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Oxygen-enhanced UTE MRI for Quantification of Dynamic Lung Function
Wei Zha1, Kevin M Johnson1,2, Robert V Cadman1, Scott K Nagle1,2,3, and Sean B Fain1,2,4

1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 3Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 4Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States


Three-dimensional dynamic imaging using free-breathing oxygen-enhanced (OE) ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI can measure change of partial pressure of oxygen (ΔPO2) and wash-in/out time constants. Nine healthy subjects underwent the dynamic OE MRI protocol at 1.5T. A subset of 4 subjects underwent repeated exams and 2 of these 4 underwent the same protocol at 3.0T on the same day. The inter-exam variations at 1.5T suggest good quantitative measurements of lung function and wash-in/out dynamics with variations observed in ΔPO2max. The parametric maps imply comparable wash-in/out time constants and normal ventilation measured at 1.5T vs. 3.0T.


Steady-state oxygen-enhanced (OE) MRI with UTE1 provides ventilation quantification comparable to breath-hold hyperpolarized 3He MRI in cystic fibrosis2. Recently, the feasibility of dynamic imaging to assess regional oxygen (O2) uptake and wash-out in healthy lungs was demonstrated3. This study investigates the repeatability of dynamic OE UTE MRI at 1.5T with comparison between 1.5T vs. 3.0T.


Nine healthy subjects were enrolled in a HIPAA-compliant study. Seven subjects underwent pulmonary function tests (PFTs). A subset of 4 subjects were each imaged at 2 separate visits ≤5months apart at 1.5T (HDxt, GE Healthcare). Two of these 4 subjects underwent the same dynamic protocol at 1.5T with an 8-channel cardiac coil and 3.0T (MR750, GE Healthcare) with a 32-channel torso coil on the same day. Subjects were positioned supine and breathed freely via a non-rebreather facemask with 21% (normoxic) or 100% O2 (hyperoxic) flowing at 15 L/min throughout the scan.

The data and analysis workflow for the dynamic OE UTE MRI3 is illustrated in Figure 1. Each UTE was acquired with 32cm FOV, TE=0.08-0.1ms and prospective gating with a real-time adaptive 50% acceptance window at end expiration. Regional T1 was measured with normoxic UTE variable flip angle (VFA)4: 5 FAs = 2°, 4°, 6°, 10°/9°(1.5T/3.0T), and 14°, TR=2.86 ms, ~30,000 projections per FA, and scan time=~14 minutes. The dynamic scan was a continuous acquisition of 8~18 timeframes with total scan time from 6.8 to 9.3 minutes to cover one cycle of wash-in and wash-out dynamics: subjects breathed 21% O2 for the first 2 timeframes, and then the oxygen concentration alternated between 100% and 21% with 3 (70-second temporal), 5 (34-second) or 8 (24-second) timeframes at each oxygen concentration, FA = 8°/7° (1.5T/3.0T), TR=1.7ms. All UTE images were reconstructed at 1.25mm isotropic for structure and 1cm isotropic for dynamic-function quantification.

A deep learning technique was used to automatically segment lungs volumes5. After registration, the baseline (timeframe#1) T1 was used to estimate T1(t) at subsequent timeframes to derive the change in partial pressure of oxygen, PO2(t)=(1/T1(t)T1baseline)/ro2, where rO2=2.49×10-4/s mmHg [6]. The O2 wash-in and wash-out portions of PO2(t) curves were fitted using exponential functions7, PO2(t)=PO2max×(1et/τup) and PO2(t)=PO2max×et/τdown, to compute the time constants (τup and τdown) respectively, where PO2max is the maximum PO2 after switching air to 100% O2. The maximum intensity projection (MIP) of median percent signal enhancement (MPSE) over hyperoxic-breathing timeframes was used to quantify ventilation defect percent (VDP) automatically8. The repeated measurements of MPSEmax , PO2max, τup and τdown were averaged to calculate the subject group statistics. Bland-Altman analysis with 95% limits of agreement (LOA) was used to evaluate inter-exam variations at 1.5T.


