Short association fibres connect proximal cortical areas over short distances. These fibres are highly underrepresented in the current MRI-derived human brain connectome. We combined sub-millimetre resolution diffusion MRI, acquired with a 300 mT/m gradient system and high sensitivity coil for imaging the occipital cortex, with fMRI-driven retinotopic maps of V1/V2. These maps were used to identify the short V1-V2 connections in the human visual processing stream. V1-V2 connectivity was in agreement with previously reported anatomical and functional connectivities. Our results provide an important step towards the construction of a more complete MRI-derived human brain connectome via robust short fibre mapping.
Short association fibres or U-fibres connect proximal cortical areas over short distances1. U-fibres are highly underrepresented in the current MRI-derived human brain connectome. This is largely due to methodological challenges in Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) of these fibres. High spatial resolutions and dedicated fibre estimation and tractography models are required to map the narrow crossing fibre structures in superficial white matter (SWM)2-4. Moreover, limited quantitative knowledge of geometry and distribution makes validation of U-fibre mapping difficult5.
Connectivity is well characterised in early cortical areas of the primate visual processing stream6-7. The visual system is an ideal testbed for mapping short association fibres using DWI tractography. It is known that visual information flow between primary and secondary visual cortical areas (V1, V2) follows the principle of retinotopic projection, suggesting highly efficient connectivity of the retinotopic segments via short connections.
Here, short association fibres connecting V1-V2 in the human visual processing stream were mapped using sub-millimetre resolution DWI. Results were in line with fMRI-based retinotopy and published anatomical and functional connectivities of V1 and V2 6-11. The presented method was combined with myelin-sensitive quantitative MRI metrics12 to characterize myelination in short association fibres.
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