This work evaluates the performance of a novel sampling pattern compared to common undersampling techniques with the ultimate goal of obtaining high spatiotemporal resolution 3D fMRI via sparse sampling and model-based reconstruction. We examine a novel 3D Cartesian sampling pattern with random phase encodings in ky-kz rotated by the golden angle, resulting in a variable density sampling of k-space, with dense sampling of the high-signal energy k-space center. The functional activation and noise amplification (g-factor) results of this sampling technique are compared to those of standard sampling regimes.
The novel sampling pattern (“Poisson-PROPELLER”), inspired by the PROPELLER pulse sequence6, as well as 3D hybrid radial-Cartesian EPI7, incorporates both Poisson-disk sampling and golden-angle rotation. It consists of multiple “blades” in ky-kz, each containing Poisson-disk samples. For each shot, a new blade is formed with a golden-angle (180/1.618 ∼ 111.25°) update and new Poisson-disk samples, as shown in Figure 1. We included a slew rate constraint to ensure feasibility in prospective implementation. For comparison, we investigated Poisson-disk sampling as well as a uniform R = 2 x 2 undersampling, both with a circular support. The Poisson-disk based sampling methods have different samples for each frame. Figure 2 shows representative examples of these retrospective sampling patterns, all of which are compared to fully sampled results.
3D EPI fMRI data were acquired for a healthy volunteer with a 32-channel receiver (Nova Medical) on a GE 3T MRI scanner, α/TE/TR = 25°/15/37.5 ms, and 3 mm isotropic resolution. The subject performed a visual-motor task. We applied both CG-SENSE reconstruction and L+S model-based reconstruction algorithm to the fully sampled and retrospectively undersampled fMRI data, reconstructing the low-rank (L) and sparse (S) space-time matrices using the following optimization problem:
$$\min_{L,S} \frac{1}{2}||E\left( L+S\right)-d||_{2}^2 + \lambda_{L}||L||_{*} + \lambda_{S}||TS||_{1} ,$$
where E is an encoding operator that includes a phase correction term for N/2 ghosting, d is fully sampled or undersampled k-t data, T is the temporal Fourier transform, and regularization parameters λL and λS determine the relative contributions of data consistency with low-rankness and sparsity5. We solved this problem using the Proximal Optimized Gradient Method8,9. Regularization parameters were chosen to obtain approximately 30% sparsity and rank of 5-6.
We analyzed the reconstructed images for functional activation via correlation with a canonical hemodynamic response function (HRF) convolved with task timing. Correlation maps were overlaid on corresponding structural images. We used Monte Carlo simulation with 100 noise replicas to compute g-factor maps10.
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