Hyperpolarized 13C MRI has been used to non-invasively measure metabolism in real-time. However, perfusion and transporter expression can impact the compartmentalization of metabolites. In this work, we investigated the feasibility of diffusion weighted imaging of lactate generated from HP [1-13C]pyruvate in the human brain to assess lactate efflux and compartmentalization in a healthy volunteer. Whole brain lactate ADC values were 0.37ⅹ10-3 mm2/s, 0.29ⅹ10-3 mm2/s, and 0.41ⅹ10-3 mm2/s when diffusion gradients were applied in the X, Y, and Z direction, respectively, demonstrating the feasibility of diffusion weighted HP 13C MRI in a clinical setting.
Dissolution DNP provides more than a four orders of magnitude enhancement to carbon-13 nuclei. Coupled with the ability of MRI to resolve both substrate and metabolites, dissolution DNP of 13C substrates has been used extensively for metabolic imaging in both pre-clinical1 and proof-of-concept clinical studies2 to non-invasively assess metabolic conversion. In addition to the Warburg Effect, many cancers - such as malignant renal cell carcinoma3 and prostate cancer4 - overexpress MCT4, the monocarboxylate transporter primarily responsible for lactate efflux. Moreover, lactate can also be used as an energy source in the brain, with increased MCT4 expression in astrocytes and increased MCT2 expression for lactate uptake in neuronal cells5.
Because of structural differences in the intra- and extra-cellular microenvironments, diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) of hyperpolarized lactate (generated intracellularly via LDH catalyzed conversion from HP pyruvate) could provide unique information on lactate efflux and microstructure. This potentially could provide insight into MCT4 expression and lactate transport in a rapid, non-invasive manner, and has been explored previously in pre-clinical imaging of prostate cancer6. In this work, we investigated the feasibility of DWI of lactate generated from HP [1-13C]pyruvate in the human brain to assess lactate efflux and compartmentalization in a healthy volunteer.
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate was generated in a SPINlab polarizer operating at 5T and 0.8K (GE Healthcare). The sample was polarized for 3 hours and then rapidly dissolved and neutralized to yield 42mL of 220mM pyruvate with 43.8% polarization. The sample was transferred to the scan room and injected at a rate of 0.43mL/kg followed by a 20mL flush, both at 5mL/s. The acquisition was triggered at bolus arrival within the brain using an integrated RT-Hawk platform (HeartVista) for real-time frequency and B1 calibration7 (Fig. 1).
Hyperpolarized data were acquired using a double spin-echo diffusion weighted EPI sequence (Fig. 2). A gradient echo EPI module was inserted before the first refocusing pulse to provide an internal reference for signal normalization to account for T1 and RF utilization. Scan parameters were 250ms TR, 10ms (GRE) and 142ms (SE) TE, 1.5ⅹ1.5cm2 in-plane resolution, one 40mm thick slice, 20o pyruvate flip angle, 45o lactate flip angle, a low b-value of 51 s/mm2 applied in the Z direction and a high b-value of 319 s/mm2 applied in either the X, Y, or Z direction. A twice-refocused spin echo was employed to reduce eddy-current induced distortion in the high b-value images8. Each timepoint had one gradient-echo pyruvate image and four spin-echo lactate diffusion-weighted images, followed by a 2.25s delay, yielding a temporal resolution of 3.5s. To isolate the effects of diffusion weighting, spin-echo signal was normalized to the gradient echo readout for each b-value, with the ADC then calculated over the whole brain as a two-point fit: $$ADC = \frac{-ln \left( \frac{SE_{high-b} / GRE_{high-b}}{SE_{low-b} / GRE_{low-b}} \right)}{b_{high}-b_{low}} $$
1.) Albers, M.J., et al., Hyperpolarized 13C Lactate, Pyruvate, and Alanine: Noninvasive Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer Detection and Grading. Cancer Res., 2008. 68(20): p. 8607-8615.
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