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Fat corrected APT-CEST in the human breast at 7 Tesla: application to mamma carcinoma and dependency on menstrual cycle
Ferdinand Zimmermann1,2, Andreas Korzowski1, Lisa Carmen Loi3, Johannes Sebastian Breitling1,2,4, Jan-Eric Meissner1, Moritz Zaiss5, Sebastian Bickelhaupt3, Heinz-Peter Schlemmer3, Mark E. Ladd1, Peter Bachert1,2, Daniel Paech3, Sarah Schott6, and Steffen Goerke1

1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 3Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 4Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany, 5High‐field Magnetic Resonance Center, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 6Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany


The fat correction method enables robust APT-CEST quantification in the human breast and proved its suitability for examinations in vivo. We present to the extent of our knowledge the first APT-CEST contrast corrected for fat signal contribution, spillover, B1 field inhomogeneities and T1 relaxation in a breast cancer patient. The CEST contrast increased threefold compared to the measurement of a healthy volunteer. Repeated CEST imaging over the course of one menstrual cycle in one healthy woman did not reveal a hormonal correlation of APT contrast. A clinical study in healthy premenopausal volunteers will now investigate the dependency on menstrual cycle.


CEST in the mammary gland is affected by lipid signals1-4. We recently proposed to approximate the total fat signal by the residual magnetization after pre-saturation at the frequency offset Δω = 0 ppm1,2. This enables the correction of Z-spectra for fat signal induced artifacts in the spectral region of the amide proton transfer (APT) without any additional measurements, and thus, fat independent APT-CEST imaging. Here, we show the first APT-CEST contrast corrected for fat signal contribution, spillover, B1 field inhomogeneities and T1 relaxation in a human breast carcinoma patient at 7T. While standard dynamic contrast-enhanced MR examinations are dependent on the phase of the menstrual cycle in premenopausal women5,6, it is unknown whether APT-CEST is affected as well. We therefore additionally monitored the APT contrast in a healthy volunteer over the course of five weeks to investigate its dependency on menstrual cycle.


One 58-year-old patient diagnosed with an invasive mucinous mamma carcinoma (G2) was examined. Beginning at the 10th day of the menstrual cycle, one healthy volunteer (31-year-old) was examined six times over the course of 37 days. Her subsequent menstrual period started on the fifth measurement (29 days past the first examination).

A modified WASABI-sequence7 (single rectangular pulse of tp=2.5ms, B1=7µT, followed by five 90° fat saturation pulses) yielded robust field-mapping. A T1-map was acquired by a saturation recovery sequence. CEST-Saturation was achieved by a train of 297 Gaussian-shaped pulses (tp = 15 ms, tsat = 5.6 s, DC = 80%). 75 offsets, Mz(Δω), were acquired for two different saturation powers of B1 = 0.6 & 0.9 µT. Single-slice imaging TEin-phase = 2.04 ms, resolution 1.5x1.5x5 mm³, BW = 1220 Hz/pix) was performed on a 7T MR scanner (Siemens Magnetom) employing a bilateral breast coil (Rapid Biomedical).

Assuming total water signal saturation after pre-saturation at Δω = 0 ppm without lipid saturation one can estimate the collective fat signal as the residual magnetization: Mz(0ppm)=F0. This allows performing the fat corrected CEST-normalization for amide resonances1,2: Zcorr.=|Mz(Δω)  Mz(0ppm)||M0Mz(0ppm)|=|Mz(Δω)  F0||M0  F0|[Eq.1] M0 denotes the fully relaxed image. Evaluation of complex valued raw data allowed voxelwise determination of F0 and calculation of corrected Z-spectra by Eq.1. A five-pool Lorentzian function9 was fitted to the APT signal and AREXAPT = 1DC T1(1Zlab1Zref) was calculated8 (Δω=+3.5ppm) and corrected for B1-inhomogeneities (reconstructed B1 = 0.8 μT) 9.


Slight changes of APT signal are observable comparing the uncorrected and corrected Z-spectra in the healthy volunteer (Fig.1A&B). An overall increase of the fat corrected contrast can be seen (Fig.1C-E), mainly in the transition from glandular to fatty tissue. The fat corrected APT contrast appears more homogenous. However, some artifacts are observable in fat dominated voxels due to overcompensation.

The APT contrast in the breast cancer patient increases approximately threefold in comparison to the healthy volunteer (Fig.2). No correlations to B1-inhomogeneities are observed (Fig.2B). Furthermore, signal intensities of both, amide and amine resonances increase (Fig.2C, cf. Fig.1B).

Changes of T1 relaxation time during the menstrual cycle are observed (Fig.3A). Fat-corrected AREXAPT appears to change as well (Fig.3B). However, the contrasts deviations (up to 0.005 Hz during the cycle) are negligible in comparison to the signal difference between healthy and tumorous tissue.


