In this work we investigate conditional adversarial networks for synthesizing relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) maps from dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)-MRI. A network based on the pix2pix framework is trained to map DCE-MRI to rCBV maps using rCBV maps generated from dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC)-MRI in the same patient cohort. The results demonstrate the feasibility of synthesizing realistic rCBV maps from DCE images, potentially improving MR perfusion imaging of the brain using a single contrast injection.
DCE and DSC datasets from 113 patients with brain cancer undergoing treatment evaluation were analyzed. MRI was performed on a GE 3T MR750 scanner using an 8-channel brain coil. DCE-MRI was performed by using a 3D SPGR sequence with TR/TE/FA=3.6ms/1.3ms/30degrees, matrix=256x160, 20 slices, slice thickness=5mm, 60 phases, temporal resolution=5.4s. DSC-MRI was performed using a gradient-echo EPI sequence with TR/TE/FA=1500ms/25ms/90degrees, matrix=128x128, slice thickness and locations matched with DCE, 60 phases, temporal resolution=1.5s. A bolus injection (5mL/s) of full-dose of contrast agent (gadobutrol) was administered during each of the two perfusion scans with the order of DCE followed by the DSC, with an anatomical T1-weighted imaging in between.
The rCBV map was calculated from the DSC-MRI with leakage correction using nordicICE v2.3.14 (NordicNeuroLab, Berrgen, Norway). SPM12 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Institute of Neurology, London, UK) was used to register the DCE images and CBV maps. Edge slices that were truncated due to the registration process were removed from the dataset. In total, 1958 2D slices were available for analysis. We reserved 12 patients for testing (210 slices). We split the remaining data into 1574 slices for training and 174 slices for cross validation.
A modified version of the pix2pix framework [3] was implemented in TensorFlow v1.8.0 (Figure 1). We constructed a convolutional encoder-decoder generator based on the U-Net architecture [4]. The encoder consisted of 5 convolutional layers with reLU activations and the decoder consisted of 5 transpose convolutional layers with reLU activations (Figure 2). Batch normalization was used after all convolutional layers. Skip connections were used between the encoder and decoder. A tanh activation function was applied to the last layer of the decoder in the generator. The discriminator consisted of 5 convolutional layers with leaky reLU activations (α=0.2). Dropout was used after the transpose convolutional layers in the generator and after the convolutional layers in the discriminator. Gaussian noise (μ=0.0,σ=0.1) was applied to the input of the discriminator, and label smoothing was applied to the discriminator loss. We used the conditional GAN objective function with an L1 penalty on the pixels (L1+cGAN) as reported in the original pix2pix work [3]. Images from the first 30 time points of the DCE were used as 30 input channels into the network, and the rCBV maps were used as the outputs.
Model training was performed on an NVIDIA DGX-1 workstation. An Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 2*10-4 was used to train both the generator and discriminator. A batch size of 1 was used for training. For each training step, one training iteration was run on the discriminator followed by 3 training iterations on the generator.
Tumor-to-white matter rCBV ratios were computed by manually drawing ROIs in the enhancing lesion and in the contralateral normal appearing white matter areas. These ratios were measured and compared between the true and synthesized rCBV maps using correlation analysis.
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