Architectural and morphological changes of hepatocytes (the major parenchymal cells carrying out most of the metabolic functions of the liver) are key diagnostic findings for liver diseases and are associated with important biological events. However, such information can currently only be assessed by liver biopsy. Quantitative temporal diffusion spectroscopy imaging (qTDSI), which uses different modulated gradient waveforms to measure ADC values equivalent to the use of multiple diffusion times (Δ), has been shown to provide accurate, high-resolution maps of cell size in solid tumors. In this study, we demonstrated that qTDSI can map hepatocyte sizes in mice in vivo.
A) Six mouse livers were imaged in vivo and postmortem using a combination of oscillating gradient spin echo (OGSE) and pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) acquisitions covering diffusion times from 2.5 to 40 ms with seven b-values < 600 s/mm2. Diffusion signal behaviors were modeled as mono- or bi-exponential decays and statistically analyzed for best fits. Diffusion constants obtained from postmortem diffusion signals were assumed to represent ‘ground truth’ and to be unaffected by microcirculatory flow. We then evaluated the performance of different data processing strategies for suppressing perfusion effects. B) Three mouse livers were imaged in vivo using PGSE (Δ = 10 and 40 ms) and OGSE (f = 66.7 Hz and 100 Hz) acquisitions. Five b-values (0, 300, 500, 750, 1000 s/mm2) were used for PGSE and 66.7 Hz OGSE, and four b-values (0, 300, 450, 600 s/mm2) were used for 100 Hz OGSE. Signals with b-values > 200 s/mm2 were fit to a two compartmental model:
where Sb=0 is the signal at b-value = 0, S’b=0 is calculated by extrapolating the diffusion data with b-values > 200 s/mm2 back to b-value = 0. Vin is the water volume fraction of intracellular space, and Sin and Sex are the diffusion-weighted signal magnitudes per volume from the intra- and extracellular extravascular spaces, respectively. The analytical expression of Sin for spherical cells has been derived previously (7,8), and depends on cell size d and intracellular diffusion rate Din. In liver tissues, cell size d is dominated by the size of hepatocyte. Sex depends on the extracellular diffusion rate at long diffusion times, and the manner in which the extracellular diffusion coefficient varies with respect to gradient frequency.
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