Quantitative cervical spinal cord (C-spine) MRI offers promising biomarkers for progressive multiple sclerosis (MS). The intra- and inter-site, short- and long-term reproducibility of these quantitative C-spine MRI measurements is crucial for designing longitudinal or multi-site study. In this two-site pilot study, we evaluated the reproducibility of quantitative C-spine MRI and demonstrate the feasibility of multi-site study with high reproducibility using a harmonized protocol.
Subjects: We recruited three healthy controls and three progressive MS patients at each site. Subjects re-visited within two months (n=12) and after 6 months (n=6). In addition, 3 subjects were scanned at both sites within two months.
Acquisitions: Siemens 3T MRI scanners were used for both sites. The following quantitative protocols were harmonized between sites (Fig. 1) –T2-weighted imaging: 0.9 mm isotropic resolution, TR/TE=1000/121 ms; phase sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR 1): 0.8 mm × 0.8 mm × 3 mm resolution, TR/TI/TE=930/400/3.22 ms; and axial cardiac-gated diffusion MRI (dMRI): 0.9 mm × 0.9 mm × 5 mm resolution, 12 slices, multiband = 2 2, TR/TI/TE=300/20.8/70.4 ms, anterior-posterior (AP) phase encoding direction, multi-b values (linearly spaced, up to 1000 s/mm2) and multi-b vectors 3 (Fig. 2).
Image processing: spinal cord segmentation, vertebrae labeling, cross-sectional area (CSA) calculation, and automated white matter tract identification (automated region of interest, ROI) were derived from Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT 4). PSIR gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) were manually segmented. dMRI volumes were aligned using slice-wise x and y translations3. After excluding dMRI slice/volume containing image artifacts, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) maps (including axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), mean diffusivity (MD), and fractional anisotropy (FA)) and diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI 5) maps (including fiber AD/RD/FA and fiber/hindered/restricted/water fraction) were calculated (Fig. 1B). Manual dMRI ROIs including corticospinal tract (CST) and posterior column (PC) were manually drawn using a geometric-based approach on mean b0 and high b-value images, and DTI FA maps 3 (Fig. 1C). Automated dMRI WM tract ROIs were also generated using maximum a posteriori 6 approach.
Statistics: After testing (paired t-test) of no difference between left and right tracts, the left and right tract dMRI measurements were averaged for further analyses. dMRI measurements from manual ROI and automated ROI were compared with paired t-test. We assessed intra-site short-term (n=13), intra-site long-term (n=9, three of the subjects were scanned at both sites), and inter-site short-term (n=6) coefficient of variation (COV) of the different measurements (i.e., CSA at each vertebral level, WM area, GM area, and dMRI measurements).
NMSS FG-1606-24492 (J-WK), RSNA RSCH1328 (JX), International Progressive MS Alliance (IPMSA) infrastructure award PA0097.
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