Jung Hwan Kim1, Amanda Taylor1, Marc Himmelbach2, Gisela Hagberg2,3, Klaus Scheffler2,3, and David Ress1
1Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States, 2University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, 3Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tubingen, Germany
of blood oxygen level dependent hemodynamic response function (BOLD HRF) can be
used to evaluate neurovascular coupling and understand underlying physiology
(e.g. oxygen uptake and blood flow). However, there is dearth of understanding
subcortical neurovascular coupling, which is critical for brain health. Here,
we characterize human subcortical HRFs at both 3T and 9.4T and compare them
with HRFs in visual cortex.
Brainstem mediates critical brain functions that range from
homeostasis to cognition making it desirable to develop a non-invasive method that
quantifies activity in brainstem. The hemodynamic response function (HRF) is the
vascular response evoked by brief (few seconds) neural activation and is formed
by changes in oxygen uptake and blood flow. The HRF can be a good indicator of
brain health because neurovascular coupling is critical for brain function1,2.
However, study of the HRF in human brainstem has been very limited because of
its deep location resulting in relatively low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Here,
we characterized HRFs in the superior colliculus (SC) and lateral geniculate
nuclei (LGN) at conventional field strength (3T) as well as ultra-high-field
(UHF) strength (9.4T). We also compared the subcortical HRFs with those in
visual cortex (V1, V2, and MT) to show similarities and differences.
Imaging was performed at 3T (Siemens Trio, 32-ch
head coils, Baylor College of Medicine, TX, USA) and 9.4T (Siemens, 20-ch head
coils, Max Planck Institute, Tubingen, Germany). At 3T, functional images were
obtained (n = 7) using a 2-shot
spiral acquisition (34-ms acquisition time for each shot) for 1.5 mm3
spatial resolution (TE 35 ms, TR 750 ms, volume acquisition every 1.5 s). Functional
images were also obtained at 9.4T (n
= 7) using point spread function-corrected echo planar imaging (PSF-EPI) with 1
mm3 spatial resolution (TE 21 ms, TR 1250 ms). Functional
prescriptions cover SC and LGN as well as cortical regions (V1, V2, and MT),
Fig. 1A. To generate brief periods of neural activity,
subjects performed a multi-sensory integration task every 25 s. During a 2-s
duration stimulation period, three circular regions filled with flickering
colored dots were presented in random order at different screen locations, Fig.
1B. Subjects performed saccades to fixate on each flickering circle and pushed
a response button corresponding to the circle. This 25-s duration trial was
repeated 18 times in each run; 5 runs were collected. HRFs obtained in the target
regions were temporally averaged over the whole of the scanning session. We
then characterized mean HRF of each ROI by amplitude and temporal parameters.
We were
able to measure strong and reliable (CNR >2) HRFs in subcortical and
cortical regions, Fig. 2. We found the fastest time-to-peak (TTP) in SC (red)
followed by that in LGN (magenta) at both 3T and 9.4T, Fig 3. The TTPs of HRFs
in both SC and LGN are significantly faster than those in V1(purple) and V2 (light
blue). Note that TTP in MT (green) is sparsely distributed between subcortical
regions and early visual cortex. Full-width-half-max (FWHM) also show similar
distribution patterns, which appeared narrower in subcortical regions than in
cortical regions. However, there is no significant difference in FWHM between
SC and LGN.
found similar characteristics among the ROIs (SC & LGN < V1 & V2) in
FWHM at 9.4T.
We measured
reliable subcortical HRFs and compared them with cortical HRFs at both 3T and
9.4T. The subcortical HRFs are stereotypical within a ROI and across subjects,
which is similar to the cortical HRFs observed in the previous studies3,4.
However, the subcortical HRFs show significantly faster dynamics comparing with
those in early visual cortex, which can imply different neurovascular coupling
in subcortical regions. This suggests that a separate characterization for
subcortical HRFs is required. Moreover, we found different temporal characteristics
between 3T and 9.4T, which may suggest that different component mechanisms exist
to produce the BOLD signal in different field strengths.
This work was supported by NIH K25 HL131997, and NIH R01 NS095933.
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