Noninvasive MRI mapping of malignant infiltration into lymph nodes
Inês Santiago1, João Santinha1, Andrada Ianus1,2, Antonio Galzerano1, Maria Barata1, Nickolas Papanikolaou1, Antonio Beltran1, Celso Matos1, and Noam Shemesh1

1Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Centre for Medical Image Computing, UCL, London, United Kingdom


Mapping malignant infiltration into lymph nodes can have a critical impact on patient decision making. We predicted that multigradient echo (MGE) experiments could reflect cellularity and cell-size changes due to underlying susceptibility distributions. Lymph nodes extracted from rectal cancer patients exhibited the predicted non-monotonic and non-mono-exponential MGE signal decay, which provided insights into the underlying microstructure. A simple model distinguished benign from malignant nodal tissue and the differences were at least partially explained by differences in cellularity and cell size. These results can impact lymph node staging accuracy, as already corroborated by our pilot results in-vivo, upon rectal cancer staging, at 1.5T.


Pathologic lymph node status of the mesorectum constitutes the most important determinant of local recurrence and overall survival in rectal cancer patients (1). Standard assessment is based on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slides (1), in which small, loosily-packed leucocytes contrast with large, tightly-packed malignant epithelial cells. Knowledge of lymph node status before surgery is determinant for accurate selection of patients for neoadjuvant therapy but is hampered by limited imaging accuracy (2,3).

Multigradient echo (MGE) signal decay has recently been proposed to characterize tissue microstructure due to susceptibility distributions differences arising from objects with different sizes and shapes within the voxel (4). We hypothesized that tumour infiltration into lymph nodes could be determined by such MGE signals, assessed this hypothesis using simulations, and tested its validity ex-vivo in lymph nodes from rectal cancer patients. Potential clinical implications are discussed.


This study was approved by local ethics committee and informed consent was obtained from the patients.

1: Simulations

We first simulated susceptibility-driven magnetic field distribution maps arising from randomly packed spheres with 2 different configurations, guided by our histologic assessment: small size (x̅=12.2 μm2; SD=6.1 μm2) and intracellular volume fraction (24%) for benign nodal tissue; large size (x̅=92.7 μm2; SD=49.8 μm2) and intracellular volume fraction (61%) for tumour.

2: Ultrahigh field MGE of ex-vivo lymph nodes and histology matching

Then, we retrieved 29 benign and 35 malignant lymph nodes originating from the total mesorectal excision specimens of 11 N+ rectal cancer patients and acquired them at 37ºC on a 16.4T Bruker Aeon Ascend scanner using a Micro5 probe. A MGE acquisition was performed with the following parameters: 50 TEs starting at 1.6ms with 1.4ms interval, TR=1500ms, FA=50º, bandwidth=125kHz, ST=0.3mm, FOV= 12x12mm2,matrix=120x120, 25 NSAs (in-plane resolution=0.1x0.1mm2; total scan time=1h12m per node).

Scanned lymph nodes were embedded in paraffin and consecutive 4µm slices were cut every 50µm. One slice per interval was stained with H&E and analyzed by a gastrointestinal pathologist. Histology slides were scanned, stacked into a volume and registered to MGE images using SimpleElastix (5).

After denoising, benign and malignant histology matched regions of interest were defined in the most representative slice of each node. The mean magnitude signal value per node was computed for each TE and fitted to mono, bi and tri-exponential signal decay models, according to the equations 1, 2 and 3, respectively:


$$$S2C=S0|fa.exp(-TE/T2*a)+(1-fa)exp[-TE(1/T2*b+i ∆ωb)]|$$$

$$$S3C=S0|fa-exp(-TE/T2*a)+fb-exp[-TE(1/T2*b+i ∆ωb)]+(-fa-fb)exp[-TE(1/T2*c+ i∆ωc)]|$$$

S0=signal at TE=0; T2*i=relaxation time of compartment i with a volume fraction=fi and frequency shift=∆ωi.

Voxel-by-voxel fitting to the compartment models analyzed was performed for the whole dataset. Measurements of cellularity and cell size were obtained from MGE-ROI-matching areas using Qupath®.

Signal decay models were compared based on Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). To compare parameters extracted from the best performing model, Mann-Whitney U test was employed given data was not normally distributed. Spearman´s rank correlation test was used for statistical dependence assessment between model parameters and histology metrics. Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons was employed.


1: Simulations

Numerical simulations results are represented in Figure 1 and reveal non-mono-exponential signal decay and stark differences between substracts, predicting slower decay for small spheres (benign tissue) compared to large spheres (tumour) and suggesting T2* measurements could inform about tissue microstructure.

