We thank
our colleagues at Siemens Heathineers for use of the Works-In-Progress package
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