Tumours treated with VEGF ablation sustain changes to their vasculature, which can result in tissue oxygenation changes. This work uses dynamic oxygen enhanced MRI (dOE-MRI) to assess oxygenation of murine SCCVII tumours treated with B20-4.1.1 (murine anti-VEGF antibody) relative to controls. T1-weighted parameter maps and a modified ICA quantitative analysis technique, groupICA, describe an increase in B20-treated tumour oxygenation.
Dynamic oxygen enhanced MRI (dOE-MRI) has recently been proposed to assess tumour oxygenation in vivo using MRI [1]. This technique measures T1-weighted changes in tissues in response to a cycling oxygen challenge, with the responsive signals detected using independent component analysis (ICA) [2]. ICA is a blind-source separation algorithm that separates multiple signal sources by maximizing statistical independence of individual components [3]. However, because single-subject ICA needs to be applied individually, comparison of extracted components and weighting factor maps from different subjects is complicated by differences in scaling factors. GroupICA permits cohort analysis on spatially concatenated MRI data from multiple subjects [4].
Bevacizumab (Avastin) is a monoclonal antibody that neutralizes vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), acting as an anti-angiogenic agent used in the treatment of cancer. VEGF ablation has been shown to at least temporarily reduce vascular permeability and increase tumour oxygenation in some models [5]. Here we hypothesized that dOE-MRI with groupICA can detect VEGF ablation-induced changes to oxygenation of SCCVII tumours.
Animals: Seventeen NRG (NOD rag gamma) mice were implanted with SCCVII murine squamous cell carcinoma tumors (5x105 cells in 50 μl serum-free media; cells provided by Dr. J. Evans) in the dorsal subcutaneous region. Tumours were imaged when their largest diameters reached approximately 8-10 mm. Mice (n=8) were treated with 5mg/kg mouse anti-VEGF antibody (B20-4.1.1.,Genentech) 48 hours prior to imaging.
MRI: Imaging was performed using a 7T scanner (Bruker Biospec) with a transmit quadrature volume coil and a custom built surface receive coil. A T1 map was acquired using the Look-Locker method. OE-MRI scans were acquired with 90 repetitions using a 2D FLASH based sequence with TE/TR=2.67/133, flip angle α=40, 16 slices each 1mm thick, FOV of 3.84cmx2.16 cm, encoding matrix of 128x72, and a temporal resolution of 9.6s for a total scan time of about 14 minutes. Tumour ROIs were outlined on a RARE image (TE/TR=10.7/4250ms).
Oxygen Challenge: Mice were anaesthetized using 1.5-2.0% isoflurane. Breathing gas was alternated between medical air and 100% oxygen every 2 minutes using a 3-channel gas mixer (CWE, Philadelphia, USA) for a total of 3 air-oxygen-air cycles.
Analysis: Cohort data for groupICA was constructed by concatenating all 16 slices from the 17 subjects together in the z-dimension. The deflation-based FastICA (python package scikit.sklearn v0.17.1) was used to analyze the data. To ensure the cyclic behavior of the T1W signal intensity corresponding to the gas challenge appeared in only one component, number of independent components was set to 9. Upon selection of the oxygen enhancing component, reshaping the resultant weighting-factor maps to the original matrix size provided inter-subject comparable data. Final normalized dOE-MRI maps were obtained by dividing each pixel of the component map for each animal with the mean signal-intensity over time of the corresponding pixel in the dOE-MRI scan. Mean values are reported as a marker for tumour oxygenation with high values indicating increased oxygenation while negative values suggest decreased oxygenation or increased levels of hypoxia. A Welch’s t-test for unequal variances was conducted to assess the difference between the control and treated group and Hedge’s g was calculated to determine effect size.
[1] Moosvi, F., Baker, J. H. E., Yung, A., Kozlowski, P., Minchinton, A. I., & Reinsberg, S. A. (2018). Fast and sensitive dynamic oxygen-enhanced MRI with a cycling gas challenge and independent component analysis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. http://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.27584
[2] O'Connor, J. P. B., Boult, J. K. R., Jamin, Y., Babur, M., Finegan, K. G., Williams, K. J., et al. (2016). Oxygen-Enhanced MRI Accurately Identifies, Quantifies, and Maps Tumor Hypoxia in Preclinical Cancer Models. Cancer Research, 76(4), 787–795. http://doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-2062
[3] Hyvärinen, A., & Oja, E. (2000). Independent component analysis: algorithms and applications. Neural Networks, 13(4-5), 411–430.
[4] Calhoun, V. D., Liu, J., & Adali, T. (2009). A review of group ICA for fMRI data and ICA for joint inference of imaging, genetic, and ERP data. NeuroImage, 45(1 Suppl), S163–72. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.10.057
[5] O'Connor, J. P. B., Jackson, A., Parker, G. J. M., Roberts, C., & Jayson, G. C. (2012). Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in clinical trials of antivascular therapies. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 9(3), 167–177. http://doi.org/10.1038/nrclinonc.2012.2
[6] Jain, R. K. (2005). Normalization of tumor vasculature: an emerging concept in antiangiogenic therapy. Science (New York, N.Y.), 307(5706), 58–62. http://doi.org/10.1126/science.1104819