2: Ultrahigh field MGE of ex-vivo lymph nodes and histology matching

As depicted in Figure 2, the normalized average signal of our datasets approximated that predicted by simulations and BIC favored the 2-compartment model in both datasets.

Quantitative differences in parameters derived from the 2-compartment model are shown in Figure 3, T2*b being most discriminative.

Examples of MGE-histology matching are shown in Figure 4a. Figure 4b shows the differences in cellularity and cell size between benign nodal tissue and tumour, and their correlation to T2*b.

MGE signal decay differences between different patterns of malignant nodal infiltration were found in histology and their underlying mechanisms were investigated with staining for different markers (Figure 5).


MGE signal decays accurately characterize lymph node status and improve specificity towards tissue microstructure. The method’s contrast likely derives from different susceptibility distributions imparted by the diverging benign and malignant tissue characteristics, given quantitative differences in the best performing 2-compartment model parameter were at least partially explained by differences in cellularity and cell size. MGE is a simple, yet powerful sequence. It´s clinical translation is relatively straightforward and has the potential to improve rectal cancer patients´ selection for neoadjuvant therapy.


This new non-invasive MRI contrast has potential to improve lymph node staging accuracy in rectal cancer patients, as corroborated by the results of our pilot in-vivo study at 1.5T (6).


The authors would like to thank the outstanding contributions of:

Joana Maia and Bruno Costa-Silva from the Systems Oncology Lab of the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown;

Lara Castanheira, Alexandra Ferreira and Ana Santos from the Pathology Department of the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown;

Nuno Loução, Paula Montesiños and Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez from Philips Healthcare Iberia;

Nuno Figueiredo and José Filipe Cunha from the Digestive Unit of the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown;

Rita Theias from the Department of Pathologyof the Hospital Fernando Fonseca, EPE;

Carlos Leichsenring, Vasco Geraldes and Cisaltina Sobrinho, from the Department of Surgery of the Hospital Fernando Fonseca, EPE;

Maria Lisitskaya, a fellow radiologist at the Computational Clinical Imaging Group, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown;

All the staff from the Radiology Department of the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown;

The researchers from the Neuroplasticity and Neuronal Activity MRI Lab,Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown;

This study was funded by the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown.

Andrada Ianus´ work is supported by EPSRC grants EP/M020533/1 and EP/N018702/1.


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6) Santiago I, Santinha J, Ianus A, Papanikolaou N, Matos C, Shemesh N. Multi-exponential T2* mapping distinguishes benign/malignant lymph nodes in rectal cancer patients: an ex-vivo and in-vivo experiment [abstract]. In: 26th Annual Meeting & Exhibition; 2018 Jun 16-21; Paris, France. ISMRM; 2018. Abstract nr 3837.


Spatial distribution of the magnetic field induced by a distribution of spherical cells corresponding to a) benign tissue over a 50x50 μm2 field of view in the XY and XZ planes and b) malignant tissue over a 50x50 μm2 field of view in the XY and XZ planes. c) Normalized signal decay as a function of echo time for the two substrates corresponding to benign and malignant tissue. d) Normalized log signal decay as a function of echo time for the same two substrates.

a) Normalized average signal and Log average signal with increasing TE of benign and malignant datasets. b) Number of entries per rank of voxel-by-voxel analysis using Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) for benign and malignant lymph nodes. Notice 2-compartment model ranked first and 1-compartment model ranked last in most instances for both benign and malignant datasets.

Median (x̃) and interquartile range (iqr) values for 2-compartment model-derived parameters. Significant differences between benign and malignant lymph nodes were found for T2*a, T2*b and ∆Ω but not for f.

a) T2*b parametric maps and corresponding QuPath cell detection tool applications are exemplified for a benign and a malignant lymph node. b) Cellularity and cell size differences between benign and malignant lymph nodes are depicted in the boxplot above and Spearman correlation between them and T2*b are depicted in the scatterplot below (ρ=0.52 for cells/µm2 and ρ=-0.56 for nuclear area, both considered moderate and both with p<0.01).

When selective ROIs are defined, clear variations in signal decay behavior are present. Highly cellular areas in benign nodal tissue show slower initial decline, whereas in tumour tissue, decline occurs much faster. Pearls coloration was negative in all selected fields (iron particles stain dark blue using Pearls coloration). CD45 is expressed in all leucocytes and benign lymph node tissue therefore stains heavily. CK AE1/AE3 is expressed in colorectal adenocarcinoma. Although all malignant lymph node areas were positive, the area of high cellularity shows more pronounced staining and the corresponding early decay slope is higher when compared to other malignant patterns.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)