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Quantification and Repeatability of the Collagen Signal Fraction in the Healthy Liver Using Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) MRI
Adrienne G. Siu1, Ferenc E. Mózes1, Luca Biasiolli1, and Matthew D. Robson1

1Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research (OCMR), Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


Liver injury can lead to fibrosis, i.e. an accumulation of collagen. Fibrosis is clinically assessed via biopsy. Due to the health risks and unrepresentative sampling associated with biopsy, a non-invasive method of quantifying collagen would be beneficial. Here, an ultrashort echo time (UTE) pulse sequence was employed to quantify the collagen signal fraction in 10 subjects with healthy livers in a test-retest study at 3 T. The collagen signal fraction was repeatable, with a mean of 14 ± 3 %.


Liver fibrosis is characterized by an increase in collagen content. Causes may include alcohol abuse, viral disease, or use of hepatotoxic drugs. The percentage collagen area in the liver increases from ~ 2 % in healthy people to ~ 28 % in disease 1. Biopsy is the gold standard for quantification of liver fibrosis. However, this procedure carries health complications and sampling error 2. Ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI allows for the sampling of short T2* species, such as collagen, which can be useful for detecting and quantifying fibrosis. Liver fibrosis has previously been imaged using UTE MRI, and demonstrates differences in T2* 3, 4 and short-T2* signal fraction 4 as a result of fibrosis. Direct detection and quantification of collagen content via UTE would be beneficial for the assessment of the severity of fibrosis. The collagen signal fraction was measured from a multi-exponential T2* model of the liver, involving signal components from collagen, fat, and free water, assuming an isotropic distribution of collagen fibres. Our objectives were to quantify and determine the repeatability of the collagen signal fraction in the healthy liver in vivo using UTE MRI.


A multi-exponential T2* signal model was developed for the liver, involving global parameters (g), signal components due to bound water from isotropic collagen (S0c) with k collagen fibres, 6 spectral peaks of fat (S0p) 5, and free water (S0w):



R2c(θ)=R2c(55)+R2c(0)R2c(55)4(3cos2θ1)2 6, where R2c(0)=1046s1 and R2c(55)=114s1, as measured in ex vivo tendon (A.G. Siu, unpublished data).

fc(θ)=(γB02π)[Δχ2(cos2θ13)+f0], where B0=2.89T, Δχ=2.17ppm, and f0=0.67ppm from the modelling of the frequency of fresh tendon 7.

For fat, the CH2 peak was fitted and the remaining 5 peaks were scaled relative to it, based on the signal contributions, R2*s, and frequencies of the 6 peaks of peanut oil 8.

For free water, R2w=14s1.

The livers of 10 healthy subjects (7 male, age 28 ± 5 years) were scanned on a Tim Trio 3 T system (Siemens, Germany) with a 32-channel cardiac coil (Invivo, USA) in a test-retest study. Between the test and retest, the subjects removed themselves from the scanner bed for ~ 5 mins. A 2D-UTE pulse sequence with cardiac gating and gradient spoiling was used (TR 7 ms, slice thickness 8 mm, flip angle 10⁰, FOV 300 mm × 300 mm, matrix 256 pixels × 256 pixels, number of averages 2, bandwidth 980 Hz/pixel, readouts/heartbeat 60, breath hold duration ~ 10 s). Two saturation bands with gap 10 mm and thickness 110 mm were employed for outer-volume suppression, reducing the fat signal arising from poor slice selection in UTE. 14 TEs were acquired in 7 dual-echo acquisitions. TEs ranged from 0.23 to 5.45 ms. Rigid body image registration was performed to correct motion between TEs (MATLAB R2015b). Modelling of the signal decay as a function of TE was performed over a 10 pixel × 10 pixel ROI (avoiding vessels) in the liver using Eq. (1), via a non-linear least-squares fitting algorithm (MATLAB R2015b).

The collagen signal fraction was calculated as: S0cS0c+6p=1S0p+S0w×100%.

Results and Discussion

Figure 1 is an example UTE image of a subject’s liver and the UTE signal decay. Figure 2 illustrates results from the test-retest study. For the collagen signal fraction in the liver, the coefficient of variation was 25 % and the coefficient of repeatability was 5 %.

The mean collagen signal fraction was 14 ± 3 % and refers to the fraction of protons in collagen-bound water over the total number of protons in the liver. The mean collagen signal fraction was higher than the expected collagen content in the healthy liver, assuming ~ 2 % collagen by area 1. Reasons for the discrepancy in the mean collagen signal fraction may include trade-off between the fat and collagen signal components in the fitting process, and intermediate or fast exchange between the collagen and free water components. The multi-exponential T2* signal model and the collagen signal fraction hold for slow exchange between components with dissimilar relaxation rates; this applies to collagen in tendon, but may not apply to fibrotic tissue where collagen fibres are finer and varied in orientation.


In the healthy in vivo liver, a repeatable collagen signal fraction was found, of mean 14 ± 3 %. Future studies will investigate whether the collagen signal fraction as evaluated in this work is sensitive to fibrosis.


The research was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC). AGS holds a Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarship from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).


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Figure 1. Results from an example subject. a) UTE image at TE 1.45 ms, with a 10 pixel × 10 pixel ROI in the liver. b) Signal intensity as a function of TE, averaged within the 10 pixel × 10 pixel ROI. The signal decay was fitted according to Eq. (1).

Figure 2. Results from the test-retest study. a) Collagen signal fractions for the tests and retests of all subjects. CV = coefficient of variation. b) Correlation between the test and retest of the collagen signal fraction within each subject. The p-values were obtained from significance testing on the t-statistic. c) Bland-Altman plot for the collagen signal fraction. CR = coefficient of repeatability, calculated as 1.96 × standard deviation.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)