Loops are usually overlapped by approximately 10% in
Figure 1a shows a schematic of a single conventional loop coil with a uniform capacitance distribution along the conductor and thus uniform current distribution (Figure 1c). Figure 1b shows a schematic of a self-decoupled loop coil 2 with a tailored capacitance/current distribution, where the current is strong near the feed port while weak near its opposite side (Figure 1d). As shown in previous work, this tailored current distribution is helpful to reduce inter-element coupling and provide more freedom for coil layouts. In this specific study, both the conventional coil and the self-decoupled coil have a diameter of ~8.7 cm and a conductor width of 0.5 cm. Both coils were wrapped around a 15-cm-diameter cylindrical water phantom (б=0.6 S/m and ξr=78) separated by 0.8 cm. Their calculated axial B1- fields in the central slice are shown in Figures 1g-h.
Next, we analyzed the inter-element isolation of two conventional overlapped coils and two self-decoupled coils overlapped to a greater degree (over-overlapped). For the same coverage, an over-overlapped array can be made with more coil elements without the compromise of smaller coil size. In this study, a conventional array is 8 coils was compared to an over-overlapped array of 12. The SNR and g-factor of the 8-ch array were calculated from simulation results and compared to those of a 12-ch over-overlapped array. Simulations were performed using HFSS (ANSYS, Canonsburg, PA, USA). In all simulations, coil elements were tuned to the Larmor frequency of 7T (298 MHz) and matched to 50 Ω. The SNR was calculated by \sqrt{B_1^{-H} × ψ × B_1^- } 3,4 and normalized to the maximum value, where B1- is the reception B1 field and Ψ is the noise matrix. The SENSE g-factor is calculated following a standard definition 5.
Figures 2a-b show the layout of two conventional loops (~10% overlap) and two over-overlapped loops (~40% overlap). Similar to the magnetic field, the electric (E-) field in the sample is stronger near the feed port. To separate the adjacent loops' E-field and to reduce their resistive coupling, the feed ports of two adjacent self-decoupled coils were positioned in opposite sides. Figures 2c-f show the current distributions of an individual loop from a pair of conventional loops and a pair of over-overlapped loops.
For both the conventional 8-ch array and the 12-ch over-overlapped array, the worst-case coupling is approximately -13 dB and from adjacent loops. Figures 3e-f show the individual B1- maps of the two arrays. Figures 4a shows their SNR comparison and Figure 4b shows the 1-D SNR profile along white dotted lines in Figure 4a. Compared to the conventional 8-ch array, the over-overlapped 12-ch array has improved SNR in the surface area and the same SNR at the center area (overall SNR improvement 20%). Figures 5 shows the g-factor comparison between the two arrays. The g-factor maps in Figure 5 are proportional to the accelerated image SNR, and they indicate that the SNR can be significantly improved with the over-overlapped design, especially at high acceleration factor.
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4. Kellman, Peter, and Elliot R. McVeigh. "Image reconstruction in SNR units: a general method for SNR measurement." Magnetic resonance in medicine 54.6 (2005): 1439-1447.
5. Pruessmann, Klaas P., et al. "SENSE: sensitivity encoding for fast MRI." Magnetic resonance in medicine 42.5 (1999): 952-962.