The presented protocol was successfully applied in repeated examinations in a healthy volunteer, as well as in the patient. The slight increase of APT contrast after fat correction is in line with expectations due to the chosen in-phase echo time and the observed comparatively small fat fractions in the gland (<15%)1,2. The approach works robustly despite field inhomogeneities and diverse fat contents within fibroglandular tissue. It is therefore our method of choice in future pilot studies, in which we expect a greater diversity of tissue composition with regards to lipid content.

We showed the first APT-CEST contrast corrected for fat signal contribution, spillover, B1 field inhomogeneities and T1 relaxation in a breast cancer patient. However, no healthy tissue adjacent to the tumor was present and prevented a direct comparison of APT contrast. The benefit of quantitative APT-CEST imaging has therefore be evaluated in further patients.

The observed fluctuations of CEST contrast within one menstrual cycle might indicate a hormonal dependence, are however not statistically significant (n=1). A possible correlation has to be verified in a larger cohort. We hypothesize that hormonally induced changes of APT are minimal and, with regard to tumor imaging, negligible.


The fat correction method enables robust APT-CEST quantification and showed its applicability and repeatability for examinations in vivo. It is necessary to investigate its benefit in a larger patient cohort. We have therefore started a clinical patient study. Concurrently, a clinical study is carried out in healthy premenopausal volunteers to study the dependency on menstrual cycle.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Zimmermann F, Korzowski A, Schuenke P, et al. Fat corrected APT-CEST in the human breast. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on CEST Imaging, 2018, Beijing

2. Zimmermann F, Korzowski A, Schuenke P, et al. A novel normalization to correct APT-CEST in the presence of fat. Proceedings of the 26th ISMRM 2018, Paris, Poster #2222

3. Lu J, Zhou J, Cai C, et al. Observation of true and pseudo NOE signals using CEST-MRI and CEST-MRS sequences with and without lipid suppression. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2015; 73(4):1615–1622

4. Zhang S, Keupp J, Wang X. et al. Z-spectrum appearance and interpretation in the presence of fat: Influence of acquisition parameters. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017; doi:10.1002/mrm.26900

5. Delille J-PP, Slanetz PJ, Yeh ED, Kopans DB, Garrido L. Physiologic Changes in Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging during the Menstrual Cycle: Perfusion Imaging, Signal Enhancement, and Influence of the T1 Relaxation Time of Breast Tissue. Breast J. 2005; 11(4):236-41.

6. Kuhl CK, Bieling HB, Gieseke J, et al. Healthy premenopausal breast parenchyma in dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging of the breast: normal contrast medium enhancement and cyclical-phase dependency. Radiology, 1997;203(1), 137-144.

7. Schuenke P, Windschuh J, Roeloffs V, et al. Simultaneous mapping of water shift and B1(WASABI)-Application to field-Inhomogeneity correction of CEST MRI data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2016; 77(2):571-580.

8. Zaiss M, Xu J, Goerke S, et al. Inverse Z-spectrum analysis for spillover-, MT-, and T1-corrected steady-state pulsed CEST-MRI – application to pH-weighted MRI of acute stroke. NMR Biomed. 2014; 27: 240–252.

9. Windschuh J, Zaiss M, Meissner JE, et al. Correction of B1-inhomogeneities for relaxation-compensated CEST imaging at 7T. NMR Biomed. 2015;28:529–537.


A conventionally calculated and a fat corrected Z-spectrum within the mammary gland of a healthy volunteer are shown (A&B). The corresponding B1-corrected AREXAPT maps are overlaid in the mammary gland. A histogram of AREXAPT within the displayed region is shown in D for both, conventionally determined (C) and corrected for fat signal contribution (E). Although the APT signal changes only slightly by the correction (A&B), the overall contrast intensity increases (E). Furthermore, the fat corrected APT contrast appears more homogenous in coherent areas of the mammary gland.

A: The AREXAPT –contrast corrected for fat signal contribution and B1-inhomogeneites is overlaid in the tumor region of a 58yo patient (7T, 297 Gaussian-shaped pulses of tp = 15 ms, DC = 80%, reconstructed B1 = 0.8μT). No healthy glandular tissue is present in the examined slice. The contrast appears increased compared to the measurements in healthy volunteers (cf. Fig.1). The B1-inhomogeneities within the tumor are substantial (B). An exemplary Z-spectrum, corrected by Eq.1, is shown in C (voxel indicated by red circle in A&B). A multi-pool fit of Lorentzian lines identifies CEST signals from amides, amines, MT and rNOE/fat.

T1 and AREXAPT (corrected for B1-inhomogeneities and fat signal contribution) were determined within a ROI in the center of the mammary gland of a healthy 31-year-old volunteer (error bars indicate std). While a change of T1 relaxation time during menstrual cycle within breast tissue in premenopausal women has been reported, it is unknown whether (amide) proton exchange processes are affected as well. The observed course of AREXAPT might indicate a slight dependence, is however not statistically significant (n=1). A clinical pilot study investing possible changes during the menstrual cycle within a larger cohort is ongoing.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)