Three-dimensional dynamic imaging using free-breathing oxygen-enhanced (OE) ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI can measure change of partial pressure of oxygen (ΔPO2) and wash-in/out time constants. Nine healthy subjects underwent the dynamic OE MRI protocol at 1.5T. A subset of 4 subjects underwent repeated exams and 2 of these 4 underwent the same protocol at 3.0T on the same day. The inter-exam variations at 1.5T suggest good quantitative measurements of lung function and wash-in/out dynamics with variations observed in ΔPO2max. The parametric maps imply comparable wash-in/out time constants and normal ventilation measured at 1.5T vs. 3.0T.
Nine healthy subjects were enrolled in a HIPAA-compliant study. Seven subjects underwent pulmonary function tests (PFTs). A subset of 4 subjects were each imaged at 2 separate visits ≤5months apart at 1.5T (HDxt, GE Healthcare). Two of these 4 subjects underwent the same dynamic protocol at 1.5T with an 8-channel cardiac coil and 3.0T (MR750, GE Healthcare) with a 32-channel torso coil on the same day. Subjects were positioned supine and breathed freely via a non-rebreather facemask with 21% (normoxic) or 100% O2 (hyperoxic) flowing at 15 L/min throughout the scan.
The data and analysis workflow for the dynamic OE UTE MRI3 is illustrated in Figure 1. Each UTE was acquired with 32cm FOV, TE=0.08-0.1ms and prospective gating with a real-time adaptive 50% acceptance window at end expiration. Regional T1 was measured with normoxic UTE variable flip angle (VFA)4: 5 FAs = 2°, 4°, 6°, 10°/9°(1.5T/3.0T), and 14°, TR=2.86 ms, ~30,000 projections per FA, and scan time=~14 minutes. The dynamic scan was a continuous acquisition of 8~18 timeframes with total scan time from 6.8 to 9.3 minutes to cover one cycle of wash-in and wash-out dynamics: subjects breathed 21% O2 for the first 2 timeframes, and then the oxygen concentration alternated between 100% and 21% with 3 (70-second temporal), 5 (34-second) or 8 (24-second) timeframes at each oxygen concentration, FA = 8°/7° (1.5T/3.0T), TR=1.7ms. All UTE images were reconstructed at 1.25mm isotropic for structure and 1cm isotropic for dynamic-function quantification.
A deep learning technique was used to automatically segment lungs volumes5. After registration, the baseline (timeframe#1) T1 was used to estimate T1(t) at subsequent timeframes to derive the change in partial pressure of oxygen, △PO2(t)=(1/T1(t)−T1baseline)/ro2, where rO2=2.49×10-4/s mmHg [6]. The O2 wash-in and wash-out portions of △PO2(t) curves were fitted using exponential functions7, △PO2(t)=△PO2max×(1−e−t/τup) and △PO2(t)=△PO2max×e−t/τdown, to compute the time constants (τup and τdown) respectively, where △PO2max is the maximum △PO2 after switching air to 100% O2. The maximum intensity projection (MIP) of median percent signal enhancement (MPSE) over hyperoxic-breathing timeframes was used to quantify ventilation defect percent (VDP) automatically8. The repeated measurements of MPSEmax , △PO2max, τup and τdown were averaged to calculate the subject group statistics. Bland-Altman analysis with 95% limits of agreement (LOA) was used to evaluate inter-exam variations at 1.5T.
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