In this healthy cohort, the measured PO2max (Table 1) is close to the systemic alveolar PO2 under hyperoxic breathing of ~600mmHg9. The whole lung VDP was 3.3±1.1%, reflecting normal global lung function as evidenced by normal PFTs. The measured τup (0.65min) are significantly longer (P=0.004) than τdown (0.38min), which is similar to the 40% smaller τdown relative to τup measured using an inversion-recovery OE technique10. The inter-exam comparison (Table 2) showed small variations in MPSEmax, τup and τdown but notable variations in median PO2max (95% LOA=[-145.80, 214.0]mmHg). An example of inter-exam comparison (Figure 2) suggest some regional variations in PO2max with relatively homogeneous MPSEmax and time constant maps. The T1, MPSEmax and PO2max were larger at 3.0T compared to at 1.5T (Table 2), the estimated τdown and τup values each differed by ~0.1min. These parametric maps (Figure 3) imply slightly more heterogeneous regional distributions seen at 1.5T vs. 3.0T.


Relative to the ~10min steady-state OE1,2,8, the ~7min dynamic acquisition is feasible to extract quantitative ventilation and temporal dynamics of O2 uptake. The wash-in/out dynamics characterized using dynamic imaging are more consistent with steady-state pulmonary physiology and may capture slow-filling regions11. Despite the limited sample size and varying temporal resolutions used, our repeatability analysis found good inter-exam agreement for MPSE, τup and τdown. The regional heterogeneity in PO2max maps may be due to B1 inhomogeneity and consequent regional T1 variations. Future work will seek to estimate T1 and B1 using a deep learning-based MANTIS framework12, improve SNR and temporal resolution of the dynamic acquisitions13 and perform a more rigorous repeatability study at 3.0T.


The dynamic OE UTE MRI demonstrates the capability for quantification of dynamic lung function with good initial repeatability at 1.5T and comparable performance at 3.0T vs. 1.5T for MPSE, τup and τdown. PO2 measures were more variable and remain an area of ongoing development.


We acknowledge the support in part by grant UL1TR000427 to UW ICTR from NIH/NCATS, Research and Development Fund from Departments of Radiology and Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and grant support from GE Healthcare. We also acknowledge the research technologists who supported the MRI scanning in this work, including Kelli Hellenbrand, RT, Jenelle Fuller, RT, and Sara John, RT.


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[3] Zha W, Cadman R V., Hahn AD, Johnson KM, Fain SB. Dynamic 3D Isotropic Resolution Imaging of Human Lungs Using Oxygen-enhanced Radial UTE MRI. Abstr #4147, 26th ISMRM Paris, France 2018.

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[5] Zha W, Fain SB, Schiebler ML, Nagle SK, Liu F. Improved Segmentation of Proton MRI Lung Volume Using a 2.5D Deep Convolutional Neural Network. ISMRM Work Mach Learn Part I, Pacific Grove, CA, 2018.

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Figure 1 Data and analysis workflow for dynamic UTE OE MRI protocol. The dynamic protocol contains two separate acquisitions: UTE VFA under 21% O2 breathing (a) and a dynamic UTE acquisition with the oxygen concentration alternating between 21% and 100% O2 (b). Voxelwise T1 values (c) were calculated using least-squares fitting from the VFA data. After segmentation and registration, median percent signal enhancement (MPSE) over time curve (d) was derived. The change in partial pressure of oxygen (ΔPO2) time curves (e) was derived by relating T1(t) to the timeframe#1 T1 estimates. Quantitative measurements of dynamic lung function were then extracted.

Figure 2 Inter-exam variations of the parametric maps derived from a 23-year-old female subject with FEV1 %P = 84.0%. The two exams were separated by 15 days. The whole lung median T1 estimates were 1240.4 ms and 1127.6 ms for Exams #1 and #2 respectively. The maximum median percent signal enhancement (MPSEmax) was 10.0% and 11.3%. The whole lung median value of maximal change of partial pressure of oxygen (ΔPO2max) was 466.5mmHg and 442.5mmHg. The inter-exam differences are 0.11min for wash-in time constant (τup) and 0.05min for wash-out time constant (τdown).

Figure 3 Dynamic parameter maps derived from dynamic UTE OE MRI acquired at 1.5T and 3.0T on the same day for a 20-year-old male subject with FEV1 %P =109.2%. The temporal resolution is 24 second at both field strengths for the displayed parametric maps. The global quantitative measures of these parameters at 1.5T vs. 3.0T are: the maximum median percent enhancement (MPSEmax:11.30% and 14.69%), maximal change of partial pressure of oxygen (ΔPO2max: 462.53mmHg and 578.89mmHg); wash-in time constant (τup:0.68min and 0.63min) and wash-out time constant (τdown:0.32 min and 0.37min) respectively.

Table 1 Demographic, functional and dynamic data for 9 healthy subjects at 1.5T

Table 2 Variations between two exams at 1.5T and between the same-day 1.5T vs. 3.0T.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)