The non-water suppressed magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) sequence with concentric k-space trajectory was proposed to measure functional MRI and MRSI signals simultaneously. A right-hand finger-tapping task was performed at 3T MRI scanner to test the simultaneous hemodynamic and neurochemical measurements at human primary motor cortex. The results showed a significant overlap between T2* and metabolite (glutamate) changes.
The measurement was performed on a whole-body 3T MRI scanner (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany). For the acquisition of a structural image a high-resolution T1-weighted MPRAGE sequence was used. A reference k-space for the keyhole scheme was acquired using metabolite-cycled DW-CRT semi-LASER with the following parameters: points-per-ring=64, temporal samples=512, resolution=5x5x10 mm3, Rings=24, FOV=240x240x10 mm3, TR=1350 ms, TE=32 ms, interleaves=4 (5). The simultaneous fMRI-fMRSI data was acquired using the keyhole method with 4 concentric rings at the central part of the k-space (Figure 1). During the fMRI-fMRS measurement, the subject performed repetitive tapping of the right-hand index finger with the following timing: four alternate periods of 1.8 min of motor activation and rest (ON–OFF–ON–OFF), preceded by a 1.8 min rest period (9 min total duration).
To obtain the fMRI-fMRSI images, a central part of the reference k-space was replaced by each set of dynamic keyhole data to yield and approximation of a complete k-space acquisition. NUFFT gridding was performed without using any post-hoc density compensation, since this is not required for DW-CRT data.
The T2* changes (BOLD response) during the activation were calculated using the unsuppressed water signal. Then, BOLD-response was analyzed using AFNI software. Metabolite spectra were subsequently calculated by subtracting the alternating FIDs. The LCModel was used to quantify the metabolite spectrum for each MRSI voxel (6).
In addition to the in vivo experiment, a two-dimensional Shepp-Logan brain phantom was simulated to replicate the in vivo keyhole fMRI-fMRSI experiment. The spectra were simulated using GAMMA simulation with concentration values similar to previously reported in vivo values. To simulate functional activation, the Glutamate signal intensity of the spectra was increased by 4%, based on previously reported fMRS findings.
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