The ability of T2*-weighted (or susceptibility-weighed) MRI to provide structural and functional information about the brain is affected by B0 field fluctuations associated with head motion, which are inadequately accounted for in current correction approaches. Here, a 3D EPI navigator was developed to measure head motion, map the associated complex B0 field changes and correct their effects in T2*-weighted GRE MRI. Adequate temporal resolution of the navigator was achieved by implementing 2D parallel imaging with controlled aliasing. A fast reconstruction strategy is proposed to retrospectively correct the motion artifacts, overcoming limitations of prospective B0 corrections inadequately dealing with the spatially complex B0 changes.
The acquisition scheme of the navigator in a high-resolution 3D GRE sequence is shown in Fig. 1. Within each TR, two consecutive navigators are acquired before the multi-echo GRE imaging data, with blips in both slab- and phase-encoding direction for controlled 2D-aliasing(9). 3D navigator images can be reconstructed at high rate from partially acquired k-space data (indicated by dots of the same kind in Fig. 1b). Full-FOV navigators can also be reconstructed using the complete k-space data, albeit at a lower temporal rate.
Reconstruction of the navigator image involved Nyquist ghost correction, zero-order B0 adjustment and EPI distortion correction. Head motion was estimated based on coregistration of the magnitude of the first navigator. B0 field changes were measured using phase maps of both navigators.
GRE image data were corrected retrospectively using the navigator and a novel, efficient, conjugate gradient-based reconstruction algorithm. In the algorithm, GRE data was separated into m groups based on the motion information so that within each group, relative motion is small and B0 changes can be approximated to be linear in space, while high-order B0 changes are corrected across groups. Data was not necessarily grouped consecutively in time. This linear condition leads to a shift of the k-space coordinate and enables both B0 changes and motion to be corrected for using the fast NUFFT algorithm (10) within groups.
Experiments were conducted on a 7 T MRI scanner (Siemens) with a 32-channel RF head coil (Nova Medical). Three healthy human volunteers were recruited for the study. They were instructed to either stay still or move their heads in a stepwise fashion during a scan. Those static scans were performed at different head poses, and the corresponding GRE images were used to evaluate the navigator’s accuracy for motion and field measurement. The sequence used FOV=240x192x96 mm3 and TR=45 ms. Navigator-specific parameters are TEnav1=6.5 ms, TEnav2=14.7 ms, parallel imaging R=4x2 and resolution of 4 mm. Within a TR, 12 echoes were acquired for each navigator in 6.5 ms. Times to acquire a fast (R=4x2) or full-FOV navigators were 0.54 and 4.32 s (12 or 96 shots), respectively. Resolution of GRE was 2 or 1 mm, with TEGRE-2-mm of 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 ms and TEGRE-1-mm of 24, 26.5, 29 ms, respectively.
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